Brief Report on activities by the therapists at Shristi
Ms. Pushpalatha R: Being the senior therapist in the Autism unit, she is in charge of assessing all the beneficiaries and planning the IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) in consultation with parents and seeks their concurrence for implementing the same. She also provides in service training to 3 junior therapists and monitors the implementation of the program and provides feedback to the Technical Director.
She is very innovative and has introduced new vocational skill training – Stained Glass Painting and jewellery making for Autistic Individuals. The children are very enthusiastic in learning these skills. She also heads the cultural team at Shristi and has trained children in various dances both solo and group dance and fancy dress. Participation by the kids at competitions has resulted in winning laurels for Shristi.
Ms. Jayakumari G M. As senior therapist in the Vocational Training Unit at Shristi, Jaya is instrumental in assessing the skills of Mentally Challenged adolescents to be initiated into training in various trade skills. She ensures implementation of the IEP, along with appropriate involvement/cooperation by the parents of the beneficiaries in developing appropriate like skill training and work place behavior.
She was also deputed for higher training to National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped to train in Post school preparation for adolescents with Mental Retardation. The training has resulted in enriched knowledge and thereby improved implementation and management of the program.
She ensures the musical talents of the kids are given the right impetus leading to them showcase the same along with developing healthy leisure skills.
Mr. Ravisha C M As the second vocational instructor in the Vocational Training Unit, he is instrumental in assessing the skills of mentally Challenged adolescents to be initiated into training in various trade skills along with Ms. Jayakumari. He was also deputed for higher training to National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped to train in Educating children with Mental Retardation and Sensory Impairments. Through this training Shristi would also be able to reach out to mentally challenged children with mild hearing /visual impairments in the future.
He heads the Sports team of Shristi and plans the various physical training required for the kids to participate in sports – running, long jump, shot putt, relay cricket, etc. The kids trained have participated in inter school competitions and won prizes.
Ms. Sujatha N Being the senior therapist in the pre-vocational training unit, she enhances pre-requisite skills like fine motor, functional academics and other skills necessary for moving on to Vocational Training. Her firm but gentle handling and ability to motivate the children has them eager to get going with the actual production of various products especially spiral note books and diya painting and packing.
She would shortly start implementing regular Yoga therapy for all the kids.
Ms. Abitha R Abitha, with 5 years teaching experience alongwith in-service training and attending workshops regularly, works with the infants and pre-schoolers at Shristi.
A cheerful and lively, dedicated person she has been instrumental in bridging developmental delays in the kids consistently. She was deputed for higher training to National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped to train in School Readiness Development for ensuring Inclusive Education.
She plans IEPs and implements the same with regular feed back and follow-up with the parents and reports to the Technical Director.
She is very involved and dedicated in her commitment to the special kids and actively participates in all activities of Shristi.