Métro 2 Rouge Module 5 Une semaine à Paris
Unité 1 pp78-79 L’invitation / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Arranging a visit
Grammar / vouloir, all forms present tense
aller + infinitive (revision)
au / à la / à l’ / aux (revision)
(Programmes of Study – 2008) / 2.1a identify patterns
2.2a listen for gist/detail
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2i reuse language they have met
3c apply grammar
4e use a range of resources
4g language for a range of purposes / 1a, 1b
1c, 2b
2c, 2d
1c, 2d
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4–5 / Note details about plans from a telephone call and from conversations / 1c, 2b
Speaking / AT2/3–4 / Make arrangements and express preferences about where to go / 2c
Reading and responding / AT3/4 / Understand e-mails about plans for a trip / 1a
Writing / AT4/4–5 / Write an e-mail or a letter including future plans / 1b, 2d
Key language / je vais partir …
Je vais aller an France. Nous allons prendre le train.
Je préfère aller à la tour Eiffel / au musée du Louvre / aux magasins.
Nous voulons aller à Paris.
Je veux bien. Je ne veux pas y aller.
ICT Opportunities / Exploring the internet:, TG p106
Exchanging e-mail messages: TG pp105–106
Reinforcement / Workbook, p43, p50 ex 1, p51
Resources / Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 1
R & A File: worksheet 1, p93
Flashcards 90–96: sights in Paris
Métro 2 Rouge Module 5 Une semaine à Paris
Unité 2 p80-81 On va à Paris / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about how to get to Paris
Grammar / y
mon / ma / mes, ton / ta / tes, son / sa / ses (revision)
(Programmes of Study – 2008) / 2.1d work out meaning
2.2a listen for gist/detail
2.2b skim and scan
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2h redraft to improve writing
3c apply grammar
3e different countries/cultures
4f language for interest/enjoyment / 1a, 1b
1c, 2b
1d, 3a
1d, 3b
1b, 2a
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/3–4 / Understand details of trips from conversations / 1c, 2b
Speaking / AT2/3–4 / Talk about details of holiday plans / 1d, 2c, 3a
Reading and responding / AT3/3 / Understand short notes about holiday plans / 2a
Writing / AT4/3–4 / Write and redraft a résumé of short interviews about holiday plans / 3b, 3c
Key language / Je vais à Paris. Tu y vas seul(e)? Non, j’y vais avec ma classe.
J’y vais avec mes parents / ma classe / mes copains / seul(e).
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: interview, discuss preparations for a long journey
Word processing: redrafting, TG p110
Reinforcement / Workbook, p44, p50 ex 2
Extension / À toi!, PB p123
Resources / Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 2
R & A File: worksheet 6, p98, skills, pp100–101 (asking questions)
OHT 28
Métro 2 Rouge Module 5 Une semaine à Paris
Unité 3 pp82-83 À Paris / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Getting to know Paris
Grammar / high numbers (dates)
(Programmes of Study – 2008) / 2.1c knowledge of language
2.2k deal with unfamiliar language
3a spoken and written language
3e different countries/cultures
4d make links with English / 1a
1a, 2
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4 / Recognise monuments from a description; understand where someone has been and their opinion of it / 1b, 1e
Speaking / AT2/2 / Compare answers from a listening task about Paris monuments with a partner / 1c
Reading and responding / AT3/4 / Understand longer texts about Paris monuments / 1a
Writing / AT4/4 / Complete a text about a Paris monument / 2
Key language / On va, nous allons, nous sommes allé(e)s, à la tour Eiffel, à l’Arc de triomphe, à l’avenue des Champs Élysées, à la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, à la Grande Arche de la Défense, au musée du Louvre, à la Cathédrale Notre-Dame, au Sacré-Cœur.
ICT Opportunities
Reinforcement / Workbook, p45
Extension / En plus, PB p90–93
Resources / Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 3
R & A File: worksheet 2, p94; worksheets 4–5, pp96–97
Flashcards 90–96: sights in Paris
OHTs 29 and 30
Métro 2 Rouge Module 5 Une semaine à Paris
Unité 4 pp84-85 Prenez le métro / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Getting around in Paris
Grammar / /
(Programmes of Study – 2008) / 2.2g write clearly and coherently
2.2k deal with unfamiliar language
3a spoken and written language
3e different countries/cultures
4a use language within the classroom
4b communicate in pairs etc.
4d make links with English
4g language for a range of purposes / 2b
1a, 2a
1b, 2a
1a, 3
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4 / Understand a conversation about which métro to take / 1b
Speaking / AT2/4 / Ask and answer questions about which métro to take / 3
Reading and responding / AT3/4 / Understand details of plans and follow on a map / 2a
Writing / AT4/3–4 / Write instructions about which métro to take / 2b
Key language / Je voudrais voir le tour Eiffel.
Je voudrais faire un tour des monuments / visiter un musée.
pour aller à / au / à la / aux,
vous êtes à …, vous prenez …
changez à …, descendez à …
la ligne, direction
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: web pages – introduce transport system of a particular town
Reinforcement / Workbook, p46
Extension /
Resources / Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 4
R & A file, worksheets 3–5, pp95–97
Flashcards 90–96: sights in Paris
OHT 31
Métro 2 Rouge Module 5 Une semaine à Paris
Unité 5 pp86-87 Le journal de Daniel et Eleanor / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about what you have done in Paris
Grammar / perfect tense with avoir and être (revision)
(Programmes of Study – 2008) / 2.1d work out meaning
2.2g write clearly and coherently
2.2j adapt previously learned language
3c apply grammar
3d use a range of vocab/structures
4c use more complex language
4e use a range of resources / 1a
1b, 2
1a, 2
Contexts / The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/5 / Understand a longer text about what people did in Paris including their opinions / 1b
Speaking / AT2/4–5 / Discuss what people did in Paris from picture cues / 1a
Reading and responding / AT3 / /
Writing / AT4/4–5 / Research and write about a visit to Paris using the perfect tense / 2
Key language / je suis allé(e) / nous sommes allé(e)s j’ai vu , nous avons vu
j’ai visité , nous avons visité j’ai fait , nous avons fait
j’ai mangé , nous avons mange j’ai bu , nous avons bu
j’ai acheté , nous avons acheté
Pardon, monsieur, madame, pourriez-vous m’indiquer comment aller …?
Pouvez-vous répéter, s’il vous plait?
Merci madame, monsieur.
C’était super / intéressant / genial / ennuyeux / fatigant / pas mal.
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: multi-media presentation – describe a difficult journey
Using the internet,, TG p119
Word processing, copying and pasting images , TG p119
Reinforcement / Workbook, pp47–49, p52
À toi!, PB p122
Extension / En plus, PB p92
Resources / Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 5
R & A File: grammar, p99, skills, p101
Flashcards 90–96: sights in Paris