MIS3502 Project Document #1
Project Name: Operation Finkelstein
Scenario: You are to design a system to be used by the MIS Department to acknowledge and/or reward high performing students. The mechanism for doing so will be as follows: students may register a mobile app on their smartphones. A system administrator in the MIS department can provide an activation/registration code to the student and also pick registered students to receive one or more affirmations (“Good Job!”, “Way to go”, “Congratulations on your Achievement”, etc.) The administrator may choose one or more affirmations from a standard group, or add an affirmation that is unique to the student.
When the student walks past one or more digital signage locations, the affirmation will be broadcast for the student (and all those nearby) to see. If multiple affirmations are assigned to the student, randomly choose one affirmation to display. The system will recognize the presence of the student using the geolocation of the registered device.
(For an explanation why project is called “Operation Finkelstein”, please see the name “Nat Finkelstein” in this article: )
Next steps:
Choose your team. Teams must be made of 2 or three members. The team you choose for deliverable #1 will be your team for the rest of the semester.
Reference the Use Case diagram we create on the first day of class.
Requirements for deliverable #1:
- Schema: A schema diagram that describes the SQL tables, columns, data types, and relationships that represent the system you will build.
- Use Cases: A use case spreadsheet that details the actions that different users will take.
- MVC Structure: A single compressed file (that is, a *.zip file) that contains the folders and file names that will be needed to build the solution.
Submission Guidelines
Email the instructor () with all three attachments. The subject of the email must be “MIS3502 Project”. You must cc: your teammate(s) on the email.
The email must be sent by 11:59 pm on the day the deliverable is due.
Every team is working on the same project, so similarities in the team solutions are to be expected. However, each team is encouraged to put their own unique “spin” on their solution. Also, it is understood that your solution will adapt and change as the semester progresses. You are not bound to deliver each and every piece of functionality exactly as you described it in your use case spreadsheet. Generally, what the instructor is looking for in deliverable #1 is a thoughtful, thorough and (somewhat) realistic approach to the problem.
Grading is described in detail in the course syllabus.