Company Registration Form
Fall 2016 MCOBA Internship & Career Fair
October 19, 2016
Company Name: ______
Mailing Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip:______
Phone: ______Fax: ______Website: ______
Contact Person: ______Title: ______E-mail: ______
Please choose one of the following:
My company will sponsor and participate in the Internship & Career Fair (registration fee is included as part of sponsorship).
Please indicate your sponsorship level below:
Gold ($1000) (Company logo printed on promotional banners,yard signs, flyers, digital signage, social media, and website; up to one-half day in Moody Hall Lobby to meet students and promote company; opportunity to participate in Internship Panel Discussion)
Silver ($500) (Company logo printed on promotional banners, digital signage, social media, and website; opportunity to participate in Internship Panel Discussion)
Bronze ($250) (Company logo printed on digital signage, social media, and website; opportunity to participate in Internship Panel Discussion)
Amount Enclosed: ______
My company will participate in the Business Internship & Career Fair. (Please note that an extra fee of $10 will be charged for each additional recruiter.)
Registration Fee due: $50 Amount Enclosed: ______
My company will NOT participate in the Business Internship & Career Fair this semester but is interested in future fairs.
My company will NOT participate in the Fair but is interested in posting an available position.
Primarily recruiting for: Internships Careers Both
Name of Recruiter: ______UL Alum? Yes No
Title: ______E-mail: ______
Name of Recruiter: ______UL Alum? Yes No
Title: ______E-mail: ______
(Use back of form for additional recruiters)
Large display materials/banners? YES NO Require electrical outlet? YES NO
Need more than one parking space? YES NO If so, how many? ______
Are you interested in conducting interviews after the fair on campus? YES NO
Return with payment to:
Post Office Box 43696
Lafayette, LA 70504
(***Please make checks payable to “Moody College of Business Administration Internship Program”)