Gods and Goddesses Report

1.  Choose a Roman god, Greek god, or a topic related to Greek culture that interests you. Sign up with Mrs. Henry to have your topic approved. Here are some possible topics to choose from:

Greek Culture: Greek clothing, Greek weapons, Greek architecture, Greek laws and customs, Greek religion, Greek music and musicians, Greek literature, Greek philosophers, famous Greeks, or any other subject related to Greek culture.

Roman Gods Greek Gods

Apollo Minerva Apollo Athena

Bacchus Neptune Dionysus Poseidon

Ceres Pluto OR Demeter Hades

Cupid Proserpina Eros Persephone

Diana Saturn Artemis Cronus

Fortuna Venus Uranus

Janus Vesta Aphrodite

Juno Vulcan Hera Hestia

Jupiter Zeus Hephaestus


Mars Ares

Mercury Hermes

2.  You will need six index cards. Three will be used for information on your goddess (symbol, heritage, and stories/myths they are in) and three will be used for your bibliography (one book, one encyclopedia, one online source). You must use MLA format and properly label each of your index cards. (5 points each 30 points total) Standard: W1.3 Research techniques

3.  You must write a one paragraph summary on your god or goddess. This must be Jane Schaffer format, MLA format, 12 point font, Times new Roman, and proofread. You will attach this paragraph to your poster. (30 points) Standard: Con 1.3 English control and usage

4.  You will need to create a poster of your god/goddess or your culturally relevant theme. Your poster must be in color. It must have several pictures on it. The poster should clearly list your god or goddess (both the Roman and Greek name) or element of Greek culture. Clearly explain what they are the god/goddess of. It can be printed out or drawn. (30 points)

Six index cards: _____/30


One paragraph summary:______/30


TOTAL: ______/90

Poster (in color): ______/30
