St Mary's Church Arnold

Welcome to St Mary's. Please join us for coffee after 9.15am in the Family Centre or 11am at the back of church. If you are new, please make yourself known to one of the service leaders or wardens.
A collection is taken during the services.

Sunday March18th Lent 5 Passiontide begins

Morning Readings: Jer 31:31-34 p794, Heb 5:5-10 p1204,
John 12:20-33 p1080.
9.15am / Morning Communion
Hymns: 146, 445, 190, 519, 325 / Preacher: Annie Hill
11.00am / Morning Gathering
with Thanksgivings/Blessings / Preacher: Annie Hill
6.00pm / Sacred Space / Led by Rev Margaret Caunt

Next Sunday March 25th Palm Sunday

Our Palm Sunday service starts at 9.00am on the car park next to the swings. We shall bless the Palms and process to church for the service at 9.15am.

Morning Readings: Isaiah 50:4-9a p738, Phil 2:5-11 p1179,
Mark 11:1-11 p1015.
8.00am / BCP Holy Communion / Preacher:Canon Sylvia Griffiths
9.15am / Morning Service
9am Assemble to process in Car Park / Preacher: Canon Sylvia Griffiths
11.00am / Gathered Communion / Preacher: Canon Sylvia Griffiths

General Information and Notices

Lent Tower Appeal - to clean the tower and make it pigeon proof. Purple envelopes are available at the back of church.

Easter Flowers
Thank you to all those who contributed to the flower fund, but it is getting rather low again as the Christmas pedestals were very expensive. If you would like a pedestal done in remembrance of a loved one or for an anniversary, there is a list on the back of the board by the main door. Please sign the appropriate week The price is £20 per pedestal. - Many thanks Pam and Neil.

Why not join us for midweek communion? These are on 1st Wednesday of each month at 10amfollowed by a ‘cuppa’.

The clergy surgery on 3rd Wednesday of the month 6pm-8pm. Surgeryis to book weddings, baptisms and for anyone who needs a word with the vicar. Longer appointments can still be made with the vicar in the usual way.

Envelopes--If you use the regular collection envelopes, please collect the new envelopes for 2018/19 from the back of the church. Names are on the boxes.

Remembrance Book

The time has again come to add new entries to the Remembrance Book. This will be done before Easter Week. If you would like a name to be added, please obtain an Application Form from a warden or on the table at the back of church and return to Michael Bolton by Friday 23rdMarch.

Hot Cross Bun and Coffee Morning

Saturday 24th March 10.00 to 11.30 am at 9 Lodge Close, Redhill. The proceeds to be put towards Diocese of Lesotho church building project.

There will be: cake stall; bring & buy; and raffle. All contributions will be gratefully received.Tickets £1.

Man Alive breakfast which is to be held on Saturday April 28th 8.15 – 10.30 am (including breakfast) at Betel Community Church.Keynote speaker: Nick Harding, Diocesan Children’s Ministry Adviser.Venue: Betel Community Church, Rawson Street, New Basford, Nottingham, NG7 7FR

Items for the pew sheet need to be sent to Lucille Porter by Tuesday. 07833 781770 or Or email:


AROUND THE PARISH ….In our prayers this week we pray for those who live and work in Goddard Court, Goodwood Avenue, Gorman Court, Graveney Gardens, Greaves Close, Grenville Rise andHadston Drive.

Long Term Care

Please pray for: May Terry, Ella Wilson, John Shooter, Heather Christian, Susan Bloomfield and Mary Whitehurst.

Recent Illness

Margaret and Norman Simpson, Cynthia Gorman, Eddie Smith, Julie Ellis, Emma Spencer, Christine Smith, Kathleen Millward and Margaret Lockyer.

The family and friends of those who have recently died:
Michael Truman,Joyce Smith,Dennis Smith, Joe Wildgustand Pamela Williams.

Suggested daily Bible Readings for week beg Mar 19th:

Mon: Matt13:54-end,Tues: Heb11:32-12:2, Wed: Heb12:3-13,

Thurs: Heb12:14-end, Fri: Heb13:1-16, Sat: Heb13:17-end.

Other Prayer Items:

-Please continue to pray for HOPE 2018. This is a nationwide initiative to reach out to our community with the Good News of Jesus. Please see the St Mary's website for links to their monthly Prayer Diary for 2018.

-Please continue to pray for St Mary's Finances which are causing some concern. There is a gift day planned for Sunday 29thAprilhere at St Mary's. Please be praying about how much you may be able to offer in thanksgiving.

Growing Disciples Prayer

Lord, take us from where we are,to where you want us to be; make us not merely guardians of a heritage, but living signs of your coming Kingdom. Fill us with that faith, hope and love which embody the Gospel; and through the power of the Holy Spirit make us one. That the world may believe, that your name may be enthroned in our nation,that your church may more effectively, be your witnesses. We commit ourselves to mission, love and service, in your name and for the sake of your Kingdom. Amen.

Job Shop, Volunteering, Training

1Can you helpUSon a Sunday morning or evening once a month?

We need someone who can help at 11am on a Sunday morning once a month.You will not be expected to plan a session, just be there and assist.

We are very short of people on a Sunday evening to run Rock Solid and R2, (PTO)

  • Rock Solid(agedten to thirteen meet from 6.30pm to 8pm)
  • R2(aged fourteen to eighteen meet from 7.30pm to 9pm).

You will not be expected to plan.Please can you give this some thoughtand prayer as we are really struggling to keep all these groups going at the moment.

2 hoping to do Time Travelling ActivityWeek this year, but it will depend on how many helpers we can pull together. Would everyone look at their diaries and let us know if they can help:

Time Travelling on any of these date; 25th, 26thor 27thof April (it will be 3 sessions, one full day half a day)

Activity Week please book yourselves in to help us if you can on Monday July 30thFriday August 3rd Contact Andrea Sands email

Thank you

3TOTS SOS… Do you have an hour or so to spare on a Tuesday afternoon once a month to help with refreshments for Tots in the Family Centre? This will not involve provision of food or drink just expertise in wielding the tea pot and squash bottle. If so please could you contact me on 9533429 or see me in Church.Jackie MansfieldThank you

Want to join a Homegroups or Saints Alive Course?

- contact Vicar Margaret.

WHAT’S ON week beginning 19thMarch

Monday / 9.00am / Morning Prayer
Tuesday / 2.00pm
7.30pm / St Mary's Tots
Community Cinema - Victoria and Abdul
Wednesday / 9.00am
2-4pm / Morning Prayer
Church open
Thursday / 9.00am / Morning Prayer
Saturday / 8.30am
10.00am / Time for Prayer in Church
Hot Cross Bun Coffee Morning 9 Lodge Close
Sunday / 6.30pm
8.00pm / Rock Solid Youth Club
R2 Youth Club

Staff Team Contacts

Vicar: Rev Margaret Caunt 0115 967 3805

Children &Youth Ministry: Andrea Sands 01159202023

Church Wardens:David

Mary Norris

PCC Sec: Larrie Thompson 01159673331

Parish Admin:Janice Yelland-Sutcliffe 0115 920 9848 (Office)

Tuesday 9am – 1pm Other hours – vary throughout the week.

Find out more about us and what's going on at