MINUTES ofthe Council meeting held on Wednesday 6th January2016at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen


Councillor J. Matthews (Mayor)
Councillor M.Harvey (Deputy Mayor) / Councillor J. McNeill
Councillor S. Bunney / Councillor T. Smith
Councillor K. Bridger / Councillor C. Turner
Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth / Councillor R. Mortlock-French

In attendance: Faye Lambkin-Smith –Town Clerk

One member of public

District Councillor Hugo Marfleet

Stephen Johnson took the prayers before the meeting commenced

PCSO Neal Evans

1.Mayor’s opening remarks

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished everyone a Happy New Year.

2.To accept Apologies for absence

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council advised his fellow members that Councillor Natasha Travis has resigned from Market Rasen Town Council due to personal circumstances.

The Town Clerk reported that the District Council have been notified of this resignation.

3.Public Participation.

A member of public reported that the Church Mill Development (Caistor Road) needs to be developed and enquired into the Town Council’s plans for this area.

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council reported that Market Rasen Town Council do not own or control this land.This is a matter for residents of Church Mill and the Environment Agency.

The member of public and a councillor commented that a plan was in place for this development and that details should be in the Town Council office.

Action Point: Town Clerk to try and locate plan.

a)Report from Lincolnshire Police (PCSO’S)

PCSO Neal Evans presented incidents figures for last month (December) and explained the background behind the figures.

PCSO Neal Evans reported that there was low crime over the Christmas and New Year period and is pleased to see that the Public Watch Scheme is working in the town.

Councillor Mortlock-French asked with PCSO Neal Evans to set up a meeting with him, followed by a meeting of the Police Community Panel.

PCSO Neal Evans agreed to arrange meetings.

The Council thanked Neal Evans for his attendance and report before he left the meeting.

4.Councillors’ reports:

  • Councillior Mortlock-French reported on blocked drains – Legsby Road (outside cemetery), sign lent against fence on Linwood Road and that a report has been received on speeding on Linwood Road.
  • Councillor Bunney reported that now that it is the end of the Christmas period we will need to look at addressing the press issue and look into purchasing a string of lights for down the high street (on buildings) so that there is more light up the high street. Power supply will need to be looked at in the first instance which may mean that an electrical survey is needed.
  • Councillor McNeill asked if residents have been approached regarding reactive signs and reported that the lay-by at De Aston School seems to have alot of litter etc..

Actions Points: 1. Town Clerk to report drain problems and road sign. 2. Look into getting an electrical survey. 3. Approach residents when we have decided on our two sites for the reactive signs. 4. Speak to West Lindsey District Council regarding arranging road sweeper (De Aston School end).


5.To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the localism Act 2011 and to receive any applications for dispensation in relation to Disclosible Pecuniary Interests. .

No interests declared.

6.Notes of the last meeting held on 2nd December 2015

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the 2nd December 2015 be approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting subject to the below amendments.

  • Agenda Item 7(Matter arising from the Minutes) bullet point three should be changed to read that Councillor McNeill reported that he did raise with West Lindsey District Council the matter of moving the bollards to make the entrance wider at the car park opposite the doctor’s surgery but the District Council were not immediately going to look at this as they are reviewing car parks.
  • Agenda item 16c (De Aston Field) be changed from guides to guards.

7.Matters arising from the Minutes

Minutes of the 2nd December were reviewed and the following was highlighted on.

  • . Clock in the Co-op Car Park still not working
  • Street light still not working in the Festival Hall Car Park
  • Double yellow line in the Town were discussed
  • It was asked if an email had been sent to West Lindsey District Council summarising the Council’s understanding on the outcome of meeting held on Monday 30th November 2015.

Action Points: Town Clerk to continue reporting clock (co-op) and the light that is not working in the Festival Hall Car Park to West Lindsey District Council.

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council reported that an email has not yet been sent to West Lindsey District Council following meeting 30th November 2015 but this will be done.

8.Chairman’s announcements.

The Mayor announced that he attended the following:

  • Mayor’s Charity Evening – Friday 4th December 2015. The Mayor thanked everyone who helped.
  • Town Council Christmas Lunch – Sunday 6th December 2015.
  • A lunch in aid of Motor Neurone Disease
  • Carol Service
  • Visited The Poplars and Waterloo House on Christmas Day
  • Passive signs have been erected.

It was RESOLVED that a letter be sent to Jayne Bedford thanking her for her exceptional efforts and dedication with the Mayor’s Charity Event on Friday 4th December, the event was a great financial success and her work has been much appreciated by citizens of Market Rasen.

Action Point: Town Clerk to send letter to Jayne Bedford.

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council further reported on the Town Clerks CILCA progress. The Town Clerk was ill for a week in December therefore will be back on track with CILCA in January/February 2016.

Councillors commented that if we have a spare passive sign can we put one on Linwood Road.

Action Point: Town Clerk to investigate this as this was not one of our approved locations.

9.Town Clerk’s Report

Please see PAPER A which the Town Clerk previously distributed with the agenda pack.

Councillors commented on the problems with dog waste on De Aston Field and people not disposing of dog waste in the correct bins. Councillors felt that we need to be careful on this and to ensure that our employees when emptying bins are provided with the correct protective clothing and training.

Action Points: Town Clerk to look into this and also contact Simon Smoothly at West Lindsey District Council regarding the matter.

The Council noted that residents will be approached regarding the reactive signs when these are delivered.

The Town Clerk reminded members of LALC training dates which are attached to the Town Clerk’s report.

As part of the Town Clerk report the Clerk provided members with a list of Planning Training dates which West Lindsey District Council are holding in Gainsborough and also reported that she has been advised by the Finance and Facilities Clerk that the Market Rasen Art Group contract comes to an end this month (31st January 2016) so the Council need to decide if they are renewing their agreement for the use of the Magistrates Room for another six months.

It was RESOLVED to renew contract with the Market Rasen Art Group for the use of the Magistrates Room for another six months starting the 1st February 2016 at the same rate (£10 per month).

Action Point: Town Clerk to write to the Market Rasen Art Group advising them of agreement.

10.Receive the Report of the County Councillor (if any)

Councillor Marfleet reported on the following:

  • Devolution Bid and the governance in place indicate the need for a Mayor of Lincolnshire. This has caused some concerns.
  • The budget cuts are worse than the County Council thought. Community to decide what service do we want left to run? Consultation is in place for this. It looks like we are no longer protecting front line services. A budget meeting has been arranged for February to discuss and explore further.
  • ` Details out from The Local Government Boundary Commission regarding electoral review of Lincolnshire. Market Rasen area looks good, looks like Market Rasen has come out better than was anticipated.

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council echoed Councillor Marfleet’s outcome on the boundary review for Market Rasen and agreed that Councillors feel thesame, this is a good outcome for Market Rasen.

11.Receive the Report of the District Councillors.

District Councillor Marfleet reported the following:

  • Car Parking is in a mess following the District Councils proposal to introduce charges; this will not affect all car parks. The District Council are trying to address this.
  • Would be nice to see money come back in Market Rasen. It would be good to catch up on history following the Market Rasen Development Fund 4.5m.

Councillor Bunney commented that we need more parking in Market Rasen and not to waste time in going back in history regarding the Market Rasen Development Fund 4.5m.

District Councillor McNeill clarified the proposed parking charges. The charges will be 35p for the first hour, 55p for the second hour, after 3.00pm it will be free and there will be no charge on a Sunday.

District Councillor Marfleet was thanked by the Town Council for his attendance.

12.To receive reports from Representatives to Outside Organisations including:

a)Twinning Association – Councillor Turner reported that there is an AGM meeting Friday evening and that she is considering going on the trip to France due to their being poor numbers.

b)Police Community Panel – Councillor Mortlock-French reported that she has been in contact with the Police and is trying to arrange meetings. Councillor Mortlock-French suggested taking some pressure of the PSCO’S on the process by reporting Police matters to Council meetings.

c)Market Rasen Development Trust –. No representative.

d)Walkers are Welcome–. No meeting.

e)West Lindsey Citizens Advice Bureau - No representative.

13.Accounts for Payment The Town Clerk distributed PAPER B at the meeting to all members.

It was RESOLVED to open a cost centre for the Speed signs with £3500 from earmarked reserves as previously agreed.

Action Point: Town Clerk to advise/remind the Finance and Facilities Clerk.

Councillor Bridger commented on payment BP383 Comfort Tech Limited and reported this needs to be done properly

Action Point: Town Clerk to speak to the Finance and Facilities Clerk about payment BP383.

It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts of £11,061.93 as listed in PAPER B.

14.To note general correspondence

The Town Clerk distributed PAPER C. Please see PAPER C for full details.

In Correspondence from Perkins George Mawer & Co it was noted that there are no objections to the erection of bike bars in the Market Place.

Action Point: Town Clerk to order cycle bars/racks.

a)Electoral Review of Lincolnshire (Boundaries)

Councillor Bunney agreed to prepare response on behalf of Market Rasen Town Council.

Action Point: Agenda Item for Finance and Facilities Committee, 20th January 2016.

15.To receive any items of importance to report from Committee Meetings.

There were no reports from Committees.

16.Progress reports from Projects Groups (Project Leader will bring this for discussion if clarification is required by the Council)

a)Market ( Cllr Bunney)

Councillor Bunney report that the Market Partnership has gone so Market can be removed from the Full Council Agenda.

Action Point: Town Clerk to remove Markets from the next agenda.

It was RESOLVED that the market money which is in the Co-op account approx £650.00 be transferred back to HSBC.

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of Council suggested keeping the Co-op account open and using it as a charity account starting May 2016.

Action Point: Town Clerk to advise the Finance and Facilities Clerk.

b)Festival Hall (Cllr Matthews)

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council reported that Nicola Marshall was appointed and a contract was issued to her and signed. Nicola Marshall started work on Tuesday 5th January 2016.

It was RESOLVED to open a cost centre for Consultancy Fees for £4000 in budget for the remainder of this year and £11750 for 2016/17 budget.

Action Point: Town Clerk to advise the Finance and Facilities Clerk.

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council reported the need for another telephone line at the Old Police Station (outgoing line).

The Council were in support of another telephone line.

Action Point: Town Clerk to investigate and arrange line.

i)To discuss and resolve on setting up a management steering group (working group) for the Festival Hall Project.

It was RESOLVED that the steering group will consist of the following members:

  • The Mayor
  • The Deputy Mayor
  • Councillor Bunney
  • Councillor Mortlock-French
  • Town Clerk

The steering group agreed to meet on Tuesday 12th January at 10am at De Aston School.

Action Point: Town Clerk to advise Nicola Marshall of meeting date.

c)De Aston Field (Cllr Matthews)

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council reported on surface water and dog fouling at site.


17.Feedback from monthly surgery

Councillor McNeill reported that he forgotten to turn up.

Action Point:Cllr. McNeill to cover 3rd September, vacant due to a resignation

Councillor Smith reported that he attended the surgery and it was very quiet, the only matter that was raised was dog fouling.

18.To discuss and resolve to produce a Neighbourhood Plan

Councillor Smith presented a paper which was distributed to all members. Please see Paper D.

Councillor Smith and Councillor McNeill reported the following:

  • The Neighbourhood Plan is a growth plan
  • It has a legal power.
  • Control over development area
  • Can have a Neighbourhood Development Order which relaxes planning rules
  • If we have a Neighbourhood Development Order the Council can get finances of 25% of any new home upfront, without this order it is 15% upfront.
  • There are grants available and support from West Lindsey District Council.
  • Advantage – engaging with the population/community, have your say in developments etc
  • Disadvantages – costs and you will not please everyone.
  • Need office support, 5 hours a week for one year.
  • Welton’s Neighbourhood Plan has been very successful.

Councillors felt that if this was to go ahead and a steering group formed then Market Rasen Town Council would need to control /manage this group and take the lead.

Councillor Smith agreed to help on this, however said he is only able to help until schedule 16 as he is a member on West Lindsey District Council’s Planning Committee.

Councillor Matthews, Chairman of the Council announced that we need two dedicated town councillors for this project and we only have Councillor Smith who has come forward.

It was RESOLVED for Councillor Smith and Councillor McNeill to work on producing a statement/press release to go into the Market Rasen Mail to see what interest there is on a Neighbourhood Plan and see if anyone comes forward to help. This project needs to be steered as there is alot of work involved.

Action Point: Town Clerk to include on the next Council agenda - To approve statement/Press release.

19.To resolve on final precept figure for 2016/17

It was RESOLVED to set £106,406.87 as the precept figure for Market Rasen for 2016/2017 (0% inflation).

Action Point: The Finance and Facilities Clerk to send final precept request form to West Lindsey District Council.

20.Update on the Quickline Contract

The Town Clerk reported that it is time to review the contract for the mast. Quick-line are currently paying £1200(annually) but the new signed contract indicates it should be £1500(annually) therefore l would recommend we start invoicing them the new amount as per signed contract.

It was RESOLVED to accept the Town Clerk’s recommendation and that the new charge should start from the 1st January 2016.

Action Point: Town Clerk to advise the Finance and Facilities Clerk.

21.The meeting was adjourned for any public participation for clarification for agenda points (5 minutes)

22.Risk Management.

The following risks were highlighted:

  • If we do not go ahead with a Neighbourhood Plan then the Council will be stuck with National Planning and the Central Lincolnshire Plans.
  • De Aston Field – Dog fouling and surface water on site.

23.It was RESOLVED to move into closed session.


The Mayor declared the meeting closed at 9.20pm

Signed ......


Market RasenTown Council