Specialty Foods

Rancho Alamitos HS Room 210 period 7

Syllabus and Requirements- 2017

Welcome! I am excited you have decided to explore the exciting world of specialty foods. In this course, you will get an overview of the culinary industry; learn about various international cuisines, proper food handling, workplace safety, employment skills, job training, different cooking methods, classroom instruction and hands-on experience.

What I require of you:

-  Professionalism - Dedication

-  Respect - Effort

In Class Activities

Through out the semester, we will be doing in class activities. These will include “Opening Activities”, group assignments and projects, discussion questions, and other creative assignments. These are to be completed in class, not as homework. Your participation is expected in class activities and discussions.


As an integral part of the hands-on curriculum of this course, we will be utilizing the lab/ kitchen to cook on a weekly basis throughout the semester. Students will be working together in cooking groups and assigned various responsibilities. This aspect of class will rely heavily on teamwork, cooperation, time management, and listening skills. Students will be graded on their ability to follow directions, complete the required tasks, teamwork, effort, and following food handling and kitchen safety guidelines. Your participation is required. Proper dress is required or you will not be allowed to participate in that day’s lab.

*Cooking privileges will be revoked for any students that fail to follow kitchen and classroom rules. Cooking is a privilege, not a right.


Tests will be given periodically through out the semester. They will cover textbook work, as well as in class activities. You will be notified in advance when a test will be given. You will only be allowed to make up a test if you have an excused absence.

Final Project

Project will be assigned 4 weeks before the last class meeting. Project must be completed with a passing grade to pass the course.

All of the above assignments are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher.

If you need assistance with an assignment at any time, do not hesitate to ask. If you are having a problem completing an assignment, talk to me. I am flexible. If you need extra time, or had an emergency, talk to me before the due date on the assignment and we will try to work something out together!

Grading scale:

Formative 40%

Class work, Class Participation:

Listening, asking questions [when appropriate and necessary], reading, working independently on lab assignments

Food Lab Participation:

Cooking, reading and writing recipes, Following directions, cleaning up, Sanitation practices

Summative 60%

Quizzes, Exams, Final projects

Assessment is based on student performance in the following activities:

1. Practical and written evaluation of each unit completed

2. Lab evaluations by instructor and peer group for completion of the following:

Food labs, participation, set up, clean up/ housekeeping practices and sanitation.

Students will be evaluated by their assigned lab groups and the instructor to determine their participation and lab grades for the day. This evaluation will be based on the students demonstrating or exhibiting the following skills; listening, following directions, wearing closed toed shoes (NO FLIP FLOPS OR OPENED TOED SHOES) wearing hair restraints (pony tail holders, hairnets, or hats) wearing apron, accuracy of recipe, teamwork, participation, clean up and sanitation procedures. No one will be released until the entire group has completed the lab and cleaned the kitchen and equipment.

3. Individual and Group Projects

*Completion of these projects is required to receive a passing grade.

4. Weekly/ Daily Completion of Assignments

Students are expected to read the required text and complete assignments at the end of each lesson or unit. Students will be quizzed weekly on the materials covered in each lesson. Most assignments are due at the end of the class period as books are not to be removed from the classroom. Books are available for use afterschool or during lunch when teacher is available.

5. Ethical Standards

Assignments must be completed individually unless otherwise directed by the instructor. Students will not copy the work of others or present work of others as their own. Failure to observe ethical standards may result in a failing grade or dismissal from the course.

6. Incomplete/ Returned or Missing Work

Any missing work due to absence, sports participation or suspension may be made up for full credit if returned by the arranged due date. Once the alternate due date has been arranged, if the assignment is not turned in as scheduled it will no longer be accepted for full credit. There will be a 10% reduction for each day it is late.


1. CA food handler certification

2. Final Exam

3. Competency Verification



• Student WILL ABIDE by ALL Kitchen/Lab safety Rules or be dismissed from class or lab for the day

• Hair restraints must be worn on cooking days (Ponytail Holders, Scrunchies, Hair Nets or Hat)

• Students must arrive on time and be prepared to train

• Participation is required; not optional

• Lab or Event Set Up and Clean Up is required by all students (No one will be released until the entire group has completed their lab and cleaned up after themselves)

• Cell phones, iPod and other devices are not permitted unless otherwise directed by instructor (THEY WILL BE CONFISCATED AND WILL ONLY BE RETURNED TO A PARENT)

• Horseplay is not permitted as this can cause injury to yourself, another classmate, or a guest (Failure to comply is grounds for immediate dismissal for the day or from the course entirely)

• All ROP/Classroom tools, utensil, or equipment must be treated with respect and care. If an item is lost/stolen or damaged the student will be held responsible and will be charged for the item (Failure to [ay may affect students ability to register for future classes or even graduate)


I______(Print), The parent of______(Print),

the student enrolled in Event Catering have read the above classroom rules, policies, and procedures and understand that failure to comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination (dismissal/removal) from the course


Student Signature Parent Signature Date