May 12, 2017

Dear Parents,

We will be discussing the beach and ocean life next week. Whales, octopuses, and hermit crabs will be included in our unit study. The children will learn how whales are like humans and how octopuses protect themselves. And why do those hermit crabs keep moving from house to house?

____The VIP activity involves putting water in two clear, plastic containers or any type of clear container. In one container, have your child add salt. Tell your child that the cup without the salt is like water in a pond or stream. The salted water is like the water in the ocean. Ask your child why the salt water is like ocean water. Have your child label the two cups with masking tape and a marker. One cup label should read “salt” and the other cup label should read “no salt.” Have your child draw a red line with a crayon or marker to mark the water level in each of the cups. Put the cups in a sunny windowsill. After several days, have your child check the cups. The levels of water should be going down slowly. As the water evaporates, ask your child how the cups are different. What is happening to the cup with salt? (The salt should be settling at the bottom of the cup.) Why is the salt settling at the bottom of the cup? Discuss with your child why we can’t drink seawater. (The salt makes us thirsty, and it could make us sick.)

____Have your child review the words on the kindergarten list by writing them in the air, on a soapy leg, and with paper and pencil. Your child should know and be able to quickly identify and write them before going to first grade. So review, review, review!

____I have read the following books (5 books or 50 minutes) to my child.






____Review: Review any skills that your child received a 1 or a 2 on.


____No “Communication Connection” for the rest of the year

____May 22-Yearbooks-$8.00 (cash only)-On sale

____Library books and leveled readers: Please return these as soon as possible.

____Thursday, May 25-Book Bash at 1:30

____Monday, May 29-Memorial Day-No school

____Tuesday, May 30-Field Day–Please dress your child in clothes that are appropriate for outdoors, put sunscreen and/or a hat on them, and send a bottle of water with your child’s name on it.

____Thursday, June 1st, at 8:15am is our Kindergarten Recognition program. Have your child wear “farm” clothing. We will have a short musical program. After the program, we will show a video presentation of the children. The celebration will take place in the gym. After the program, you may come to the classroom to get your child’s diploma. You may take your child home with you if you would like.

Friday, June 2nd, Monday, June 5th, Tuesday, June 6th-These will be early dismissal (11:00am) days for the children.

Your Partner in Education,

Alyson Fricks

Parent signature:

Child’s name: