Assignment 1
Development of an ER Diagram and Database Implementation
Weight 20%
To give you practical experience in using Entity-Relationship and Relational Database modelling techniques.
Due Date:
Monday of Week 7 (see Course Description for further dates and times).
Project Specification
The proprietors of WareMart Logistics have approached you and asked if you could design a database to help them manage their business. They would like you to create a conceptual data model of their business information requirements and would like to see how the model could be used to provide the answers to some commonly requested queries and reports.
WareMart has provided the following information that it believes may be relevant to your task:
· WareMart Logistics Pty Ltd operates a large warehousing and transportation business. It has a number of warehouses around the country.
· Each warehouse is referenced by a warehouse number, and WareMart would also like to record street, city, state and postcode details.
· Each warehouse has a number of employees and WareMart references them by use of a Staff ID. In addition they record surname, first name, date of birth, street, city, state, postcode and salary details.
· Each warehouse has a single manager and a manager is responsible for only one warehouse.
· Employees do not report directly to the manager but to a fellow employee who has been given supervisor status.
· Merchandise is stored in warehouse ‘locations’. Each location reference is made up of an aisle, shelf and bin number component. As an example you will find a carton of product number 123 (Printing paper) in location 13,2,1 which refers to aisle 13, shelf 2, and bin 1. WareMart wants to know the capacity of each location, as well as whether hazardous materials can be stored there.
· A product can be stored in more than one location within a warehouse and a location can hold more than one product.
· Products are assigned a department and each department is referred to by a department number. WareMart also stores the department name for each department. The other information WareMart requires for each of its products is the product number, a description of the product and its pack size
· WareMart requires also the information on what quantity of each product is on hand at any given warehouse ‘location’. The location capacity and quantity on hand is in terms of the pack size of the product stored there.
· Clients are allocated a client number and this along with the client name is recorded. In addition each client has a main address, but may also have several others e.g. postal address, deliver-to address, etc. The individual address details recorded are: street, city, state, and postcode.
· A client may place several merchandise requests and WareMart needs to know the date a request was placed as well as the quantity for each of the products on that request. Once a request is placed a picking list is generated. Picking staff use this list to fill the client request. The picking list also has a spot for the employee to enter their staff id, the date the product was picked and the quantity picked from that specific location.
You are required to design (using an E-R diagram) an entity-relationship model of the problem, convert the model into a relational model, and assess the normal form of each schema.
Assignment Submission
You should produce a single pdf file, created using Word, containing all of the requirements as specified within this document. Your lecturer will provide details of how the file is to be submitted within lectures.
The design document should contain:
1. A completed copy of the SITE Assignment Coversheet.
2. An appropriate title page that includes an acknowledgement of all students you have spoken to about the assignment.
3. A table of contents and automatically generated page numbers.
4. An entity relation (E-R) diagram that models the problem which includes:
a. all entities, relationships (including names) and attributes;
b. primary (underlined) and foreign (italic) keys identified;
c. cardinality and participation (optional / mandatory) symbols; and
d. assumptions you have made, e.g. how you arrived at the cardinality / participation for those not mentioned or clear in the business description, etc.
The E-R should be completed using the standards of this course (crow’s feet).
5. Normalisation of relations which identifies:
a. dependency diagram for each relation
b. the level of Normalisation achieved for each relation;
c. the reasons for any relation that is maintained NOT in 3NF.
6. Relational data structures that translate your E-R diagram which includes:
d. relation (table) names,
e. attribute (column ) names and field types (as required by WAMP),
f. primary and foreign keys identified;
The data structures should be shown using the standards of this course.
7. A bibliography, in APA format, containing all resources used to complete the assignment. If no resources have been used please indicate this appropriately.
Your assignment should be completed according to the University of Ballarat General Guide for the
Presentation of Academic Work. This is available online at the following web address:
Assessment Criteria
1. How clear and well-presented your submission is.
2. E-R diagram: adherence to our standard, assumptions made, inclusion of correct primary and foreign keys, appropriate entities, relationships, and attributes.
3. Normalisation: appropriate interpretation of each normal form, arguments for leaving the schema in the normal form you consider optimal.
4. Conversion of E-R diagram to relational schema: schema is a correct translation of the E-R submitted with appropriate tables, columns, and primary keys.
Assignment 1 – Marking Overview
ER Diagram / / 35Relational Structure / /5
Normalization / /15
Relational Schema / /10
Documentation / /5
Total / /65