Clarifications/Amendment in Request For Proposal (RFP) for procurement, installation and commissioning, maintenance/Technical-support of micrATM(POS) Devises Ref No. Tender No. 2014-15/05 dated 16/10/2014
With regard to point no. B 3.7 and 3.8 inPART 3 : INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS (IFB) of the RFP, it has been decided to publish the following clarifications/amendments, based on the pre-bid meeting held on 03/11/2014 at Nagpur as stipulated in RFP.
Original RFP point No. / Original matter / Clarified/Amended matterPart 3
3.4 e) / Letter from all the 3 Scheduled Commercial Banks/FIs/organizations where the projects have been implemented, confirming that microATMs with biometric-based authentication and pin-based authentication thru magswipe Card-readers attached to microATMs has been installed in their organization and are working satisfactorily. / Letter from all the 3 Scheduled Commercial Banks/FIs/organizations where the projects have been implemented, confirming that microATMs with biometric-based authentication has been installed in their organization and are working satisfactorily.
Part 4
4.16.3 / The maximum response time for a maintenance complaint from the site of installation (i.e. time required for Supplier’s maintenance engineers to report to the installations after a request call / fax /e-mail is made or letter is written) shall not exceed 2 (two) hours. / The maximum response time for a maintenance complaint from the site of installation (i.e. time required for Supplier’s maintenance engineers to report to the installations after a request call / fax /e-mail is made or letter is written) shall not exceed 6-8 (six to eight) hours.
Part 4
4.16.5 / The Supplier shall ensure that faults and failures intimated by Bank as above are set right within 4 hours of being informed of the same. / The Supplier shall ensure that faults and failures intimated by Bank as above are set right within 12 hours of being informed of the same.
Part 1 / Last Date and Time for Receipt of Bids at Vidharbha Konkan Gramin Bank(Address as given below / 17/11/2014 by 2.00 pm
Part 1 / Date and Time of opening of Technical Bids / 18/11/2014 at 4.00 pm
(S. T. Sawant)
General Manager