RCC General Meeting


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

12:00p – 2:00p


  1. Roll Call

All officers present.

  1. Announcements
  2. Party in the Parkway

Will be Jan. 24th (Thursday). 10-11am setup, 11-3pm main event, and 3-4 break down. 12-2 will probably be the big rush. There will be some free food there, and many people are expected.

  1. Leadership Conference – January 25 - presentation?

Friday Jan 25 11-4:30pm. Check in in the Ballroom. Keynote: Jefferson Smith.

One of the panels will have representatives from companies like Wieden+Kennedy, etc.

Presentations will be picked on Friday, and are still being accepted.

  1. Old Business
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. 11.26.07

Tabled until Peter sends them out.

  1. New Business
  2. Winter Term Training Preparation

In the future Jenny wants the Council officers to help more with this, and we will schedule a meeting at least a day before the meeting to finalize plans.

  1. Meeting Schedule for Winter Term

Jenny asked how the meeting time worked. It didn’t for Hans, so we moved it to Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30pm. That time was one of a few that worked for everyone, although Stevi said it was later than she’d like. We agreed to try it and we can move the time again if it doesn’t work out. Hopefully meetings will go fast so we can leave early.

  1. SFC Budget hearings – 1/14/08 from 2:30 – 3:00

All officers except Stevi can make it.

  1. Viewpoint Neutrality Training

Jenny will try to schedule this for a regular RCC meeting time, ASAP before we do budgets in Spring.

  1. Projects/goals for winter term – tabled.
  2. Next Meeting 1/16/08 from 12:00p – 2:00p

Time changed to Tuesday 1/15/08 6:30-8:30pm.

  1. Other stuff:

Peter suggested pushing up spring budget timeline so we have time to deal with unexpected delays (since this is our first time).

Jenny passed out draft RCC application.

TODO by Monday 1/14: review questions from SFC and response from Eric.

We decided that if the SFC asks what money to cut, we would suggest: cut the stipends and conference first, then last resort cut club’s budgets. At the hearing, Eric will do introduction, Hans will do overview, and others can answer questions as they arise.

Campus Rec budget hearing will be immediately after RCC budget hearing.

Future discussion items:

Think about – 1) what is a rec club, 2) who can be in a rec club,

3) elections process and 4) budget

  1. Adjournment

Adjourned at approximately 1:45pm.