Workers Educational Association

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Liverpool L3 9JR

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Course information sheet

The purpose of the template is to collect comprehensive course information for learners. They need this information to make an informed decision about whether the course is right for them.

The information collected will be entered onto the central database (weaMIS). Once collected, it can be extracted in different formats to meet particular learner needs. It will be available to learners at online enrolment, and can be printed off for use when advising learners prior to, or during, telephone or class enrolment.

Course Title: / Introduction to Community Reporting
Course Ref: / C3834107 / Tutor: Trowbridge, Hayley
Qualification gained
Awarding Body:
Venue: Toxteth TV (Liverpool)
Start date: 16/01/2013 / Essential materials
End date: 03/04/2013 / E.g. books and equipment to be provided by learner
No of sessions: 12
Hours per session: 2.5
Day(s)/time(s): Wed 18:00
Course Aims What is the course for? What is its main purpose? E.g. to provide a brief introduction to the principles of garden design, with a view to applying them in your own garden.
1. Initial skills audit and introduction to community reporting
2. Structuring community reports: The 5 W's
3. Basic photography skills
4. Producing a photograph-based report and introduction to blogging
5. Basic camera skills
6. Basic editing skills
7. Planning a community report
8-9. Producing a community report (filming)
10. Producing a community report (editing)
11. Producing a community report (editing and uploading to web)
12. Final skills audit, evaluation, screening and presentation
Aims: Provide learners with an understanding of how to produce community reports and enhance their digital media and ICT skills, as well as promoting more active involvement in their communities and providing a safe space for people to have a voice on issues that are important to them.
Entry Requirements: nterest in community reporting/learning ICT skills.
Progression Routes: he WEA and Toxteth TV offer a wide range of creative media courses and learners who complete the course can join a European wide community reporting network (speak to tutor for more details).
Course Description Summarise the course and its content in 100 words or fewer. This is an opportunity to “sell” your course to potential learners.
An introductory course into community reporting that covers the basics of photography and video reporting including image composition, image manipulation, filming techniques and video editing.
Entry Requirements E.g A basic knowledge of the French language, spoken and written. Would be suitable for those who have previously taken GCSE French or equivalent
Who is the course for? E.g. Learners with a prior knowledge of French who wish to improve their use of the language in a small supportive group, and with a fun element
For WEA members and Volunteers
For members of the local community interested in becoming a community reporter
Main topics covered List identifiable topics covered during the course, in order
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course learners will be able to:
1. Identify the conventions and principles of Community reporting
2. Usebasic principles and conventions of digital photography to create and blog a photograph-based community report.
3.Identify different shot sizes, angles and camera movements and use these when producing a community report.
4.Work as part of a team to plan a community report.
5.Work as part of a team to film a community report.
6.Work as part of a team to edit a community report.
7.Work as part of a team to upload a community report to a social media site and embed the report into a website.
Teaching and learning methods used
E.g. Role play, individual planned presentations, discussion, dictation, grammar exercises, reading French news articles, aural comprehension exercises


Course Information Sheet Template/ML&RG/April 10