Product description questionnaire - UKTI health technology showcase in China

Please complete and return to Dr. M. J. Rice based in the EU () and CC Yan in China (). They can support you with any questions regarding this form or the event itself.

If you have some products (including physical products, software systems, new technology and etc.)to be exhibited in the exhibition, please fill out the question form belowand attachsome product description documents (instructions, brochures, manuals)foreach product:

* This form and provided description documents are only accessible toorganizersof the exhibition, in orderto give them a general impressionof the product. This form is not the official application form. We will not disclose to any 3rd parties other than the organizers of the exhibition ineither legal or commercial uses without your authorization.

Q1:The official name of the submitter of this form?

Q2:The official nameof whom the product belongs to?

Q3:The official name/provisional name of the product?

Q4:The classification of the product?

  1. Major medical equipment
  2. Minor household medical equipment, apparatus, wearable device
  3. Prescription drug
  4. Non-prescription drug
  5. Health product, food, drink, and other non-pharmaceuticaledible product
  6. Other (to be explained)

Q5:Is this productphysical (to differentiate from software, APPs and other kinds of intellectual products)?

  1. Physical products (equipment, device, apparatus, medicine, food & drink, etc.)
  2. Intellectual products (software, APPs, applications and etc.)
  3. Other forms of product (description)

Q6:The current develop phase of the product?

  1. Concept design
  2. Technical results, drawings or patents, to be put into production
  3. Sample or has already been put into production, but not yet on the market
  4. Already on the market
  5. Other (description)

If the answer of Q6isD,

Then please answer Q6.1~Q6.3:

Q6.1:Is the product licensed for salein the local (national, regional) market?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Q6.2:Is the product licensedfor sale in China?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Q6.3:Is the possibility of selling the product via the official display& sale hall (B2B, B2C) or E-commerce platform (B2C) of the Chongqing bounded-port government interesting for you?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Q7:The purpose of you to participate in the exhibition (Multiple)

  1. Technology demonstration, product display and business promotion
  2. Looking for agent distributor of China’s market
  3. Looking for potentialJV partner(s)
  4. Looking for partner(s)to cooperate on technology (such as the transfer of technology and patent)
  5. Other (to be explained)