Updated 2-6-17

Multifaceted Student Assessment Plan

Name of District and Contact Person / Muncie Community Schools/Robin Peckinpaugh
Multifaceted ID Plan Components / Description
District Mission Statement for High Ability Program / The gifted student will understand, develop, and apply the skills of critical, logical, analytical, and creative thinking through the study of broad-based, multi-disciplinary problems, issued, and themes.
The gifted student will pursue accelerated, differentiated curriculum which will allow him/her to become producers of original, sophisticated, and innovative products.
The gifted student will accept, recognize, and respect the uniqueness of each individual’s views as he/she interacts cooperatively and responsibly with society
The gifted student will become more aware of his/her abilities as well as the needs he/she has in common with others in order to develop a positive self-concept.
Definition of High Ability Student / Indiana Definition: “A high ability student is one who performs at or shows the potential for an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment, and is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, or motivation.”
District Services for High Ability Students / Elementary: Muncie Community Schools offers a separate program for identified High Ability students at the elementary level. These classrooms are located at East Washington Academy.
Grades K-5 Themes:
Kindergarten – Exploration and Discovery
Grade 1 – Cycles
Grade 2 – Investigations
Grade 3 – Diversity
Grade 4 – Cyclic Patterns of Change
Grade 5 – Relationships
Middle: Both Southside and Northside Middle School offer separate Honor’s Classes including Humanities, Social Studies, Math & Algebra, and Science
High School: Muncie Central offers Honors, AP, and Dual Credit programs.
Honors English
Honors Geometry
Honors Biology
Grade 10 Honors English
Honors Algebra II
Honors Chemistry
Grade 11 Honors Pre-Calculus/Trig
Advanced Placement English Language and Composition
Advanced Placement Biology
Advanced Placement Chemistry
Advanced Placement Physics I
Advanced Placement U.S. History
Grade 12 Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition
Advanced Placement Calculus
Advanced Placement Physics II
Advanced Placement Economics (Macro and Micro)
Advanced Placement U.S. Government/Politics
Advanced Placement Psychology
Advanced Placement French IV
Advanced Placement Spanish IV
Advanced Placement Studio Art
Multifaceted ID Plan Components / Grade Level(s) that measure is given / Name of Measure
Norm-Referenced Aptitude Measure
(also referred to as ability or intelligence measure) / Initial Identification in Spring of K: / Beginning Spring 2017, Muncie Community Schools will initiate a district wide screening, utilizing the CogAt Screener. We will further evaluate the top 80% of our kindergarten students with the full CogAt.
End of Primary/Placement for Elementary: / ·  For the remainder of the elementary placements, we will continue to utilize a referral process based on data gathered from various sources, including: InView (CTB McGraw-Hill) – All students Grade 3 (InView will be replaced with CogAT grades Kdg, 2nd & 5th beginning 17-18)
·  Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), Candidate Pool, PK, 1-5
Placement for Middle School: / ·  InView (CTB McGraw-Hill)
Grade 6
Placement for High School: / Previously have utilized InView CSI scores
Norm-Referenced Achievement Measure (or other evidence of ability to perform above grade level) / Initial Identification in Spring of K: / 17-18 Adding NWEA
End of Primary/Placement for Elementary: / ·  NWEA file review
·  ISTEP+ Data
Placement for Middle School: / ·  ISTEP+ – Grades 6-8
·  Cumulative data from elementary school
Placement for High School: / ·  Cumulative data from middle school
·  PSAT data
Qualitative Indicators / Initial Identification in Spring of K: / ·  Kingore drawing sample (kindergarten)
·  Portfolio/work samples – PK-5 candidate pool
·  Teacher/parent recommendations and checklists
End of Primary/Placement for Elementary / ·  Teacher Recommendations PK-5
·  Parent Recommendations PK-5
Middle / ·  Teacher Recommendations 6-8
·  Parent Recommendations 6-8
High School / ·  Teacher Recommendations 9-12
·  Parent Recommendations 9-12
Selection Procedures:
Please describe how the complete process of how the measures and data are used to identify students.
Indicate whether or not the district tests each child at the grade level, and if not, describe the process by which students are referred to participate in the identification data collection process.
Describe how data from each of the measures are used in the identification process, including specific guidelines that are used for determining identification.
o  State all the pathways by which a student can be identified as high ability
o  Indicate if selection procedures are the same or different at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. If different, describe each process separately. / Elementary School Incoming KINDERGARTEN
·  Distribute information to pre-school agencies, newspapers, families of elementary students regarding the kindergarten selection process
·  Distribute packets
·  Secure permission
·  Prepare portfolios
·  Students are scheduled for testing
Spring 2017
KDG – District Wide Screening is being implemented for all kindergarten students using the CogAt Screener.
Following the screening, we will administer the remaining subtests of the full CogAt to the top 20% of our kindergarten students. The identification team will review the scores and consider students who score at the 90 percentile or higher.
Grades 1-5
·  Distribute information to school personnel regarding the identification process for gifted and talented services
·  Distribute recommendation grids to teachers for student referral for gifted and talented services
·  Develop pool of students referred to the gifted and talented program by:
·  Parent/s
·  Teacher/s
·  Other School Personnel
·  Pool is reviewed by the Director of the Gifted and Talented (High Ability) Program
·  Students are selected for testing from the pool based on:
·  Available standardized test scores
·  Teacher recommendations from grid sheets which reflect student performance and productivity
·  Parent letters are issued for permission to test
·  Parent check sheets are reviewed
·  Students are scheduled for testing
·  Testing is completed using the following instruments:
CogAT-Cognitive Abilities Test- This test helps identify gifted students in kindergarten through fifth grade. This test assesses students’ abilities in reasoning and problem solving using verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal (spatial) symbols.
·  Available school ISTEP+ standardized test scores are reviewed/NWEA data
·  All data are collected into portfolios
·  The Director of Gifted and Talented (High Ability) Programming narrows the pool after reviewing all data in portfolios
·  A team of teachers, no less than five and including at least one Gifted and Talented specialist, and the Director meet, review all portfolios information and identify students most in need of gifted and talented services
·  The Director conducts final review and notifies parents of students selected for the E.L.P. Program
·  Final exiting of the program must be approved by the Director of the Gifted and Talented (High Ability) program. This process is done in cooperation with the teacher, parent, administrator, counselor and director.
·  Virtually all ELP students who continue to meet the expected criteria are enrolled in the middle school honors program
·  Teachers of fifth graders complete recommendation grids
·  Teachers of general education students (Grades 6-8) complete recommendation grids for the upcoming school year
·  Honors Program teachers complete recommendation grids which review the performance of students currently in the program
·  Inquiry sheet is completed when:
·  A parent refers his/her child and asks for program consideration
·  Teachers of 5th graders complete referral form. Director reviews all data and identifies students most in need of gifted and talented services
·  Final exiting of the program must be approved by the Director of the Gifted and Talented program. This process is done in cooperation with the teacher, parent, administrator, counselor and director.
·  Virtually all students receiving middle school gifted and talented services who continue to meet the expected criteria, enroll in the high school honors courses and/or AP Program
·  Teachers of general education students complete recommendation grids for the upcoming school year
·  Honors Program teachers complete recommendation grids which review the performance of students currently in the program
·  Inquiry sheet is completed when:
·  A parent refers his/her child and asks for program consideration
·  Director reviews all data and identifies students most in need of gifted and talented services
Final exiting of the program must be approved by the Director of the Gifted and Talented (High Ability) program. This process is done in cooperation with the teacher, parent, administrator, counselor and director.
Multifaceted ID Plan Components / Description
Appeals Procedure / At this time, the parent may request a conference with the Director of the Gifted and Talented (High Ability) program, superintendent, and/or principal at any time. We are in the process of revising this process, and actually, the plan has been to meet with the family and develop a plan for the student, then remeet after a specified period of time to review the student’s progress.
Exit Procedure / Final exiting of the program must be approved by the Director of the Gifted and Talented (High Ability) program. This process is done in cooperation with the teacher, parent, administrator, counselor and director.