Assignment Begin Checklist


SmartLaborII Job Posting Number:
AC Name: / Assigned Worksite address (HPE site or remote if applicable):
Supplier: / HPE Building Assigned:
Supplier Contact (name, email, phone#): / Assignment Start Date:
HPE Engagement Manager (name, email):
Mandatory Conditions of Assignment Verification (provide completion dates for each requirement listed below in ‘mm/dd/yy’ format)
Background Check Completed
(if applicable) / __/__/____
Non-Disclosure Agreement/CDA signed / __/__/____
Not a citizen of Country groups E:1 and E:2, as identified in Supplement No. 1 to Part 740 of the U.S. Electronic Code of Federal Regulation here. If they are a citizen of one of these countries, we cannot proceed with engagement. / __/__/____
/ __/__/____
AC Orientation completed / __/__/____
Restricted Party List (RPL) checked* / __/__/____
CW Code of conduct training completed / __/__/____
Has contractor been an HP/HPE employee within the past 12 months? / Yes:
Has contractor been an HP/HPE employee, and terminated their employment via the Enhanced Early Retirement (EER) program, within the past 24 months? / Yes:
If yes, please provide the following:
Last day of HP/HPE employment: __/__/___
Former HP/HPE Manager’s name: ______
Has the contractor previously worked at HP/HPE as a contractor? / Yes:
If yes, please provide the following:
First work day of last assignment at HP/HPE: __/__/___
Last work day of last assignment at HPHPE: __/__/___
HP/HPE Engagement Manager Name: ______
Reason for assignment ending:______
/ Safety Training/Skill Verifications Received (please list all requested/mandatory trainings and skill verifications, check for completion and add date completed)______/__/______/__/______/__/______/__/______/__/______/__/______/__/______/__/______/__/______/__/______/__/____Security Clearance Check (if applicable) __/__/___
Drug Testing (if applicable) __/__/___ / __/__/____
*Reference for RPL Checklist website :

Assignment Order Details

Part 2 - Terms of Employment
(To be input by HPE or L2 Suppliers, and must be verified & confirmed by HPE)
Annual Leave(length of service cannot be more than 3 years for any Agency Contractor) / ______days per 12 months contractual Period
Length of service / Annual leave entitlement
Less than 2 years / 8 days
More than 2 years but less than 3 years / 12 days
Completion Bonus / Yes / No
(If ‘Yes’, Bonus of 1/2 (half) month basic salary will be paid upon completion of 12 months continuous service and meeting minimum performance standard. The bonus should be approved (by documented email) by the hiring manager as well as the HM’s N+1 and N+2. No invoices including bonus claims should be submitted upon reception of the above approvals. Supplier should keep track of those approvals in a situation of being audited.

Assignment End Agreement

  • Contractor will return all issued HPE Badge/Credentials as well as HPE Equipment (i.e. Laptop; Active Key; Router/Hub; etc.) within 5 working days after Assignment End Date. After this period, the Supplier will be responsible to assure the return of HPE Properties as well as the liability for replacement costs and/or agreed contractual penalties.
  • Contractor/Supplier Representative will be afforded 72 hours (3 Business days) after assignment End Date to collect personal belongings left at the HPE workplace. After this period, HPE will not be responsible for any such items or liable for associated replacement value.

Assignment Begin Checklist Signage

I, ____(HPE Approved Supplier Rep. name)______, the Supplier Representative of _____(HPE Approved Supplier name)__ , hereby verify that the above required Assignment Conditions have been completed prior to the start of __(AC name)______, an employee of __(HPE Approved Supplier name or Subcontractor Supplier name) _____, as an Agency Contractor with assignment at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Agency Contractor: ______

Date: ____/____/______

HPE Approved Supplier Representative: ______

Date: ____/____/______

To be completed by Subcontractor Supplier, if applicable

I, ____(HPE Subcontractor Supplier Rep. name)______, the Supplier Representative of _____(Subcontractor Supplier name)__ , hereby verify that the above required Assignment Conditions have been completed prior to the start of __(AC name)______, an employee of __(Subcontractor Supplier name) _____, as an Agency Contractor with assignment at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Subcontractor Supplier Representative: ______

Date: ____/____/______

Please attach to the SmartLaborII Work order

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Revised 19Jan2018