Curtis High School Physical Education Program
Fitness Weight Training
Mr. Housman
Welcome to Viking Strength and Conditioning!
Program Mission Statement: Our mission is to develop physically educated life-long learners who demonstrate the knowledge, physical skills, social confidence, and self esteem necessary to make healthy decisions throughout their lives.
Ï Attend class daily.
Ï Be on time.
Ï Be prepared to work everyday. Bring appropriate fitness attire and approved workout shoes. A sweatshirt is recommended for outside activities.
Ï Eat only in the cafeteria. Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the locker room or the fitness facilities. Water fountains are readily available.
Ï Electronic devices (ex. Radios, CD players, pagers, cell phones, games, etc.) are not permitted during physical education time.
Ï Keep your area in the locker room clean.
Ï Do not engage in physical or verbal violence. Learn to resolve your conflicts through mediation.
Ï Respect other people and school property. Do not abuse any of the PE equipment or any part of the PE classroom or locker room.
Ï Identify yourself to any staff member who requests your name. Hall passes are required before leaving the PE classroom.
Daily Schedule:
1. 3 Minutes: Get Dressed
2. 7 Minutes: Take Attendance/Warm-up and Stretch
3. 35 Minutes: Daily Activity
4. 10 Minutes: Clean-up and Change
Ï Daily Workout/Activity Log = 50%
Ø Workout logs will be provided on a daily basis and will need to be completed and placed in the student’s portfolio for 10 points each day.
Ø Excused absences may be made up. This will require coming in before or after school. Please schedule appointment ahead of time.
Ø Grades will be negatively affected by the following: Tardy, Absence, Poor attitude, Non-suit, Poor effort, Inappropriate attire, Disrespect, and Disruptive behavior.
Ø Students with medical excuses must bring a note from their doctor or parent/guardian. Students are encouraged to suit up and modify their activity rather than sit out and lose daily workout log points. Please call the school if an injury will be keeping the student out of PE for an extended period of time. Other arrangements will be made to accommodate the student.
Ï Portfolio, written testing, journaling etc. = 25%
Ø Written tests and homework will be given periodically throughout the semester.
Ø Workout logs will be provided on a daily basis and will need to be completed and placed in the student’s portfolio.
Ø Exercise Science Curriculum will be integrated into the daily conditioning class using various reading strategies. The units are: proper lifting techniques and safety, human anatomy and how it pertains to a strength program, proper nutrition and rest, specific training philosophies and programs.
Ï Fitness testing = 25%
Ø Fitness testing may include these components of physical fitness
· Body Composition
· Strength Testing
· Fitness Testing
· Agility, Speed and Muscular Endurance
Ø Fitness scores will be based on improvement and/or maintenance
Ï Student Outcomes
Ø The student will be able to recognize the components of physical fitness
Ø The student will be able to set goals in the fitness classroom.
Ø The student will be able to prepare for a lifetime of wellness.
Ø The student will be able to recognize the effects of media on health and fitness.
Ø The students will be able to understand nutrition and food nutrients and their effect on health.
Grading Scale:
92-100%=A 78-79%=C+
90-91%=A- 72-77%=C
88-89%=B+ 70-71%-C-
82-87%=B 68-69%=D+
80-81%-B- 67-60%=D
Curtis High School Fitness Department Expectations –General Guidelines
1. Be in the teaching station, suited up and ready for instruction within five minutes of the tardy bell.
2. Appropriate clothing for each class is required to include clean shorts, sweat bottoms, T- shirt or sweat shirt, and approved fitness shoes. Modest, proper fitting clothing is required, free of inappropriate or suggestive logos or comments. Cut off jeans or mini skirts are not appropriate.
3. Bring and use your own personal hygiene items.
4. Bring your own lock to secure clothing and gear. CHS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
5. Observance of school policy and class rules governing safety, care of equipment, attendance, class and locker room behavior will be enforced – this creates a safe and comfortable environment for everyone and allows and encourages the opportunity for success for all. Be responsible for your actions and care about others.
6. No use of disparaging language or gestures. This will create a pleasant atmosphere for everyone.
7. Report all injuries immediately. This is for your health and protection.
8. Obtain a pass to leave the teaching station – no exceptions. Observe the first ten last ten campus rule.
9. Remain in the locker room or teaching station until the passing bell or teacher dismissal.
Fifteen Rule
Participation – Non participation – Medical Make Up Policy
Any non -activity day or absences totally FIFTEEN days in one semester will result in a failing grade for the semester and loss of credit.
The fifteen days does include medical absences, excused absences, or medical documented non- activity days. Daily participation points for stated excused absences MAY be made up, unexcused absences and non suit days may not be made up.
Students MUST BE SUITED to participate.
Required fieldtrips and school related activities will not count against the fifteen rule when the teacher is notified IN ADVANCE by the student. Extended illness or injury may receive special consideration with proper and prompt medical notification. Medical absences or medical non-suits lasting more then three days should be excused in writing by a physician. The student or parent should make arrangements for medical non- participations within ten days of the student’s return to class. Make up work must be done for excused absences to receive credit.
The student will be notified at absent seven, and absent ten .
Make up options
Option #1
Complete a research project or special assignment that is approved by your Fitness Instructor. This is designed for medical or long term illness or injury students.
Option #2
Complete an approved physical activity at Curtis High School supervised by a CHS Health /Fitness Instructor. This will be specific to the class of instruction and the student will have two weeks to make up and excused absence only, typically done before or after school by appointment.
Essential Academic Learning Requirements—
Health and Fitness
1. The student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain an active life: movement, physical fitness, and nutrition.
To meet this standard, the student will:
1.1. Develop fundamental and complex movement skills as developmentally appropriate.
1.2. Safely participate in a variety of developmentally appropriate physical activities.
1.3. Understand the concepts of health-related physical fitness and develop and monitor progress on personal fitness goals.
1.4. Understand the relationship of nutrition and food nutrients to physical performance and body composition.
2. The student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain a healthy life: recognize patterns of growth and development, reduce health risks, and live safely.
To meet this standard, the student will:
2.1. Recognize patterns of growth and development.
2.2. Understand the concept of control and prevention of disease.
2.3. Acquire skills to live safely and reduce health risks.
3. The student analyzes and evaluates the impact of real-life influences on health.
To meet this standard, the student will:
3.1. Understand how environmental factors affect one’s health (air, water, noise, chemicals).
3.2. Gather and analyze health information.
3.3. Use social skills to promote health and safety in a variety of situations.
3.4. Understand how emotions influence decision-making.
4. The student effectively analyzes health and safety information to develop health and fitness plans based on life goals.
To meet this standard, the student will:
4.1. Analyze health and safety information.
4.2. Develop a health and fitness plan and a monitoring system.
I have read and understand the course requirements. Please sign and enter as page one of portfolio (notebook).
Student Name (Please Print):______
Student Signature:______Date:______