Appendix C: Included journals that endorse RCT reporting guidelines 1
Supplemental Materials
Improving Transparency and Reproducibility Through Registration: The Status of Intervention Trials Published in Clinical Psychology Journals
by L. Cybulski et al., 2016, Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology
Appendix C.Included journals that endorse reporting guidelines specific to RCTs
Journal / Reporting guidelines endorsed / Quotation from “Instructions to Authors” / Sourcea
Behavior Therapy / CONSORT / “Behavior Therapy requires use of the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Guidelines. CONSORT Guidelines offer a standard way to improve the quality of such reports, and to ensure readers have the information they need to evaluate the quality of clinical trials. The CONSORT Checklist and Flowchart can be viewed at” /
British Journal of Health Psychology / CONSORT / “Manuscripts describing clinical trials are encouraged to submit in accordance with the CONSORT statement…" /
Health Psychology / CONSORT / "If the paper reports a randomized clinical trial, this should be indicated in the title." "All randomized controlled trials must include a diagram indicating participant flow into the study and a completed CONSORT checklist. CONSORT diagrams (and adaptations) should be included whenever possible to clarify the flow of participants through a study." /
International Psychogeriatrics / CONSORT / "All manuscripts reporting randomized controlled trials should have the following sent with them or they will be returned to the authors:
A check list and flow chart in accordance with the CONSORT guidelines which can be found at Please send in the checklist as a supplementary file and include the flow chart as Figure 1 in the manuscript.” /
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry / CONSORT / "Clinical trials (RCTs and others) should be registered in an official trial register and the registration number should be reported. These studies should include a flow diagram according to the most recent CONSORT guidelines and a CONSORT checklist should accompany the submission. See for the guidelines and forms." /
Journal of Behavioral Medicine / CONSORT / "For the reporting of intervention studies with randomized and nonrandomized designs, authors are requested to follow CONSORT (Consolidated Standards for Reporting of Trials; Moher, Jones, & Lepage, 2001) or TREND (Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Nonrandomized Designs; Des Jarlais, Lyles, & Crepaz, 2004) guidelines to ensure that basic information about the conduct of studies is available. This information can be obtained online at “ /trendstatement/" /
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology / CONSORT; JARS / “All manuscripts should conform to the criteria listed in Table 1 of the 2008 APA Publications and Communications Board Working Group on Journal Article Reporting Standards (published in American Psychologist). These reporting standards apply to all empirical papers. In addition, JCCAP requires that reports of randomized clinical trials conform to CONSORT reporting standards (, including the submission of a flow diagram and checklist.” /
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology / JARS / "Authors submitting manuscripts that report new data collection, especially randomized clinical trials (RCTs), should comply with the newly developed APA Journal Article Reporting Standards (PDF, 98KB) (/pubs/authors/jars.pdf) (JARS; see American Psychologist, 2008, 63, 839–851 or Appendix in the APA Publication Manual)." "For studies that report randomized clinical trials or meta-analyses, the abstract also must be consistent with the guidelines set forth by JARS or MARS (Meta-Analysis
Reporting Standards) guidelines, respectively. Thus, in preparing a manuscript, please ensure that it is consistent with the guidelines stated below." /
Journal of Family Psychology / CONSORT / "The Journal of Family Psychology requires the use of the CONSORT reporting standards (i.e., a checklist and flow diagram) for randomized clinical trials, consistent with the policy established by the Publications and Communications Board of the American Psychological Association.” /
Journal of Health Psychology / CONSORT / "Please consult the Editorial concerning “Publication Guidelines for Intervention Studies in the Journal of Health Psychology” by David F. Marks J Health Psychol January 2010 vol. 15 no. 1 5-7: The criteria for publication include the application of the CONSORT, TREND and PRISMA statements." /
Journal of positive behavior interventions / JARSb / "Guidelines specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association(6th edition, 2010) should be followed.” /
Journal of Traumatic Stress / CONSORT / “As of 2007, the Journal of Traumatic Stress now follows CONSORT Guidelines for the reporting of randomized clinical trials. Please visit ( for information about the consort standards and to download necessary forms." /
All quotations taken from journal “Instruction to Authors”
a All author guidelines were downloaded and accessed 2015/09/30
b We considered this journal to implicitly reference JARS by referring to the APA publications manual