Surname /First Name
/ BiographyWimbush
(Chair) / Nick / Nick holds qualifications in Environmental Science, Public Policy and Law. He has over 20 years experience in a variety of State and Local Government roles in Western Australia and Victoria including managing environmental impact assessment of major road projects with the West Australian Environment Protection Authority and advising the Victorian Government in a senior role on coastal planning and development.
He also has extensive experience in the private sector in Western Australia, Indonesia and Victoria both with consulting firms and after founding and running his own environmental consultancy from 2002-2006 specialising in integrated coastal zone management. Since 2006 he has been a full time Senior Panel Member with Planning Panels Victoria responsible for chairing environment effects inquiries, panels and advisory committees. Nick was a sessional lecturer at postgraduate level in natural resource management at RMIT University in Melbourne from 2002-2006 and has lectured in planning and environmental law at Monash University, Melbourne University and RMIT University. He is a Fellow of the Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association, a member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand and is on the Board of the National Environmental Law Association.
Harty / Chris / Chris Harty is a qualified town planner and environmental scientist experienced in urban, regional and coastal planning having worked in private practice, local government in both Victoria and New South Wales and for the Western Coastal Board for over 30 years. He has particular experience in strategic and statutory land use planning, environmental planning and management, native vegetation issues, coastal and estuary management and coastal wetland ecology and management. He has been a Sessional Member of Planning Panels Victoria since 2001, a Sessional Member of VCAT since 2004 and is a member of the Planning Institute of Australia, The Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association, The Royal Society of Victoria, the Australian Coastal Society and the Australian Society of Mangrove Scientists.
Wilson / Catherine / Catherine holds qualifications inscience, business and marketing. She has over 30 years experience in environmental science gained at EPA Victoria, as a tertiary course coordinator and lecturer and as a consultant. Her specific areas of technical expertise are air science and policy, motor vehicle testing and enforcement, waste management and science/environmental education. She maintains a professional interest in a range of environmental issues.
Catherine is a Sessional Member of Planning Panels Victoria and VCAT, was the Chair of the Brian Robinson Foundation and Branch President (1998-2002) of Victoria/Tasmania Branch of the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand. She is a Fellow of the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Society has awarded her a Distinguished Service Medal and a Life Membership.