Guidelines for Honors Integrated Science
Welcome to Honors Integrated Science! As a consequence of changes in Connecticut State Standards in Science, the science department has revised the curriculum for all freshman physical science classes. The course content includes, but is not limited to, the following: heat, electricity, energy, chemistry and polymers, resources and recycling, and bio-geochemical cycles. In addition, many fundamental skills will be emphasized including organization, note-taking, writing, mathematical problem solving, laboratory investigation and experimental analysis. As a consequence of this course, students will increase their science literacy as they improve on their ability to --
- understand major science concepts and theories;
- use scientific reasoning; and
- recognize the complex interactions between science, technology and society.
In this course students will also learn what is necessary to maintain an environmentally sustainable society. The primary text chosen for use in this class is Physical Science by Hewitt.
General Policies and Procedures
Be on time and prepared for class. The following are required to be in class DAILY:
- covered textbook
- notebook/binder for science ONLY (1 ½ -in ring binder with plenty of loose leaf paper – ALL HOMEWORK MUST BE ON LOOSE LEAF PAPER), 4 subject dividers in this order: class notes, homework, lab reports, other
- a minimum of TWO pens, TWO pencils and TWO highlighter pens (of different colors)
- straight-edge, post-it notes (2 x 2 inch preferable)
- homework completed and ready to hand in if requested on due date
- calculator (You must have your own. There will be no sharing.)
Optional, but strongly suggested items include: a zippered pencil pouch that will hook into the binder, hole reinforcements for notebook paper, a flat hole punch (which can also serve as a straight-edge and ruler), and a set of colored pencils.
You will be given one warning for tardiness/unpreparedness. Further consequences for persistent tardiness/ unpreparedness will include teacher detentions, referrals to assistant principal/guidance and/or parent notification.
Notebooks: Your science notebook is to be kept in chronological order; newer material goes after older material. Notebooks will be collected and graded periodically. You must keep it neat without pages falling out, up to date and orderly. Notebook review must be part of your daily at-home study.
Homework: It is impossible for you to learn all you need to know in a 49-minute class period. At-home study and review are necessities. Every student is expected to spend a minimum of 45 minutes on science each night. You have a standing assignment to study and organize that day's notes each night. You are expected to read the corresponding chapters in your book even if they are not formally assigned. Re-reading of notes and highlighting
of notes is strongly encouraged. You will receive a weekly syllabus outlining topics to be studied as well as homework to be completed!
If needed, you can always access the syllabus at Other information of interest may also be posted on that site.
The purpose of written homework is to reinforce what is presented in class. It is expected that you will try your best on homework, however mistakes may occur. This gives you an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. You must make a written effort on all questions, even if you are unsure about the material. Leaving questions blank makes your homework incomplete and you will not gain all that you can from the assignment. This is reflected in the grading of homework.
As honors students, it is EXPECTED that homework will be completed when assigned. At times, homework may be collected and graded. In this case, the assignment will count as a quiz. Even when not collected, homework will be checked regularly and should be kept in the Homework section of your notebook. When notebooks are graded, all homework should be accounted for. You will also receive ONE free homework pass, to be used at your discretion. This pass is good only on homework assignments and may not be used for projects or labs.
If you choosenot to do an assignment and do not have a homework pass, then you will receive a zero on that assignment. The only exception to this policy is in the event of your excused absence from class. Consult the Bacon Academy student handbook for homework guidelines regarding excused absences. Also, if you know that you will be out for an extended period of time, please call the school and request that I send home your assignments so that you will know what is happening in class and can try to keep up with the homework if possible.
If you tell me you did not understand the assignment, I will expect to see you for extra help after school within a couple of days of the assignment. With the exception of Wednesdays, extra help is available daily. However, please let me know if you plan to stay after.
Absences: See handbook for policies on excused and unexcused absences from class.
Hall Passes: You will receive THREE hall passes at the beginning of each quarter. These can be used at your discretion – to go to your locker if you forgot something, or to go to the lavatory. It does NOT give you the right to just get up and leave the classroom. You must still ask permission from the instructor and have the pass signed by the instructor. Keep them in a safe place. You will not be allowed to leave the classroom without one of your passes (unless, of course, it is an emergency!), so use them wisely.
Bonus Points: I do not give extra credit. However, if you still have homework and/or hall passes leftover at the end of the quarter, you may turn them in for bonus points.
Classroom Behavior: We are here to learn and our behavior should reflect that. Questions are encouraged but remember to raise your hand to be called upon which is proper and polite. Do not interrupt someone when they are speaking. Let me know immediately if you do not understand something or cannot read it on the board. Passing notes, swearing, off-color jokes or ethnic comments, writing on desks or putting feet on desks are not allowed. We must foster an atmosphere of respect in class. You may not leave your seat during class without permission. Class concludes when I dismiss you, not when the bell rings. Do not bring a Walkman/IPOD/MP3 player to class. Please keep the rules of common courtesy in mind at all times especially when settling a disagreement. That way we create a pleasant learning environment for everyone.
Laboratory Procedures: Come to lab prepared. The hands-on activities allow you to discover as well as apply concepts learned in class. They can be a lot of FUN if you are enthusiastic and come with an open mind. If you do not have your TOA (Ticket of Admission - which consists of the pre-lab written up and ready to go) completed, you will not be allowed to begin the lab with the rest of the class until your TOA is completed. You will not be given extra time to complete the lab if you come unprepared. Safety is always a concern so always exercise proper lab behavior where you are focused on what you are doing and not fooling around or engaging in horseplay. Failure to wear safety equipment will result in penalties on your lab grade and/or possible removal from the lab. Activities are carefully planned to be completed in the time allotted. If you do not finish the lab during the allowed time, it must be made up after school within 5 days. Breakage of equipment resulting from improper use results in payment by the student.
Projects: Projects may be assigned at any time during a unit of study. You will be given a detailed outline of what is expected as well as plenty of time (occasionally class time) to complete the project. If a project is late, it will lose two letter grades for each day late (Grade of "F" given after two days late).
Cheating: I am interested in what YOU know. Cheating usually involves two people: one person taking and one person giving out answers. Do not copy someone else's homework. Take care to safeguard your quiz or test and keep your eyes on your own paper. Both participants in a cheating situation will face the consequences which can include a grade of "0" on the task, notification of administration and/or parent.
Extra Help: As noted above, extra help is available. I want you to succeed and am willing to help you in any way possible. The sooner you seek help, the faster you will get back on track.
Grading: I grade based on a point system. The number of points awarded are added up and divided by the possible points one can obtain during the quarter. Points will be assigned to: graded homework, quizzes, tests, projects, labs, and your notebook.
Communication: Part of my job is to keep parents informed about what is happening at school. I prefer to make positive communication with parents to let them know their student is being responsible and doing well. However, if your grades slip, I may make a phone call or send a special progress report above and beyond that which is required by the administration. Please view my communication as a way to help so your family and I can work as a learning team to foster your success.
Finally: I hope to make this year an enjoyable one for you. If we work together, I am certain that you can be successful. Please feel free to ask me any questions at any time. However, the best time to do this is before school so your concerns can remain confidential and not take away from instructional time. I am looking forward to a wonderful year. I hope you are, too!
Guidelines for Honors Integrated Science
Please initial on the appropriate lines below, sign, and provide your email address and the phone number where you would like to be reached, if necessary, by the instructor. This page should then be returned to Mrs. Hopkins. The “Guidelines for Honors Integrated Science” is to be kept in your binder at all times. Thank you!
____I signify that I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the General Guidelines set forth for Honors Integrated Science for the 2007-2008 school year.
____I have computer access at home, with a printer. I can use this printer to prepare lab reports.
____I can access the site from home.
____I can download and print any necessary information from the internet at home.
____I do NOT have computer access at home, and therefore cannot download or print any information from home.
STUDENT NAME (print):______
Student email: ______
Student phone number: ______
PARENT NAME (print): ______
Parent email: ______
Parent work number: ______