The I-95 Gamers are hosting a Late War Normandy/FranceJune-August 1944 Campaign theme team tournament during Cold Wars, 11 March 2011.
Format. Teams of three players each form a three-company 3,000 point battalion task force from the Normandy (or Anzio) Campaign. The soon to be published compilation books will be used, in addition to any official pdf intelligence summaries. Sorry, but Fortress Europe and the Market Garden books will not be allowed. Dogs and Devils will be, however, for our Italian Front buffs. No Eastern Front lists please.
Teams must choose a base battalion, from which two organic (component) companies are fashioned, plus an additional company of any type from that can be historically supported. The burden of proof resides with each team. You may use your 3,000 points in any fashion you desire. As long as each company has the required HQ and combat platoons, you are free to use your points to purchase your favorite toys. Air power and named characters may only be purchased once per team.
Red v. Blue. We will follow a strict Red v. Blue matchup. We currently envision space for eight Allied and eight German teams, but may consider expanding if response so dictates. Sign up is on a first come first serve basis. Once you have three players, we will confirm your slot. Additional teams will be put on stand-by.
Schedule. We will be running two4.0 hour rounds, starting at 1200 and ending around 2100. We are planning a break in late afternoon so that players can shop, check in, grab chow, etc.
Battalion HQ. See the Main Rule Book. Your Bn HQ looks just like your company HQ (from the two like companies you field). You must pay for this HQ from your pool of 3,000 points.
Terrain. Terrain will be typical infantry-friendly I-95 terrain. When we use it, we will be using Bocage Lite: difficult going, completely blocks LOS, bullet proof from direct fire. There will be few linear water obstacles.
Tables. We’ll be using larger than normal battlefields. This is to be determined.
Victory. We may use alternative victory conditions based on games won, objectives taken, and the book value of platoons lost prior to a battalion break. Limited scoring (math) by the players will likely be required.
Scenarios. The two scenarios are to be determined. One of them may well be the patented I-95 Domination scenario or some derivative thereof. Scenarios will be designed with an eye toward lots of maneuver, so campers beware!
Special Rules. We will be using the Medic Reroll rule for each round.
To Register: Send an e-mail indicating team members and nationality to or prior to 1 March 2011.