19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation
‘Simulation in wider Europe’
Riga, Latvia, 1st – 4th June 2005
email: NOTE: new extension “.NET” !!!!
For many years, the European Conference on Modelling and Simulation has proven to be an outstanding forum for researchers involved in building innovative modelling and simulation systems and tools on both the research and industrial front. ECMS features an outstanding technical program ranging from introductory tutorials and software reviews to state-of-the-art research and practice. ECMS 2005‘Simulation in wider Europe’ will be held in Riga - the leading regional centre of the Baltic countries, which joined the EU in 2004. It is aimed to bring together and share modelling and simulation technologies and skills among researchers and practitioners from both, old and young EU members, Western and Central-Eastern European countries, as well as from outside Europe. The conference will include exhibitions, business meetings for professional societies and associations, international research projects, software user groups, and a social program. Special tracks on traditional and new simulation topics will be organised. The ASMTA ‘Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications’ conference will be held within ECMS 2005.
The conference will consist of the following tracks:
- High –Performance Computing in Simulation
- Simulation of Intelligent Systems
- Simulation of Complex Systems
- Simulation in Technology, Processes and Operations Research
- Agent-Based Simulation
- Philosophy of Simulation
- Computational Modeling and Simulation in Science and Engineering
- Simulation and IT-Based Modeling in Logistics and Transport
- Simulation and Gaming
- Vision and Visualization
- A special conference on Analytical and Stochastic
Modeling Techniques andApplications
The conference Location
The conference will be held at Riga Technical University in Riga. It is situated in the centre part of the city. Riga Technical University is the main technical university in Latvia offering advanced study programs in Engineering, Technology, Natural Sciences, Architecture, and Business Administration. RTU has long-standing almost 150 years old traditions dating back to the establishment of Riga Polytechnic in 1862.
For the ECMS 2005 conference participants we have negotiated a special room rates in very nice nearby hotels in historical centre of Riga city.
Paper submissionJanuary 31, 2005
Notification of acceptanceMarch 1, 2005
Camera-ready copiesApril 18, 2005
ConferenceJune 1-4, 2005
Please mail your submission to: NOTE: “.NET”
The fees include proceedings (also on CD), lunch, coffeebreaks and conference dinner.
Pre-registration & members of SCS &
affiliated organizations€ 375
Student participants with paper€ 275
Student participants (proceedings only)€ 50
Other Participants€ 425
Contact Address
Prof. Galina Merkuryeva
Riga Technical University
Department of Modelling and Simulation
1, Kalku Street
Riga, Latvia, LV-1658
Office phone:+371 7089514
Mobile phone:+371 6428694
Fax:+371 7089513
In Riga: