Pencil Holder


Design & materials


Yr 7

Pencil Holder

Technology - Materials

Demonstration of the technology process must be clearly shown

Investigate  Design  Produce  Evaluate

Skills development and enhancement will be shown via the following processes.


Drawing and sketching


Risk assessments

Marking out


Mechanical applications

Hand and power tool usage

Time line management



Design Brief:

You are to design and create Pac Man inspired pencil holder.

  • The image should be interesting


  • The image is to fit on a piece of pine 190mm x 190mm
  • The finished product needs to be able to stand up on its own
  • The model must use a minimum of 60% of the material
  • The model must be 2/3’s round in shape
  • The model must be able to hold at least 4 pencils


  • Different Materials
  • Type of design
  • Style
  • Texture
  • Finish
  • Materials colour

Project requirements:

Each student will need to create a piece of work that demonstrates an understanding of each of the steps in the design process. The information may be presented in a poster, Power Point, written report or may be negotiated with your teacher.

All projects must contain evidence of


Conceptual sketches

Construction steps

List of tools and there uses

Risk/ hazard assessment sheet (safety rules)

Picture of finished product


Work shop Safety:

The workshop can be a dangerous place. In respect to this all workshop rules and procedures must be adhered to.

Complete Appropriate ON Guard Testing

No running or throwing of things in the workshop.

All equipment to be used in an appropriate manner as directed

Personal protective equipment to be used as directed

Tools and equipment only to be used when you have permission

Do not waste materials

Do not interfere with other students work

Report any accidents or damage to equipment to your teacher

Follow all instructions carefully

Task 1:Investigation

You must provide documented evidence of your investigations. This should be in the form of at least Seven (7) images, photos, sketches

You might consider using the internet, stores, books, magazines etc…

Task 2: Design Sketch

At least 4 sketches for your initial ideas (with annotation)

Task 3: Final design / Preferred Option

Final design to scale with measurements (with annotation)

And validation as to why you chose thisdesign, because I found it interesting and it was short and quick.

Task 4: Construction steps


Pencil Holder

  1. Research my 7 designs______
  2. Drew the deign I picked ______
  3. Put it to scale______
  4. I cut my design______
  5. I sanded my picture to make it into shape______
  6. I pyro graphed my piece of work______
  7. __I drew my drilling marks______
  8. I drilled my pencil holes______
  9. I put a stand on my piece to make it stand up______
  10. I painted my work to make it look colourful ______
  11. ______
  12. ______
  13. ______
  14. ______
  15. ______
  16. ______
  17. ______
  18. ______
  19. ______
  20. ______
  21. ______
  22. ______
  23. ______
  24. ______
  25. ______
  26. ______
  27. ______
  28. ______
  29. ______
  30. ______


Pencil Holder

Task 5:Tools and Uses

Present this in a way that demonstrates an understanding of the tools you used and there possible uses.

Task 6:Risk Assessment

Tool or equipment / Hazard / Control
The tool or piece of equipment that you have used. / List all of the hazards that you can think of for this particular tool. / List all of the safety measures that you need to put in place for this particular hazard.
E.g.: Hammer
Coping saw
Rat tail
Sanding paper / Metal splinters
Cut my self
No danger
No danger
Could drill in to other stuff
No danger / Wear eye protection
Wear eye glasses

Task 7:Evaluation

What new skills did you learn during this project?

I learnt to cut

What did you like, dislike and why?

I liked this project because I got to make my own pencil holder

What did you think was good, bad and why?

It was good because it gave an experience of a work shop

What could or would you improve/change if you had the chance?


Using this evaluation table evaluate your work on this project.

/ Score (1 = low; 5 = high)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Explain your score
Drawings & Sketches
Your safety work practices
Quality of finished work
Meets original design 5 can’t explain
Effective use of your time
Comments (How do you feel about your work?)

Rubric for Evaluation of Project

Name______Project ______

Attribute / 1 – Well Below Expectations / 2 - Below Expectations / 3 - Meets Expectations / 4 - Above Expectations / 5 – Well Above Expectations / Score
Research and Investigation
Provide evidence of research / Some images shown / 7 images shown / 7 images and annotation shown / 11 images and annotation shown / +11 images and annotation shown and presented well / 3
Initial idea sketches / Some sketches drawn / Up to 4 Sketches drawn / 4 Sketches drawn / 4 Sketches drawn with some annotation / At least 4 sketches drawn with relevant and concise annotation / 3
Final Design / Preferred option / Some attempt to create a scale drawing has been made and validation for the preferred option / Scale drawing has been drawn with most dimensions to scale and validation for the preferred option / Drawing is to scale and validation for the preferred option / Drawing is to scale with most measurements displayed and validation for the preferred option / Drawing is to scale with all measurements displayed and validation for the preferred option / 3
On Guard Safety Tests / Complete all relevant on Guard Tests / 3
Risk Assessment / A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used / A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and most of the foreseeable hazards and controls addressed / A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and all of the foreseeable hazards and most controls addressed / A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and all of the foreseeable hazards and controls addressed / A risk assessment is completed, covering all the tools used and all of the foreseeable hazards and controls addressed,
with a labelled drawing of used tools / 4
Understanding of equipment operation and limitations / Equipment used in a fundamentally wrong manner / Some conceptual errors in usage of equipment / Equipment used properly / Innovative and proper usage of equipmentand tools / Innovative and proper usage of specialised equipment / 3
Performance of work / Requires constant supervision while performing work / Requires substantial supervision while performing work / Performs work with limited teacher assistance / Performs work with minimal teacher assistance / Performs work without teacher assistance / 3
Self-evaluation / Not attempted / Attempted but not completed / Adequately completed / Adequately completed
with explanations of answers / Adequately completed
with explanations of answers and relevant comments / 4
Evaluation / Not attempted / Attempted but not completed / Adequately completed / Completed with modifications mentioned / Completed with modifications validated / 3
Manage personal learning
Documentation of Personal Learning / Maintain records of
Expected learning Reflections / Maintain accurate records
of all PLP
Expected learning and Reflections / Maintain accurate and comprehensive records of all
Expected learning and Reflections / Maintain accurate and comprehensive records of
PLP, Expected learning and Reflections.
Show links to personal growth / Maintain accurate and comprehensive records of
PLP, Expected learning and Reflections.
Acknowledges personal growth / 4
Ability to complete set tasks to the required standard / Needs attention / Acceptable / Good / Very Good / Excellent / 4
Follow-up learning
Home work
Work conducted outside class time
Seeing teacher outside class time / Needs attention / Acceptable / Good / Very Good / Excellent / 3
Working with others
Co-operation in group and team settings
Respect shown for differences in others
Managing conflict / Needs attention / Acceptable / Good / Very Good / Excellent / 3
Orderly behaviour
Follows teacher’s instructions
Adhering to rules
Respect shown for learning environment / Needs attention / Acceptable / Good / Very Good / Excellent / 3

Total score_____46____/63______

Key to grade allocation
Well below expectations / Below
expectations / Meets expectations / Above expectations / Well above expectations
0% - 29% / 30% - 44% / 45% - 54% / Extension task 1 completed to the standard / Extension task 2 completed to the standard
If you have completed this project and have recorded a result that “meets the expectations”, “above expectations” or “well above the expectations”
Congratulations you are now eligible to attempt Extension task 1.