P.O. BOX 157


718-352-1671 718-746-2571 (fax)

November 21, 2013

Dear Affiliate Counsels of NCPG,

Gam-Anon is the 12 Step self-help program for those affected by the gambling of another. Our first meeting was in April, 1958 and since then we have grown into an international not-for-profit program.

Gam-Anon has learned through experience how to deal with the financial and emotional issues brought upon the family by compulsive gambling. We are not mental health professionals and do not suggest that our members do not need additional help in their recovery from this devastation. In fact, our literature specifically refers to the value of seeking additional help. Many of our members have been disappointed by the lack of knowledge about compulsive ( problem, pathological ) gambling in the mental health community.

I am writing because the recent changes to the DSM-V have come to our attention. As a result of research, medical science has come to the same conclusion that our members have reached through experience over 50 years ago…..that compulsive gambling is an illness similar to alcoholism and drug addiction.

I encourage you to invite Gam-Anon members to speak at your conferences and seminars. We are prepared to be guest speakers or give workshops about our experiences with our gamblers and about how our Gam-Anon program works and has helped us.

Please contact this office and we will be more than happy to find members to participate.

Gam-Anon has a great deal of literature, all written by our own members and drawn from our own experience. I recommend a new book, Games Compulsive Gamblers and We Play, second edition.

The book describes the dysfunctional relationship between the active gambler and the entire family. Some of these issues linger even after the gambler stops gambling and family members have adjusted their behavior with the guidance of the Gam-Anon program. Our members and their gamblers often seek professional help to address those issues.

We believe that our knowledge and experience will benefit the mental health community and in turn extend to our membersand our gamblers who seek that help.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Very truly yours,

Regina K.

Executive Secretary

cc: NCPG; Gam-Anon Board of Delegates