1st / UnitofStudy7:ComparingNumbers / ProjectedTimeAllotment:10days
GlobalConceptGuides:Exploring Greater Than and Less Than, Using Symbols to Compare, 10 Less and 10 More
Prior Learning:MAFS.K.CC.3.6,MAFS.K.CC.3.7
ShowWhatYouKnowTask:GoMathChapter7Show WhatYouKnowp. 286
MAFS.1.NBT.2.3Comparetwotwo-digitnumbersbasedonmeanings ofthe tensandones digits,recordingtheresultsofcomparisonswith the symbols>,=,and<.
Useplacevalue understandingandpropertiesofoperationstoaddand subtract.
MAFS.1.NBT.3.5Givenatwo-digit number,mentallyfind10more or 10 less thanthenumber,withouthaving tocount; explainthereasoning used. / Comments:
This parent flyer and included video can be utilized by both you and parents to build content knowledge and understanding of the strategies highlighted in this unit.
Use GoMathChapter7Assessment
Form B
The performance task should be given after GCG 1
See common performance task link below
“Grade1student’s usetheirbase-tenworktohelpthemrecognizethatthedigit inthetens placeismore important fordeterminingthesizeofatwo-digitnumber(1.NBT.3).Theyusethis understandingtocompare twotwo-digit numbers,indicatingtheresultwiththesymbols>,=and<.Correctlyplacingtheandsymbols isa challengeforearlylearners.Accuracycanimproveifstudents thinkofputting thewidepart of thesymbolnexttothelargernumber”(Progressionsforthe CommonCoreStateStandardsinMathematics,
“Oftenwhenstudents learntouseanaid(PacMan,bird,alligator,etc.) for knowingwhich comparisonsign(,
>,=)touse,thestudents don’tassociatetherealmeaningandnamewiththesign.Theuseofthelearning
aidsmustbeaccompaniedby theconnectionto thenames:Less Than,GreaterThan,and=EqualTo. More importantly,students needtobegintodeveloptheunderstandingofwhatitmeansfor onenumbertobe greaterthananother.InGrade1,it meansthatthis numberhasmoretens, orthesamenumber oftens,but withmore ones,makingit greater.Additionally,thesymbolsareshortcutsfor writingdown this relationship. Finally,students needtobegintounderstandthatbothinequalitysymbols(,>)cancreatetruestatements about any twonumberswhere oneisgreater/smallerthantheother,(1528and28 >15)”(KATM, 2011,p.21).
Students write three numbers that are greater than a given number, three numbers that are less than a given number, and complete a comparison statement.
Clickherefor performancetaskandrubric.
InGrade2,students comparethreedigitnumbersbasedonplacevalueandrecordresultsofcomparisons using thesymbols<,,or=
1st / GlobalConcept1of3for this Unit of Study: Exploring GreaterThanandLessThanUsemodelsandplacevaluetodeterminewhich2-digitnumberisgreaterthan or lessthan. / Projected Time
Day1:Howcanyouuseanumberlinetocompare numbers?
Day2:Howdo you compare numbers?
Day3:Howcanyouuse placevaluetocompare numbers?
Related Unit7Assessment: GoMathCh. 7#1-4,7-9,11-12
•SnapCubes– usetocomparesets(eachstudentneeds2differentcolors)
•Base-10blocks– usetomodel 2-digitnumbersandthencomparethem
•SecretCodeCards– usetobuildnumberswithtensandonesandthencomparethem(foundinGoMathManipulativeKit)
•Ten Frame Cards –to build models of two digit numbers and compare them
Lesson Ideas:
•VoyagesGrade1Excursions: Numbers…TakeYourPlacesTEpp. 14-17 – students make a number line to discuss the location of specific numbers in order to compare, then use number cards to order from least to greatest.
•North Carolina Department of Public Instruction: Place Value Ten Frame Cards – Begin in the explore section Building Numbers with Ten Frames to build number, answer questions about what number comes before and after, then compare number by discussing how the numbers value is influenced by the numbers place value.
•HCPSS Elementary Mathematics Number Talks – use PowerPoint as an engage use to activate prior knowledge by connecting to base ten models and place value.
•GoMath7.1 Essentials:ListenandDraw onp. 289 to build using base ten models and find a number that is greater, and Share andShow p. 290 encourage students to continue using models as needed.
•GoMath7.2 Essentials:ListenandDraw p.293to build using base ten models and find a number that is less,Share andShow p. 294 some students may need to continue using models, and Problem Solving as impendent work.
•AnimatedMathModel-Skill 32:Greater Than
•AnimatedMathModel– Skill 33:Less Than
•Mega Math–CountryCountdown,Harrison’sComparisons,D. Compare SizesofSets
•Mega Math–CountryCountdown,Harrison’sComparisons,I. CompareNumbers to100
•IXL– practicewithcomparing numbersusing greaterthan,lessthan,andequal to
Formoreinformation aboutintegratingthecontentwithin thisGCG,click hereforthe PowerPoint
SampleHOTQuestions:Select or create appropriate questions to facilitate student discussion.
•Whatifyoucouldnotcomparethetensandones?Howelsecouldyouexplainwhy98isgreater than94?
•Ifyouknowthat24isless than34,whatelse doyouknow?
•Nameanumber thatisbetween52and56. Justifyyour thinking.
Ourstudentsarebetter ableto…
•Compareandordernumbersonanumberline andjustifytheir thinking. (SMP3,5)
•Demonstratecomparisonof2-digitnumbers using placevalue. (SMP2)
•Usesnapcubesandbase-10blocks tomodel and compare2-digitnumbers. (SMP4)
•Use specificlanguage(i.e. after,before, between,greater than,less than,least,greatest). (SMP6)
FormoreinfoonSMP’s clickhere. / Becauseasteacherswe…
•Provide opportunitiesforstudentstouse number linesandfacilitate discussionsaboutusing themto compareandordernumbers. (SMP3,5)
•Supportthe discovery of theconnectionbetween modelsof2-digitnumbersandcomparing tensand onesinanumber. (SMP2)
•Provide opportunitiesforstudents to use models to compare numbers (SMP 4)
•Hold students accountable for using specificlanguage(i.e. after,before, between,greater than,less than,least,greatest). (SMP6)
1st / GlobalConcept2of3for this Unit of Study: UsingSymbols toCompare
Use>,<,and=tocompare 2-digitnumbers. / Projected Time
Day1:Howcanmaking anumberline helpyoucompare2-digitnumbers?
Day2:Howcanyouusesymbols toshow how numbers compare?
Day3:Howcanmaking adiagram helpyoucompareandordernumbersinproblemsituations?
Related Unit7Assessment: GoMathCh. 7#5-6,10,16,18-19,21–24
•Base-10Blocks–model 2-digitnumbers tocompare
Lesson Ideas:
•VoyagesGrade2Excursions: A Numberof LocationsTEp. 27–30explores skip counting on the line, locating values that fall between intervals, use the number line to compare and then order numbers.TR1 and student page 39.
•GoMathLesson7.3Essentials:ListenandDraw onp. 297 use base ten model and connect to how to draw a quick picture of the model,Share and Show p. 298 as small group or partner work to compare models and connect meaning to symbol, Own Your Own p. 299 as independent practice.
•GoMathLesson 7.4Essentials:WordProblemfromUnlocktheProblem onp. 301(keepstudentbooks closed, showworkinmathnotebook),ExtendtheMathActivityTEp. 303 for ideas to act it out to order numbers,Try Another Problem p. 302 as guided practice, Share and Show/On Your Ownp. 303– 304 choose appropriate problems for students to show how they solved.
•AnimatedMathModel– Skill 34:Using SymbolstoCompare
•Mega Math–CountryCountdown,Harrison’sComparisons,K. Compare<,>,Numbers to100
Formoreinformation aboutintegratingthecontentwithin thisGCG,click hereforthe PowerPoint
SampleHOTQuestions:Select or create appropriate questions to facilitate student discussion.
•Explainhowthelessthan symbolisdifferentthanthegreaterthan symbol.
•Howcanyoutell whichoftwonumbersisgreaterjustbylooking atthem?
•Juwansays that28isgreater than41. Whatmistakemighthe havemade?
•How doyoufindanumberless than25?Greater than72?
Ourstudentsarebetter ableto…
•Understandandexpressinequalities and analyzerelationships todrawconclusions (SMP2 & 4).
•Justifyandreasonusing appropriatemath languageaboutthe quantitiesgivenandprovide evidencethatoneisgreater thananother(SMP 3 & 6).
FormoreinfoonSMP’s clickhere. / Becauseasteacherswe…
•Provide opportunities toengagewithhands-on manipulatives thatbuildunderstanding ofnumber quantities(SMP24).
•Encourage discussionthatholdsstudents accountableforusing accuratemath language(SMP 36).
1st / GlobalConcept3of3for this Unit of Study: 10Less,10More
Identifynumbersthatare10less or10 moreofanumberusing mentalmath. / Projected Time
Day1:Howcanyoufind10lessor10more onahundreds chart?
Day2:Howcanyou identify numbers that are 10 less or 10 more than a number?
Day3: Howcanyouusemental mathtofind10lessor10more?
Related Unit7Assessment: GoMathCh. 7#13,14,15,17,20
  • Base-10Blocks- to demonstrate adding a group of 10 more or taking away a group of 10
  • Hundred Chart - to look for counting patterns
Lesson Ideas:
  • VoyagesGrade1Excursions: To100TEp. 112-113 Using a hundreds chart to count and find patterns of 10 more and 10 less. Exit Ticket – Hundreds Chart
  • GoMathLesson7.5Essentials:ListenandDraw p. 305use base ten to act out what is happening in the problem, What is My Number? p.E60, Problem Solvingp. 308 as independent work.
  • GoMathLesson7.5Essentials: On Your Own p. 307 #9-16 focusing on the discussion in the Math Talk in Action TE p. 307. Then students will use Base 10 blocks to build a number and classmates will work out mentally 10 less and 10 more.Exit Ticket
  • IXL– practicewith10moreand10less
Formoreinformation aboutintegratingthecontentwithin thisGCG,click hereforthe PowerPoint
SampleHOTQuestions:Select or create appropriate questions to facilitate student discussion.
  • Whenyoufind10lessor10more ofanumber,whathappens tothe numberofones?Justifyyour thinking.
  • Howcanyouexplainthe patternwhenfinding 10lessor 10more?
  • Explainwhyknowing thestrategy of 10more or10lesswouldbe helpful withmental math.
  • How dothe place-valuesina two-digitnumber changewhenfinding 10lessor 10more?Whydoyouthinkthat happens?

Ourstudentsarebetter ableto…
  • Recognizeregularityandgeneralizeabout numberpatterns(SMP8).
  • Model theactionof 10more or10less(SMP4).
  • Analyzemodels tojustifytheir conclusionsabout numberpatterns(SMP3).
FormoreinfoonSMP’s clickhere. / Becauseasteacherswe…
  • Encouragestudentdiscovery ofnumberpatterns andfosterunderstandingsaboutgeneralizations thatcouldbemade(SMP8).
  • Provideample opportunitiesforstudentstomodel theactionsusing concretetools(SMP4).
  • Fosterstudentcommunicationthroughdiscussions thatscaffoldstudentunderstanding about numberpatterns(SMP3).