Dear Fellow Congregants:

We areproud to share information about our congregation’s efforts to stand with Israel during this critical time. We will join with JNF to ease the hardships of military life in Israel for Air Force personnel, their spouses, and children who live on the Ramon Air Force Base near Mitzpe Ramon, in an isolated area in the Negev desert.

To help improve the quality of life for the military personnel and their families and fight the severe water shortage, JNF is building the Essence of Life Park and Recreation Area. This includes a 7.5 acre park, amphitheater, parade ground, and walking pathsfor the 4,500 people living on the base. Finally, the children on the base will have a place to play and the soldiers and their spouses will have a place to unwind from the intense rigors of military life.

For the Essence of Life Park, JNF is using a cutting-edge wetlands technology to build an environmental reclamation area to recycle water using no electricity. This technology duplicates the physical, chemical, and biological processes that occur in the unique ecosystem of a natural wetland. This technology will model a technology that can be used in isolated areas anywhere in Israel and throughout the world. This is a critical issue because Israel has plans to move 65 military bases located in the populated center of the country to the south in the Negev, far from access to the national sewage system.

Part of improving the quality-of-life for the soldiers and their families on the base is to make sure we keep it green, and this requires water. With Israel in the midst of a significant water crisis, it is more crucial than ever to recycle water and to avoid using drinking water to irrigate the grass and trees that JNF has planted on the base.

The families of the Ramon Air Force Base need our help to make this important project a reality. Join us in learning more about JNF’s Essence of Life program:


We encourage all of you to participate in the Essence of Life Campaign with us and be included in our congregation’s scroll of honor. Our goal is 100% participation for our congregation. Byparticipating,we express our solidarity with Israel and act as a united congregation and part of an united people. Please use the enclosed pledge card to make your donation and RSVP for this important event.
Our synagogue will be recognized on-site at the Ramon Air Force Base if we collectively raise $5,000. The name of our congregationand year of our gift will be engraved on a tile affixed to the amphitheatre so that all will see the important role that we played and that our congregation stands with Israel’s military and their families on the front lines of protecting Israel.

Thank you for supporting this important project forIsrael through the work of Jewish National Fund.

