Department of MARKETING


Academic year: 2017-2018


Topic 1. Humanity and the natural environment

1.1.The economic theory of the environment

1.2.Evaluating the natural environment

1.3.Ecologic balance

1.4.Optimal and balance

1.5.Reconstruction or decline

Topic 2. Considerations about ecology, environmental protection and economy of the environment


2.2.Environmental protection

2.3.Economy of the environment

Topic 3. Basic concepts of bio-economy

3.1.The industry – a dynamic system

3.2.Imbalances created by industrial pollution

3.3.Bio-economy – a possible solution for economic and ecologic reconstruction

3.4.Notions, concepts and legislation for bio-economy

3.5.The fundamental law of bio-economy

Topic 4. Balance and imbalance in the environment

4.1.Theoretical eco-economy

4.2.Creating an economy based on solar hydrogen energy

4.3.Designing new materials

4.4.Restructuring existing cities

4.5.Protecting the forest products and services

4.6.Sufficient food supply and quality for all

Topic 5. The environment at global level

5.1.Economic and ecologic aspects of the economy-ecology balance

5.2.Outputs and inputs. Positive and negative outputs

5.3.The economic basis of pollution costs

5.4.Antipollution costs

5.5.Ronald Case theory of optimal pollution in the open market economy

5.6.Taxes and optimal pollution

5.7.Environmental guidelines. Pollution permits

5.8.Sustainable global and Romanian development

Topic 6. Environmental conscience and Romania in the globalization era

6.1.Ecologic conscience versus environmental conscience

6.2.Law institutions for the environment

Topic 7.Eco-marketing and environmental accounting

7.1.Fiscal policies. Eco-taxes

7.2.Taxes transference

7.3.Subventions transference

7.4.Commercial licenses

7.5.The support for fiscal restructuring

7.6.Environmental expenses

7.7.Environmental costs

7.8.Cost-benefit analysis

7.9.Environmental benefits indicators


Ghereş Marinela, Săvoiu G., Economia mediului- Tratat, Ed. Universitară, Bucureşti, 2010, ISBN 606-591-023-2, p. 400.

Ghereş Marinela, M. Şerban, V. Rebreanu, Economia mediului, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, ISBN 978-973-53-0284-9, p. 261.

Ghereş Marinela, Economia Mediului, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, ISBN 978-973-751-683-1, p. 218.

Ghereş Marinela, Proiecte economice în domeniul agroalimentar, mediu, turism, Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, ISBN 978-973-53-0009-8, p. 267.

Roş V., Ghereş Marinela s.a., Ghid pentru diseminarea tehnologiilor de mediu, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2000, ISBN 973-9464-88-2, p. 215.

Rusu T., Ghereş Marinela, Economia mediului, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, ISBN 978-973-751-719-7, p. 262.

Ghereș Marinela, C. M. Pop, T. Rusu, I. Oroian, Alexandra Gogozan, Benchmarking – a solution strategy for the public sector, În “Environmental Engineering and Management Journal” ISSN: 2029-2139, (factor de impact 1,004)

Rusu T., Marinela Ghereş, C. M. Pop, Soil moisture and temperature regimes monitoring in the Transylvanian plain, Romania, În “Environmental Engineering and Management Journal” ISSN: 2029-2139, (factor de impact 1,004)

Ghereş Marinela, Instrumentele financiar – economice în proiectele de mediu, În “Revista de studii şi cercetări economice Virgil Mangearu”, Nr. 1/2008, Cluj Napoca, 2008, p.47-54, (indexată BDI: EBSCO, CEEOL, ...)

Ghereş Marinela, Energetic sector - scenario probability. În “Acta Technica Napocensis. Series: Aplied Mathematics”. Vol. VI, 2007, p.53 – 56, (indexată BDI: IndexCopernicus™ International), http:/

Ghereş Marinela, Gogozan Alexandra, Analiza problemelor majore ale mileniului III: Criza economică şi ecologică, În "Revista de studii şi cercetări economice Virgil Madgearu", 2, 2010, ISSN: 2069-0606, p.70 – 90, (indexată BDI: EBSCO, CEEOL, ...)

Ghereş Marinela, Ciumaş Cristina, Luţaş Mihaela-Mariana, Câlea Augustin-Sorin, Climate Impact on Soil. Causes-Effects., În "Mondial Congres - EuroSoil 2008", Vienna, Austria, 2008, ISSN 978-3-902382-05-4. p. 71. Eurosoil2008

Head of DepartmentResponsible of Subject

Prof. univ. dr. Ciprian Marcel PopLect. univ. dr. Radu Cocean