c/o Security House, High Street,

Donington, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 4TA

Tel: 07748474717


Website: www.community.lincolnshire.co.uk/FlindersFounders

President: Joanne Gisby

Minutes of Flinders Founders meeting held on Tuesday 06 October 2009 at Select Timber Offices starting at 6.15pm.

PRESENT: Leah Bristow (LB), Amy Bristow (AB), Jo Gisby (JG), Mel Bristow (MB), Alicia Inglis (AI), Nathan Hudson (NH), Jess Cokeley (JC), Megan Collier (MC), Joe Gott (JG), Chris Clay (CC) left meeting early

NOT PRESENT : Sasha Dowding, Scott Sandall, Kate Maddison

1 Apologies for absence

MW will be late due to Governor’s meeting arrived at 7.20ish. New members Billy Bristow, Amber Prescott, Lydia Smith and Bonnie Whitmore were welcomed to the meeting.

2 Minutes of last meeting

These were signed as correct

3 Matters Arising

First Aid Course – waiting response from St John Ambulance.

4 Constitution

The amended constitution was signed by the members present at the AGM.

5 Correspondence

Community Plan was presented to meeting. FF to play a leading role in many of the actions. JAG and LB agreed to be Community Plan leaders. JAG took plan away for study then to pass on to LB.

6 Financial Report

St John Ambulance had not received their cheque for PinP. Wait for latest bank statement – if it does not appear cancel old cheque and write new one with letter of apology to St John.

All PinP bills now paid.

Parish Council have £877.76 of FF money in their accounts. Agreed to pay it into Deposit Account.

7 Public Relations

Decisions made regarding FF branding and identity. Font to be used is Lucinda Sans Unicode. Present colour scheme is fine.

LB and MW attending Public Relations Course on 12 October at Alford 7.00-9.00pm.

8 Grants & Funding Report

Commiunity Spaces Grant – good news grant has been agreed – bad news they wont release the money until public liability insurance documents are produced – which we thought we had done. MW is trying to sort out the problem with Parish Council and Community Spaces.

Bicker Wind Farm Grant – agreed we should apply to clear, prepare and plant the ditch. Any left over for more bins.

AB has heard of possibility of grants from local company – will explore for half pipe in Teen Park. Other sources of funding need to be explored as well.

JAG asked about the 600 trees CC had applied for. CC has put in application for 50 trees. Will hear in January if successful. When we hear if successful decision will have to be made about what to do with them.

JG asked that if anyone hears about any grants or sources of money they MUST pass this on to JAG as the grants & Funding Manger to deal with.

9 Teen Park

Week-end of 26/27 September dreadful. On the Sunday the skate area was completely covered in broken glass. Discussion about what FF can do to stop this. Agreed:

·  If anyone seen with glass in Teen Park ask them to take it away

·  Let people know that we are really angry about it

·  Inform police if underage drinking going on or if older people buying alcohol for underage drinkers

·  Put up signs saying NO Glass.

·  Daily litter pick – this already happens most days – but extra help would always be welcome

·  Temporary signs warning that police will be informed of underage drinking

Ramp sinkage – meeting on Thursday 08 October at Teen Park at 11.00am with MW, Streetskape, Luda Civils & Groundwork to sort out the problem. JG to also attend if possible.

10 Film/Disco Night Saturday 10 October

Thanks to everyone who brought raffle prize – those who didn’t remember to bring on Saturday.

Went through checklist (attached)

11 Bonfire Night Friday 06 November

Went through checklist (attached)

12 Any other Business

Dealt with before CC left - Christmas Party – CC said that he had done posters and tickets but had deleted them from memory stick. Confirmed that this is LB’s job as Public Relations Officer. CC confirmed date 06.12.09 and venue Ruby Hunt Centre.

Xmas Market is on Saturday 05 December 9.00–2.00. Need to be there to set up at 8.30 for selling mince pies and mulled wine. JAG to ask Mrs Jenny if FF can use food tech room on Friday 04 December to make pies and wine and Chris Worth to help.

AB to find prices of hoodies.

KM is leaving TCHS – JAG has brought card – all signed to say thanks & good luck. LB to work on getting Annabel on board!

Date of Next Committee Meeting is Wednesday 04 November 2009 at Select Timber 6.00 for 6.15.

The meeting closed at 7.51pm.