Good Morning/Evening, My name is ____ and I am here today to invite you to be part of this Fall’s 40 Days for Life Campaign from September 23 through November 1.
At last fall’s 40 Days for Life Midpoint Rally, a mother scheduled for an abortion pulled into the parking lot of the abortion facility, but because she saw people praying outside of the facility, praise God, this mother chose LIFE for her baby and left the facility that day. One of our volunteers found out a week later when the mother approached her as she was praying outside of the facility and shared her story. This volunteer, along with other members of our 40 Days for Life Team were able to keep in touch with this mother all throughout her pregnancy…even visiting her at the hospital during labor and after the baby was born. Many volunteers across Genesee County gathered to celebrate this baby’s life by hosting a baby shower for this family as well.
What a blessing people all around the world were praying for an end to abortion, and the volunteers were praying outside of the abortion facility the day this mother showed up! Imagine what could happen if we had volunteers out there every hour the facility is open.
Christians throughout Genesee County are invited to take part in the international 40 Days for Life effort from September 23 through November 1. Since 2007, 10,331 lives have been saved, 118 abortion workers have walked away from the abortion industry and 60 abortion facilities have completely shut down. In addition to 40 days of peaceful prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, please consider volunteering to pray outside of the facility at G-3422 Flushing Rd. in the Diplomat Plaza, during the 40 days, and spread the word to others about this important life-saving effort.
You can sign up to pray outside the abortion facility and find details for our upcoming kick-off event, midpoint rally, prayer time with Bishop Boyea, youth day, and closing celebration in the bulletin or online at I will be in the back of the church today if you have any questions.
Thank you in advance for your involvement in this fall’s 40 Days for Life Campaign.