Lutherhill Ministries – September 9, 2017 – The Woodlands Waterway Marriott

Lutherhill Ministries… a place for all people, of every generation to experience the love of Christ in unique settings and new ways.

□ Wine Wall Sponsor (limited to 1 sponsor) - $1,500

·  Acknowledgement at the Wine Wall, in the event program and in pre- and post-event publications.

·  Two tickets to the Gala.

□ Table Sponsor - $1,850

·  Acknowledgement in our event program and in post-event publications.

·  Table Sponsors will have a reserved table for 10 to be filled with guests of their choice.

□ Silver Underwriter - $5,000

·  Acknowledgement in our event program, during the gala and in post-event publications.

·  Invitation to the Underwriter’s Reception before the start of the Gala.

·  Special appreciation gifts for each guest at your table.

·  Reserved table for 10 in a premier location in the ballroom.

□ Gold Underwriter - $7,500

·  Acknowledgement in our event program, during the gala and in post-event publications.

·  Invitation to the Underwriter’s Reception before the start of the Gala.

·  Special appreciation gifts for each guest at your table.

·  Reserved table for 10 in a premier location in the ballroom.

·  Premium Wine table service.

□ Platinum Underwriter - $10,000

·  The Platinum Underwriter helps the majority of our proceeds go directly to the camping ministry of Lutherhill.

·  Acknowledgement in our event program, during the gala and in post-event publications.

·  Invitation to the Underwriter’s Reception before the start of the Gala.

·  Special appreciation gifts for each guest at your table.

·  Reserved table for 10 in a premier location in the ballroom with completely unobstructed views of the stage and screens.

·  Premium Wine table service.

Thank you for your consideration of sponsoring the 11th Annual S’mores & Champagne Gala!

Name: E-mail:

Contact: Telephone:


Sponsorship Level:

How you would like to be recognized:


Lutherhill Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Return to: Lutherhill Ministries, Attn: Anne Liddle

PO Box 99 ▪ La Grange, TX 78945

fax: 979-249-4032 ▪ phone: Anne Liddle at 512-699-1781
