HOME & COMMUNITYPolicy No.: PM-10-20


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Clients of the Overnight Relief Program usually attend this Program from Friday morning until Sunday afternoon. Clients are charged for the Day Away portion of the Overnight Program, as well as the Night portion of the Overnight Relief Program. Clients will be billed $10 for each day they are registered to attend the Overnight Relief Program, $10 for Friday, $10 for Saturday, and $10 for Sunday. Clients are also billed $35 per night for the overnight stay, $35 for Friday night, and $35 for Saturday overnight. Clients will not be billed the client fees if the program is closed due to inclement weather or property maintenance issues such as no heat, broken water pipe, etc. The standard fee includes, snacks, meal and program supplies, and a bath may be provided as part of the Overnight bedtime routine. Transportation is billed separately and clients/caregivers can choose whether or not to utilize transportation provided by HCSS to get to or from the Overnight Relief Program. If a client utilizes transportation for the Overnight Relief Program, the client will be billed $5 for a one way trip to the Program, and $5 for a one way trip home.


  1. Clients of the Overnight Relief Program will be informed of the fee for this service during the intake process. Fee Reductions do not apply to the Overnight Relief Program. (see policy ADM-5-20 Fee Reduction).
  1. As part of the Overnight Program, some clients and caregivers may choose to have an Extended Stay at Day Away on a Friday or Saturday. This is only available during Overnight Relief Program hours, i.e. Friday and Saturday evenings. This is considered an Extended Stay and there is an additional charge of $10 for staying longer at the Day Program. The maximum Extended Stay is for 6 additional hours, or until 9:30 p.m. at night. The charge is entered as DP Extended Hours (by geographic area) not as DP, and the charge for the 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. (maximum) Extended Hours is $20. In the Extended Hours, if a client utilized transportation from HCSS, the client will also be billed $5 or a one way trip to the Program, and $5 for a one way trip home.
  1. The client and the caregiver will be given 60 days advance notice of any changes to the fee structure set by the Board of Directors of Home & Community Support Services.