
American Sign Language I CD 3530-101 Spring 2008

Mondays 5:00-6:50 pm

Raley Hall Room # 1010

Instructor - Alicia Toomey home phone - (828) 297-7586 e-mail -

Text - Learning American Sign Language 2nd ed. Tom Humphries and Carol Padden (rental)

Course Description:

Students will learn basic ASL vocabulary in the text through testing and presentation.

Students will begin to learn the concepts, grammar, and structure of ASL.

Students will acquire an understanding of deaf culture and how to communicate with deaf people.


I will be giving a quiz every class period so it is very important to come to class!


0 absences and I will drop your lowest quiz grade.


90-100 A

80-89 B

70-89 C

60-69 D

59 & below F

Quizzes 50%

Labs 20%

Presentation 20%

Final Exam 10%


There will be 11 weekly quizzes given throughout the semester.

Each quiz will consist of 25 questions (including vocabulary, receptive sentences, and expressive sentences from the previous week’s class lesson.)

Each word will be signed three (3) times only.

There will always be opportunity for extra credit on the weekly quizzes.

There will be NO make up quizzes. (This includes any and all reasons for absence.)


There will be weekly labs on Wednesdays 5:00-5:50 in Raley room # 1010.

Grades for labs will be based solely on attendance and participation. A possible 8 points can be obtained for each lab.

Student partners will be responsible for presenting dialogues during labs. There will also be additional games, exercises, and practice.


Each student will be responsible for a sign language presentation in ASL. You may work alone, with a partner or in groups of no more than three people. You may sign a song, story (hand shape or ABC), or poem.

Each performance will be graded on: accuracy of signs/understanding, correct ASL facial expression and body language, and creativity.

If no presentation is done an Incomplete will be given.

Final exam:

A cumulative exam including vocabulary, expressive and receptive skills will be given during the scheduled exam time.

*You should be familiar with the Academic Integrity Code in the Student Code of Conduct


January 14 – Intros, Deaf History, overview of ASL, ABC’s, Numbers & Fingerspelling, name signs

Unit 1- Introductions and Personal Information

January 21 –- Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO CLASS

January 28 – Unit 2- Learning ASL (Quiz on Unit 1)

February 4 – Unit 3- Politeness (Quiz on Unit 2) – Deaf Culture

February 11 – Unit 4- Descriptions (Quiz on Unit 3) – GUEST SPEAKER

February 18 – Unit 5- Requests (Quiz on Unit 4)

February 25 – Unit 6- Expressing Yourself (Quiz on Unit 5) – GUEST SPEAKER

March 3 – Unit 7- More Descriptions (Quiz on Unit 6)

March 10-14 – Spring Break – ENJOY!

March 17 – Unit 8- Family and Friends (Quiz on Unit 7) – GUEST SPEAKER

March 24-25 – University Break – Happy Easter

March 31 – Unit 9- More Descriptions (Quiz on Unit 8)

April 7 – Unit 10- At Home and Daily Living (Quiz on Unit 9) – GUEST SPEAKER

April 14 – Unit 11- Food and Food Shopping (Quiz on Unit 10)

April 21 – Unit 12- Offering and Declining (Quiz on Unit 11)

April 28 – Presentations (*There will be NO Quiz on Unit 12 BUT the material will be on the Final Exam)

May 5– FINAL EXAM 6:00-8:30pm