Using Rules to Filter your E-mail

In GroupWise is easy to automatically clean up your e-mail by creating rules to move your mail from the Mailbox to another folder. This is useful if you keep receiving undesired e-mail from a particular source, and wish to have it discarded without having to deal with it at all. To create a rule, do the following:

1)With GroupWise open to your Mailbox, select Tools, Rules.

2)Click on the New button.

3)Type in a Name for your Rule, something like “Junkmail”.

4)Check the Mail box under Item types:

5)Click on Define Conditions.

6)Here’s where some choices need to be made. If your mail that you want to prevent is always coming from one sender, you’ll chose “From” in the left drop down box. If you know the Subject always contains a certain word, you’d choose “Subject” instead. Note that there are other options for you to select based on the attributes of the messages that you are receiving.

7)The next choice will give you choices about how the words you select will be filtered. I usually choose “Contains” but think about the mail you are trying to filter when making this choice.

8)Next you will type in the words that the filter will look for. It is important that the text that you type closely match that of the e-mail you are filtering. I would look at the original e-mail while typing to make it match.

9)Select OK to take you back to the Rule screen. (Note that you can make your filter more elaborate by adding further criteria if you choose by clicking on the End button before leaving the previous screen).

10)Click on Add Action. This is where you will tell GroupWise what to do with the e-mail once it has selected it.

11)Select “Empty Item” to delete the mail that you have selected. (You could also “Move to Folder” and select the trash if you prefer just in case you think you might need it later).

12)Click on Save. In the next box, click on Run and then Click Close. You should expect that e-mail that you had selected for filtering will be deleted by the rule that you created. If the Rule does not work, go back to check your selection criteria and spelling.