TITLE OF REQUEST: Sharing of Residual ACT Scores


MODULE(S) TO WHO REFERRED: Admissions (Consult with Academic Evaluation and Assessment Offices)

DATE DUE FROM MODULE(S): First Discussion on July 8


Requires AAC approval and (Dr. Shekelton – legal opinion?)



Title of Request: _Should Residual ACT scores be shared between the Regental Universities

Origination Point of This Request Admissions Module

Explanation of Request:

The Admissions Module has raised the following question: “Can residual ACT scores be shared among Regental institutions?”

Current Regental University Procedures:

Admissions Tests

Title: Defaults from the test chosen from the list.

Date Taken: Enter the date the test was taken. Use ‘01’ for the day (mm/01/yy) on all test and subtest entries.

Score/Pct Enter the composite score.

Score Index: Blank

Subtests: As of 12/5/03, only the 5 ACT scores are required; ACT.COMP, ACT.ENGL, ACT.MATH, ACT.REAS & ACT.READ. Do not enter the percent or index field. If one score is entered, all scores should be entered to alleviate errors with a possible subsequent tape load.

Status: If the score is a self-report on the Application, you must enter a status of NC - Needs Confirmation. Enter (AC) Accepted if the scores were taken from a test report (ACT or SAT) or from the High School Transcript or taken from a Residual ACT score report.

Status Date: Let the status date default to today’s date.

Source: If the score is self-reported and loaded from the application, this status will be SR - Self Report. If the scores are loaded via a High School Transcript, ACT, Residual ACT, or SAT, the source is HST, ACT or SAT. If the score is a residual score, enter RACT.

NOTE: A Residual ACT score report should be clearly marked as such. It is an ACT test administered by a post-secondary institution not on a National Testing Date. Residual ACT tests should be reported to the National ACT testing center either for scoring or for official recording. The residual scores recorded by one regental university will be accepted by other post-secondary regental institutions. Because residual ACT scores cannot be used for athletic eligibility, a report will be run to identify residual scores for athletic eligibility verification.

Note: ACT scores will primarily be loaded from the tape. If information is entered manually, care needs to be taken to populate all fields (as in the procedure above) that are populated with the tape load.

ACT Residual Testing Eligibility and General Information

The “ACT Assessment - Supervisor’s Manual of instructions for Residual Testing for 2004-2005” states:

“Residual testing may be conducted on your campus for students who (1) are enrolled, (2) have been admitted, or 3) are in the process of applying to your institution and cannot take the ACT Assessment on a national test date because the date does not meet your institution’s needs. Reports for students testing residually on your campus will be sent ONLY to your institution. No Student Reports or High School Reports are generated, and no Additional Score Reports will be generated to report scores to any other college.”

Perceptions and Questions to Consider

A. Could residual ACT scores be shared among the Regental Universities using the same system concept as we did with FERPA (sharing of files)?

A. Since ACT scores are one of the primary components of Placement of students into English and Mathematics, the ability to not transfer the residual scores would have a large impact on this process. In order to comply with the non-transfer guidelines, the following would need to occur:

1. Residual ACT scores would need to be smart coded.

2. Separate Equivalencies (pseudo courses) would need to be developed for each university's smartcoded residual ACT scores.

3. Prerequisites for the above Mathematics and English courses would need to be removed from the CRSE (Course) screen and moved to the XCLP (Location Specific Prerequisites) screen that permits separate additional prerequisites by university. The prerequisites on XCLP would need to include the basic ACT prerequisite pseudo course and the smart coded ACT residual pseudo course for each specific university.

B. What is the affect on Division I and Division II athletics.

C. The ACT tape load does identify, with a Test Type of Residual, the residual ACT test scores. It would be necessary to remove these from the tape load prior to import and enter these manually to permit smart coding. Since this was not done in the past, past residual ACT scores, entered via the tape load, were not identified as such in the database.


1. Does the ACT tape load include only residual tests scored at the institution

or does it only include residual ACT tests that are scored by ACT, or both?

2. When a university receives an ACT tape, does the tape include only their

residual ACT scores, or does it include everyone's residual ACT scores?

Coordination Recommendation from Module(s):


Explanation of Coordination Reached:

Coordination Recommendation from Module Coordination Committee: