State Parks, Recreation and Travel Commission
Wyndham Riverfront
North Little Rock, Arkansas
February 17-18, 2005
Commissioners Present
Jane Christenson, Chairman Jim Shamburger, Vice-Chairman, Thursday only
Polly Crews Jim Gaston, Thursday only
Debbie Haak Bill Barnes
Montine McNulty Mike Mills, Thursday only
Ness Sechrest Wade Williams, Thursday only
Commissioners Absent
Steve Arrison, Business Conflict
Jay Bunyard, Business Conflict
Danny Ford, Business Conflict
Billy Lindsey, Business Conflict
Department Staff Present
Richard W. Davies, Executive Director
Larry Cargile, Central Administration Director
Joe David Rice, Tourism Director
Greg Butts, State Parks Director
Nancy Clark, Assistant Tourism Director
Stan Graves, Manager, Planning & Development
Mac Balkman, Manager, State Park Operations
Charles McLemore, Director of Research and Information Services
Jon Brown, Region I Supervisor
Tony Perrin, Region II Supervisor
Marcel Hanzlik, Region III Supervisor
Jim Cannon, Region IV Supervisor
Mark Myers, Moro Bay State Park
Laurie Green, DeGray Lake Resort State Park
Connie Adkins, Region II
Joan Ellison, Public Information Officer
Jana Greenbaum, Manager, Communications
Melinda (Mindy) Hawes, Manager, Group Travel
Cynthia Dunlap, Agency Fiscal Manager
Gloria Robins, Executive Assistant
Sandy Burch, Administrative Assistant
Leigh Bidewell, Administrative Assistant
SPRTC Minutes
February 17-18, 2005
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Agency Staff Present
Shelby Woods Wayne Woods
Karen Mullikin Bill Fitzgerald
Bernie Jungkind Greg Harrison
Marla Johnson Norris Paige Watson
Bojana Gojkovic Jonathan Eudy
Guests Present
Senator Jimmy Jeffress, Crossett
Representative Gregg Reep, Warren
Mayor Patrick Hays, North Little Rock
Karen Trevino, North Little Rock Advertising & Promotion Commission
Terry Cook, Harrison Convention & Visitors Bureau
Barry Travis, Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau
Dan O’Byrne, Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau
Ross Moore, Greers Ferry Lake & Little Red River
Claude Legris, Fort Smith Convention & Visitors Bureau
Tom Larimer, Arkansas Press Association
Kelley Linck, Ozark Mountain Region
Brian Clark, Sells & Clark
Jeff Christenson, Harrison Daily Times
Steve Cato, Carter - Burgess
Call to Order
Chairman Christenson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and Gloria Robins called the roll.
Approval of the Agenda
Montine McNulty moved to approve the agenda. Debbie Haak seconded and the motion carried.
Presentation of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Wade Williams moved to approve the Minutes. Mike Mills seconded and the motion carried.
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February 17-18, 2005
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Recognition of Guests
Chairman Christenson recognized guests in attendance.
Financial Report
Larry Cargile presented a fiscal year-to-date financial report for the period ended January 31, 2005. The fiscal year-to-date expenditures were: Parks Division, $31,936,126, including construction and grants; Tourism Division, $6,606,583; Keep Arkansas Beautiful, $179,711; Administration Division, $1,380,168; and History Commission, $815,705. Expenditures for the Department totaled $40,918,293. The Parks Division fiscal year-to-date operating revenue totaled $8,101,521, an increase of 4% over the same period last year.
Ness Sechrest moved to approve the financial report. Montine McNulty seconded and the motion carried.
Legislative Session Update
Richard Davies stated the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department has agreed to match 80% if the state gets money for construction of new Welcome Centers in West Memphis, Blytheville, and Lake Village. House Bill 1968 sponsored by Rep. Childers, Rep. Goss, and Senator Bryles appropriates $900,000 to Blytheville Welcome Center. Senate Bill 519 sponsored by Sen. Jimmy Jeffress appropriates $600,000 for the Lake Village Welcome Center and Senate Bill 585 sponsored by Senator Luker and House Bill 2093 sponsored by Representative Sumpter appropriates $900,000 for the West Memphis Welcome Center. There is also Joint Budget Senate Bill 536 that appropriates $2.4 million for construction of all three centers.
Real Estate Transfer Act
Mr. Davies asked the Commissioners to be cognizant of HB 1705 introduced by Representative Ken Cowling reallocating the Real Estate Transfer monies. Davies stated the Real Estate Transfer Act was established in the 1980’s specifically to support State Parks, the Department of Arkansas Heritage, and Universities with historic buildings. Davies said the Outdoor Recreation Grants section stands to lose $2.6 million and the State Parks division $4 million annually.
Legislative Reception
Richard Davies said the Legislative Reception was held February 7 with Cajun’s Wharf and Capers providing the food. Davies said sixty-five Legislators attended and overall he felt the event was a success.
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February 17-18, 2005
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2005 Governor’s Conference on Tourism
Nancy Clark said the Department had received 152 registrations to date and encouraged everyone in the audience to complete a registration form and send it in if they had not already.
Arkansas Welcome Centers Update
Joe David Rice stated the April SPRTC meeting was scheduled in Fort Smith to coincide with the opening of the Fort Smith/Van Buren Welcome Center. Rice said he talked with Ralph Hall and there was some concern that the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department would not be able to officially take the building over by the April meeting dates. Rice said he will arrange a walk-through of the facility at the April meeting. Rice also reported that the Corning Welcome Center was coming along nicely and work continues on this new facility.
Texarkana Welcome Center
Charles McLemore told the Commissioners that he and Danny Keene traveled to the Texarkana Welcome Center to assess damage to the center’s grounds. McLemore said it seemed that large trucks were having a difficult time negotiating turns in the parking lot and as a result were running over shrubs and grass. They plan to evaluate this problem and rectify it as soon as possible.
Advertising/Marketing Committee Meeting: Announcement
Joe David Rice announced that the Advertising/Marketing Committee Meeting would be held in Little Rock on May 10th from 10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Cranford, Johnson, Robinson, Woods. Rice said he would get an official announcement out regarding the meeting. Jane Christenson read the names of the Commissioners on this committee.
Steve Arrison, Chairman Polly Crews
Danny Ford Jay Bunyard
Montine McNulty Mike Mills
“Citylights” Presentation by Kristi Lambert
Commissioner Bill Barnes introduced Ms. Kristi Lambert of “Citylights.” Ms. Lambert shared with the Commissioners “Citylights” a television show that is all about the State of Arkansas. It features people, places, events, entertainment, businesses and food in the state. “Citylights” is a bi-weekly show that airs every other Saturday from 8:00 a.m – 8:30 a.m on PAX television network.
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February 17-18, 2005
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Arkansas Tourism: 2004 Preliminary Findings
Charles McLemore told the Commissioners the Arkansas tourism industry experienced a year of record growth in 2004, with travel expenditures increasing from $3,942,501,328 to $4,253,958,933 (7.9%). Visitors increased from 19,668,336 to 20,691,089 (5.2%). McLemore said this information and more will be available in the 2004-2005 Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism Annual Report.
2005 Envelope: Arkansas Vacation Planning Kit
Joe David Rice distributed to each Commissioner a copy of the new Arkansas Vacation Planning Kit envelope.
Marketing/Advertising items
2005 Consumer Focus Group
Joe David Rice announced the Department tentatively planned to hold focus groups in
late March with the locations to be decided at a later date. Richard Davies asked what cities
were in the running and Rice said Oklahoma City had been discussed and a final decision would
be made soon.
Spring/Summer Rich Media Creative Recommendation
Bill Fitzgerald presented the rich media online ad. The ad directs viewers to “see
something you like.” The photo shows a person with a pair of sunglasses with an indoor
attraction (like a spa) reflecting in one lens and an outdoor attraction (like canoeing) reflects in
the other lens. Viewers can pick a different pair of sunglasses and when they do so, different
pictures appear in the lenses.
Mike Mills moved to approve the Spring/Summer Rich Media
creative recommendation. Bill Barnes seconded and the motion carried.
Spring/Summer 2005 Branson Television Creative Recommendation
Bill Fitzgerald stated billboard advertising has been discontinued in Branson, while our TV presence has been expanded. The 2 ½ minute TV spot will air in more than 40,000 hotel and motel rooms and campsites in Branson and shows the multitude of exciting attractions just a short drive away from Branson.
Mike Mills moved to approve the Spring/Summer 2005 Branson Television creative recommendation. Bill Barnes seconded and the motion carried.
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Spring/Summer 2005 Adventure Television Creative Recommendation
Bill Fitzgerald told the Commissioners that in order to take advantage of the excellent outdoor adventure video footage we have accumulated, an Adventure TV spot was created. The video include ATV rides, canoeing, mountain biking, hiking, climbing, hang gliding, wake boarding and more with fast paced music.
Debbie Haak moved to approve the Spring/Summer 2005 Adventure Television creative recommendation. Mike Mills seconded and the motion carried.
Golf Trail Television Creative Recommendation
Bill Fitzgerald stated that in order to highlight The Natural State Golf Trail, a :30 TV spot was created. The spot takes viewers on a tour of some of the courses featured on the Golf Trail and reminds them that “The best drives are in Arkansas.” Viewers respond by calling the Golf Trail toll-free number or visiting the special Golf trail web site.
Ness Sechrest moved to approve the Golf Trail Television creative recommendation. Mike Mills seconded and the motion carried.
Spring/Summer 2005 Television Media Recommendations
Greg Harrison presented the Spring/Summer 2005 Television Media Recommendations. Harrison told Commissioners a four-week flight is recommended in key in-state and out-of-state markets. Schedules will air from March 28 through April 24, 2005. Harrison stated this year’s schedules will reach an average of 95.3% of adults aged 25-49, an average of 9.4 times over the four-week period. The total in-state Spring/Summer 2005 Television budget summary totals $213,215 and out-of-state totals $1,224,096 for this same time period.
Jim Shamburger moved to approve the Spring/Summer 2005 Television media recommendations totaling $1,437,311. Mike Mills seconded and the motion carried.
“Destination: Arkansas” Update
Shelby Woods distributed to the Commissioners a pamphlet titled, The Reviews are in: Little Rock Is A Mega Hit! Woods said this piece was printed and paid for by the Little Rock Convention & Visitors Bureau and they consider the pamphlet their “Destination – Little Rock” piece. Woods said Jeff Saltmarsh and Roy Graves continue to do a good job with the UK market. Woods will have more detailed information concerning “Destination: Arkansas” at the next meeting.
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Section Reports
Research & Information Services Section
This section processed 19,927 requests for information during January 2005. Tourist Information Center visitation totaled 33,698 and 442,317 visits were made to the Tourism Division web sites. Staff members are currently working on the wealth of charts, tables, and text to be included in the 2004 Annual Travel & Tourism Report.
Section members completed articles, filed releases, photographed events, and researched, compiled, and edited stories. Several staff members also spoke at various functions in their territories.
Group Travel
The section responded to 193 inquiries in January 2005. The majority of the requests were from group tour operators, international, and travel agencies.
Staff members participated in the Ontario Motor coach and NTA tradeshows in November and the international tradeshow “Rhythms of the South” in December.
Tourism Development
All regional associations met the monthly deadline requirements for January.
Staff members completed the video taping of the Tourism Hall of Fame and Person of the Year recipients.
Moro Bay State Park
Greg Butts introduced and welcomed Senator Jimmy Jeffress and Representative Gregg Reep who had sent letters signed by legislators in south Arkansas seeking support to move forward with the cabin project at Moro Bay State Park.
Senator Jeffress said most of the legislators in south Arkansas feel the cabin project at the park is an important one. Senator Jeffress pointed out that there is only one state park (Lake Chicot) in south Arkansas that has cabins. It is felt that economic activities would be boosted by having cabins at Moro Bay. The southern legislators are all interested in the project and feel cabins would help bring more visitors to the area and be of great economic benefit to south Arkansas.
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Representative Reep said there is broad support for the cabin project, including 20 legislators who signed letters to the Commission. People in the Moro Bay area feel as though they are sometimes left out and ask that the project be looked at on its merits. Representative Reep said the project had been discussed for a long time and something needs to be done to get it underway so the residents in south Arkansas can see some activity.
Jim Shamburger said the Commissioners wanted the cabins at Moro Bay and had approved the project; however there is not enough money to do everything that needs to be done throughout the park system. Richard Davies said, as he understood it, in view of the broad support for the cabin project, the request is for it to be moved up in the schedule. If the process was begun immediately, the cabins would not be built in the next biennium because of the architectural and approval process with the Arkansas Building Authority. Senator Jeffress said if there were any other sources of revenue that would require legislative approval, he and Representative Reep would be glad to pursue it. They realize that the process will take time, but need to show their constituents that the project is moving along. Representative Reep said though the park is there for recreation, this is an economic development issue, also. Senator Jeffress and Representative Reep excused themselves, due to legislative commitments.
Discussion by several commissioners centered around what could be done to get things started, and the timing that would be involved. Richard Davies stated that if we started right now, it would probably be a biennium away before we could actually start construction, and if we do engineering too soon, and don’t start construction, then all the permits etc. would expire and we’d have to re-do some of it.
The Commission instructed the staff to request with a high priority, the engineering and design fees from the Natural and Cultural Resources Grant and Trust fund for the 2007 fiscal year to be combined with the Ouachita River Commission funds. The Department would not request the Ouachita River funds until the balance is approved from NCRC. Mr. Davies stated that the request would go in about a year from now, which would also coincide roughly with the timing for the Commission to prioritize 1/8th cent funding for the 08-09 biennium. The Commission didn’t commit to the construction funding at this time, but will discuss it with all the other park needs together. The Commission instructed the staff to go for the engineering funds next year, and the Ouachita River Commission money would need to be a part of that mix. This would all be dependent on the NCRC fund remaining intact. Also to fully explore the possible options for placement of the cabins, type of construction, sewer system(s) required etc. so we could give the engineers/architects some concrete guidance.