CHAIRMAN: Christine HopeVICE CHAIRMAN: Christine Sutherland
- That Rob Cann is Personal Development Chairman nominated by Claire Swinburne and seconded by Christine Sutherland and that Claire Swinburne is vice chairman nominated by Philip Payne, seconded by Jacomina Wakeford.
- That Katie Christensen and Nia Evans have been elected as Co-options
- That Leadership Development is moved to March 2010 with agreement from the Board of Management
- That the work on the update of the NFYFC Safeguarding policy is progressing well. The draft policy has been sent to counties for consultation- with a deadline of the 20th December. This consultation period will assist with the development of a working policy that meets the requirements of new legislation to become law summer 2010. Included in the new safeguarding policy is an ISA Timeline which can also be accessed as a single document if people would like more information.To date correspondence has been received from Norfolk.
- That the Personal Development Steering group will look at other cyberbullying organisations
- That Brook has confirmed their attendance at Torquay in 2010 and work is ongoing with counties to support the introduction and continuation of sexual health work.
- That work on the UN Convention on the rights of the child is progressing with the support of the Children’s Rights Alliance and we would like the NFYFC to acknowledge the treaty as an organisation.
- That the steering group have asked Jodie and Jo to complete some alcohol awareness work. They will look into accessing funding through Drinkaware to begin an alcohol awareness and safe drinking campaign throughout the organisation.
- That Management Adventure will now be called YFC Adventure Challenge (working title) and will take place at the end of July/beginning of August
- That the staff conference will take place on the 11th-12th February in Leicestershire
- The closing date for the Discovery Programme is the 20th November and Discovery Selection day is the 5th December
- That free HSE training is taking place in March in the South West – all members age 16 and over can access this training
- That a YFC specific Duke of Edinburgh leaflet was given out to steering group members, this is available on PDF
- That all NFYFC Training has been linked to the Vinvolved scheme
- That the Personal Development steering group have been asked for ideas for a FACE educational event on the 16-17th June 2010
- That it has been requested that guidance be written on Naked Calendars
PD 15 - 09