Ontario Childhood Injury Prevention Committee (OCIPC)

March 31, 2016

1:30-2:30 p.m.

Attending:Hélène Gagné, Paula Waddell, Kelly Taylor, Cindy Kirkpatrick, Etta Li, Karen Galloway, Kelly Vanderhoeven, Kelly Wilson, Brittany Thomson, Lorna Boratto, Mike Gorgey

Regrets:Jennifer Flood, Pam Fuselli, Debbie Bridge, Jennifer Hodgins, Amber Wooldridge, Casey Waltersgray, Jacqueline Deroo, Corrine Langill, Jane Edwards, Kate Dunford, Marie Brisson

  1. Welcome (Hélène)
  1. Recorder: Cindy Kirkpatrick
  1. Approval of agenda: approved by Etta Li
  1. Approval of February 25, 2016 minutes: approved by Cindy Kirkpatrick
  1. New Co-Chair
  • Kelly Vanderhoeven is the successful co-chair
  1. Home Safety Checklists (Etta)
  • Etta sent a request to Casey Walters-Gray to adapt the KFL&A home safety checklist with respect to messaging (What? So what? Now what?), using website colours, adding logo and individual health unit contact information and website.
  • Casey has forwarded the request to management.
  • Awaiting response.
  • Action:Etta to follow-up with Casey from KFL&A if allowed to adapt their home safety checklist
  1. LDCP KE funding update(Kelly V.)
  • Project received $10k from PHO and $10k from ONF for the next fiscal year
  • Lorna Boratto has been hired as a consultant for the project
  • Lorna envisions an introductory webinar in May 2016, an environmental scan of health unit needs and sustainability r/t child injury prevention, post-engagement strategies, and possibly French translation of some elements (eg. key messages, etc)
  • This covers 2 columns of the logic model
  • A working group was established to assist with the webinar:
  • Kelly V.
  • Kelly T.
  • Etta
  • Karen
  • Helene
  • Action: Kelly V. to send Doodle poll for workgroup’s first Teleconference during the week of April 4 /16.
  • Action: Mike will send PHO funding package to Kelly V.
  • Action: Kelly V. will forward funding package to active and associate members of OCIPC.
  • Action: Kelly V. to ask Pam Fuselli of OIPRC if the working group can use this teleconference line.
  1. Evaluation questions (Kelly V., Hélène)
  • Evaluation of the website has been deferred until at least 2017 due to:
  • The LDCP KT project, which will include an environmental scan;
  • Concerns with capacity and workload, particularly for epidemiology department;
  • Completion of a previous website survey, and;
  • The group has not yet determined what aspects of the website are to be evaluated.
  • These aspects may evolve out of the current LDCP KT project.
  • Action: Kelly V. to ask Pam Fuselli if OIPRC could provide a report on website analytics.
  1. Best Start Conference update (Lorna)
  • Many participants, particularly from aboriginal communitites and the Ministry of Health, expressed a lot of interest in
  • Some participants were looking for materials in French
  • It was recognized while speaking with participants from Public Health that there was a need for communication within health units, in general, about the website and supportive materials
  1. Face to Face Meeting (Hélène on behalf of Pam)
  • OIPRC may be able to cover costs for travel and lunch at a face to face meeting
  • Some members expressed concerns with budgets to cover hotel and other meal costs
  • It was suggested that any face to face meeting(s) be scheduled after the environmental scan has been completed in order to strategize next steps for the larger group.
  1. Next meeting
  • April 28, 2016 – 1:30-3:00pm
  • Group agreed to continue scheduling meetings on the last Thursday of the month during next fiscal year