Willoughby School
School Improvement Plan - Summary
2017 – 18
Assessment and Progress
- All pupils to make at least good progress and at least 25% of pupils outstanding progress.
- New assessments and certification system (AQA certificates) to be introduced and embedded.
- Termly EHCP reviews and updates for each pupil to be completed and shared with parents and carers.
Attendance and Behaviour
- Pupil attendance to be over 90%.
- Behaviour to remain consistently good or outstanding.
- Attendance and Behaviour to be tracked and monitored school wide, using MIS (Integris).
Education Health and Care Plans
- EHCPS to be the focal point of assessment and progress when reporting to parents using the termly reviews.
- EHCPSto influence in curriculum design and innovation to ensure these meet identified needs.
- EHCPS to be individualised, working documents.
- A comprehensive, long term financial plan to be devised which ensures the school priorities spending on agreed priorities.
- School fund to be managed and overseen by independent trustees.
- Staffing to be reviewed in line with predicted income.
Leadership and Management
- Staff on UPS to have a clear and defined whole school role.
- Leadership and Management structure to be reviewed in line with predicted income and school need.
- Leadership roles and responsibility holders to be supported to undertake appropriate National Professional Qualifications to enhance whole school provision.
- Ensure a sustainable staffing structure, in line with pupil need.
- Staff to model the Willoughby Way.
- Staff to be supported through effective performance management. Teachers performance management and pay, to be linked.
- The school, Hot Spa to be updated.
- Long-term premises plan to be devised to meet the maintenance and growth needs of the school.
- Corridors, front of house areas and staff room to be redecorated upgraded.
Pupil Premium
- All Pupil Premium students to make progress in line or above the mean average of pupil progress.
- Pupil Premium students’ progress and outcomes to be reported on a termly and then yearly basis.
- Those receiving Pupil Premium to be tracked individually as a group, with any specific barriers identified and appropriateintervention strategies as needed.
- Maintain a culture of safeguarding for all members of the Willoughby Community.
- Staff to receive the relevant training appropriate to their role.
- Safeguarding reporting forms to be updated in line with current practice and guidance.
Teaching & Learning
- The ‘Forest School’ project to be launched and embedded.
- Extracurricular activities to play a key part in the wider Willoughby Curriculum.
- Eight ‘Topic Afternoons’ to be experienced by all pupils, over the course of the year.
2016 Ofsted Report – Next Steps
- Pupil attendance rates improve
- Increased rigour is applied to the assessment of pupils’ learning in a wider range of subjects all teaching is of a consistently high quality
- The school website is compliant with DfE requirements.