Feb. 21, 2013
Members: John Barnum, Next Step Recycling; Dennis Chong, Symantec Corp.; Michael Finch, Lane County; Craig Gray, Pinnacle Healthcare; Phillip Robles, TEK Systems; Luke Kincaid, Student Representative.
Faculty/Staff: Brian Bird, Gary Bricher, Larry Scott, Paul Wilkins, Gerry Meenaghan.
Members: Nate Chapman, Kevin Crissman, Mark Davis, Les Moore, Otto Radke, Connor Salisbury, Dale Smith.
In Otto Radke’s absence, John Barnum as vice-chair called the meeting to order at 4:08pm in Bldg 16, Room 211, and welcomed all. The Fall 2012 minutes were reviewed and approved.
New member Pillip Robles from TEK Systems was welcomed. He and Nate Chapman will be sharing representation from TEK Systems.
Members were asked to share newsworthy items from their company including software changes and hiring.
Dennis Chong: Not a lot of software changes now. Sill on Windows 7 rollout. using Office 2010. Hiring needs include network degree and computer user support students. Symantec has open positions now.
Phillip Robles: TEK Systems is in a discovery phase, no open positions now but in the future openings are expected. Customers are looking for talent. Thursday there will be an open house. Phillip will be taking over Nate Chapman’s position.
Craig Gray: New health care system is starting up at Pinnacle. We have wireless to all facilities and are using datacenter hosting but have few in-house positions. Mobile support is coming.
Michael Finch: Next budget year looks fairly stable. New records system for jail system is in place. Windows 7 is dominate. Mobile support through AirWatch tracking and management. We have no current openings. Using Microsoft C#, People Soft, and in-house apps. Using Office 2010. Pilot project exploring mobile options (iPad seems to be the choice). We’re looking at a Citrix receiver.
John Barnum: NextStep needs interns. We’re Windows 7 based and using Office 2007 Standard version. No hiring save interns and volunteers at this time.
1. College/Division Update – Larry Scott said the CIT department is in transition with new full-time faculty recently coming aboard, and a new faculty position posting in the information systems/health informatics area which we wish to fill by the end of April. College-wide there are a vice president and two executive dean positions that currently are being filled. Enrollment is down 12% college-wide and 8-12% in CIT. There is expected to be a $9M deficit in the coming year. In the Health Informatics area, Good Samaritan and Peace Health are moving to the Epic system. There are lots of jobs for Health Informatics students.
2. Career Pathway Roadmaps – Paul Wilkins reviewed the career roadmaps request for input from the last meeting. He requested volunteers for four main areas: Networking (Dennis, Craig, John volunteered), Web programming (Phillip, Michael), Gaming (Paul will ask Connor and Mark who were absent), and Health Informatics (Craig) Here is the link to the roadmaps:
3. Windows 8 Status – There was discussion on the status of the Windows 8 rollout and if there is an urgency for CIT to move to W8. Some member companies were testing W8 others had no current plans to move to W8. Some were just now moving from WindowsXP to W7. It was mentioned that desktop support staff would likely want training now for W8. There was consensus that CIT moving in Fall 2013 to W8 in its labs was a good idea.
4. Mobile Apps – Brian Bird led the discussion on the topic of mobile app development and outlined the curriculum in a mobile app programming course currently under development at Lane. There was interest from several members in a Lane class or classes on mobile computing for their staff. It was indicated that there is a huge demand in Portland for this training. Several members indicated that many companies are moving to this platform.
5. Networking Support – This topic was tabled due to lack of time.
All members were thanked for their attendance and the meeting adjourned at 5:30pm. The next regular meeting will be Spring term, 04/30/2013, 3:30pm at Lane.
eCopies: Advisory Committee Members