Little Hadham Neighbourhood Plan

Minutes of the meeting of the Steering Committee held on Monday, 24thOctober, 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in the Committee Room at Little Hadham Village Hall.

Present: Will Wright, Chairman; Neil Wardrop, Jon Fardell, Angela Fardell, Sally Gramlick, Dave Willett.

1. Apologies for absence: Andy Munro, Shirley Nicholls. Noted: Shirley cannot do Mondays, agreed to arrange meetings so she can attend.

Declarations of interest: none.

2. Minutes of the last meeting: agreed.

3. Administration up-dates: Shirley reported no change to finances. Anne Wright will need payment when her work is finalised.

Website: earliest minutes need to be sent to Neil. Also photos to be added, difficulties experienced passing these on.

4. Character Assessments: Almost completed. Photos to be chosen to match text, also wild life pictures from Jono Forgham: owls, newts etc. awaited. Neil to set up dropbox for photos. Editor needed for CAs, Angela volunteered Rob Francis who has already done two NPs for Stortford and was an editor by profession.

5. Site Assessments: lively debate on sites. The Aecom report was discussed, Jon pointed out the errors in their report – confusion of sites, numbering and locations. Will confirmed that none of the owners/developers of the sites wished to back out and two developers wanted to put their proposals to the Steering Group. This could be prior to the next meeting, Jon would not attend.

Aecom used a traffic light system for assessing sites; red sites not to be considered; amber sites to be looked at, all outside the settlement boundary.

Of 17 sites, only three are green. Alarm expressed at the densities, numbers done to a formula. Must prepare a Design Statement.

6. Next steps: Items to be clarified:

1. Housing density.

2. 6.00 p.m. for next meeting: 1½ hours to discuss proposals.

3. Site owners to be notified; Geoff Williamson our District Councillor should be involved together with East Herts Planning Department; advice from Rachel needed.

4. Will to go back to Aecom, ask about density and site numbering.

5. Next meeting, presentations from people on their sites.

7. AOB: No report for Parish News.

8. Date and time of next meeting: Monday, 27th November suggested, confirm by email

check everyone can come including Geoff Williamson.