Detailed information regarding the upcoming release

(The pictures seen in this presentation is all from the test system and due to that some errors can be seen, this will not be the case in the production system)

1.New mandatory fields for Order to Delivery complaints

  • “Zenith order number” and “Batch number received” will be mandatory.
  • If category of error is "Wrong product than ordered" the fields "Product code received", "Batch number received" and "Quantity wrong product" will be mandatory.

A detailed information about this changes can be seen below.

Mandatory fields in the Order to Delivery form

If “Zenith order No” not is filled in when creating an Order to Delivery complaint a validation alert is pop up (See picture below).

If “Batch number received” not is filled in when creating an Order to Delivery complaint a validation alert is pop up (See picture below). This is only mandatory if product/s are received.

If “Product code received”not is filled in when creating an Order to Delivery complaint for “Wrong, wrong product than ordered”a validation alert is pop up (See picture below).

If “Batch number received” not is filled in when creating an Order to Delivery complaint for “Wrong, wrong product than ordered” a validation alert is pop up (See picture below).

If “Quantity wrong product” not is filled in when creating an Order to Delivery complaint for “Wrong, wrong product than ordered” a validation alert is pop up (See picture below).

  1. One more step is implemented for Order to Delivery workflow so that one warehouse can forward a complaint received to another warehouse.

If the warehouse thinks that a complaint should be send to another Warehouse, the Warehouse can go to the Warehouse Tab (see picture) and at the bottom of the page selects the new Warehouse and click on the Send To Another Warehoue button.The complaint will then be sent to another Warehouse after the popup question “Are you sure you want to send this complaint to another warehouse” is answered with OK.

Please Note : The complaint can be sent to Another Warehouse only one time

3. In the SU product views a new view with all product complaint categorized by Complaint Type (Tools , Round Tools and Inserts)will be added.

Displaying type of complaint in the SU product views can be done by clicking on “Complaint by Type” under “Products” in the left hand menu.

4. New views for Tools, Round Tools and Inserts that show the complaints that have been sent back for "More Info" to the Sales Units from the Gtaekeeperwill be implemented (see pictures)

5. The possibility for our Sales Units to overrule the workflow in TCHS by doing a “Local final reply” for a complaint sent to them for "More Info" from the Gatekeeper will not be possible anymore.

If trying to do so a popup message saying that the complaint need to be sent back to Gatekeeper will show up (see picture).

6. Two more fields for all product complaints (Tools, Round Tools and Inserts) will be added for the Sales Units on tab "Complaint Info". The fields are "SU-Goods received" and “Date customer contacted the SU”. The field “Date customer contacted the SU” will be mandatory and both these fields will be searchable in Advanced Search

7. "Send goods address information" and “No goods needed”dates for all investigation instances will be possible to search in Advance search. As already mentioned also “Date customer Contacted the SU” and “SU goods received” will be possible to search in Advanced Search as well as “Other comments” that is a field use by manufacture.