MINUTES OF SEPT 17, 2014 MEETING (unapproved)

Red denotes items that need action taken on.


Paul Strain & Steve King-IL, Jay Griffin-Jail, Greg George-Blue Mt. Lake, James Lewek--Benson, Ted Bertella-Morehouse; Michael Lamphear-Raquette Lake, Karl Blanchard-Speculator, Bill Wharton-Lake Pleasant, John Seift-Deputy Fire Coordinator, Vince Lauria & Bob Both-Wells, Don Purdy-Hamilton Co. Emergency Mangt., Mackenzie Jewel l & Scott Edkin-OFPC

Meeting called to order at 1902hr.: Vice President Paul Strain presiding.

Minutes of July 16th, 2014 were voted on and approved.

·  Schedule for 2014: March 20 (Thursday)--Indian Lake

May 21--Lake Pleasant

July 16--Indian Lake

Sept. 17--Lake Pleasant

Nov. 19--Indian Lake

January 21, 2015--Lake Pleasant

Meeting time is 1900hrs.


·  Ryan has set the following training courses:

1. October 18--FFI refresher course at Oak Mt. 0800 to 1400hrs. Students will need their SCBA packs, a spare bottle, turnout gear, and lunch. Chiefs need to notify Ryan with the number of fire fighters wishing to attend at

2. The annual Hazmat refresher courses will be held Wednesday, Oct. 22 at Lake Pleasant fire house, and Wednesday, Oct. 29, at Blue Mt. Lake fire house. Start time is 1830hrs.

Ryan has volunteered to be the Intelligence Liaison Officer between the State and the County. He will be offering classroom sessions to the departments on" terrorists threat awareness". Chiefs can contact him to schedule a session at

Ryan would like to proceed on a project to establish a live burn training center in the County. He has a proposal drawn up to obtain the necessary funding which is attached to these minutes. He would like the fire departments' support by encouraging their towns to back the project. He estimates the cost to a town could be $2000.00/year for 15 years. Please look at his proposal and be prepared to discuss it at the next meeting.


·  Jay has been in touch with Hamilton County Nursing Services. They have offered to deliver courses to the County's emergency services such as blood borne pathogens.

·  The pump operator course will not happen this year.


·  Karl Abrams could not make this meeting, but has some surplus radios to offer to the first-comers. They are as follows:

Two stand alone Vertex mobile low band radios

Three Vertex high band mobiles

Two Vertex low band mobiles with heads

One Motorola low band with remote head

One Federal 640 switch control box

Call Karl if interested for details.

·  Don presented the FAB with two resolutions from the County Board of Supervisors. One approved the Hazardous Materials Incident Response Plan, and the other approved the Hamilton County Mutual aid Plan. Both revised and submitted by Don and Jay. The resolutions are on file with the Secretary of the FAB.


·  Mackenzie is no longer Hamilton County's OFPC representative. She, though irreplaceable, is being replaced by Scott Edkin. Many thanks for her time served with us. Scott can be contacted at , or 518-474-6746 (office) or 518-380-0579 (cell).

·  Jay asked Scott about the FFI Student Manual crisis. Scott recommended applying for a grant under the Recruitment and Retention Grant program with a support letter from as many departments as possible. This grant is specifically for training props and tools up to $25,000. The manuals cost between $70 and $85, with an approximate shelf-life of 10-12 years. The FAB can not apply for a grant, but an individual department can with support from the rest of us.

·  The FAB asks if members have other ideas, eg. training aids, that we could include in a grant request along with the supply of manuals? Call Jay.


·  The issue of the interior fire fighter escape system was talked about again. The current feeling is that departments should complete the Risk Assessment form for their files, and "do what they think they need to do" to comply with the Department of Labor law. The law seems to be open to much interpretation.


·  Karl Blanchard offered 15 sets of used turnout gear in good condition, to anyone in need. Contact Karl.

·  Bob Both commented that Hamilton County Deputy Willy Wilt put on an excellent presentation of his radio etiquette course in Wells. Bill Wharton stated that Deputy Wilt will be giving it at Lake Pleasant Oct. 28, at 1900hrs. Anyone is welcome to attend.

·  Jay Griffin stated that the absorbent pads and booms given to each fire department will absorb all petrol chemicals, antifreeze, but no water.



Gg 9/22/14