Parish Pastoral Council Meeting – September 19, 2017
Present Council Members: Father Tony VanderLoop,Carl Brakob, Tim Davis, Nancy Maas, Linda O’Donnell, Dick Frie, Mike Moran, Bill Renner, Renee Berens, Paul Dehmer and Dean Flicker.
Parish Trustee: Les Wilmot
Members absent: Mike Moran and Pat Ray.
1)Opening prayer led by Tim Davis.
2)Minutes – Approved and on the web.
3)Presentation – Fall Fest Wrap. Present were Lanette and Brett Aitchison and Janelle and Rick Hazuka.
Lanette began by reporting a 30% increase in profit over last year. Current numbers show a $30,351.59 net with some outstanding checks.
Grand Raffle had a 6% increase over last year, possibly because fewer tickets to sell and all prizes being cash.
Silent Auctions had a 16% increase; and all income was at a 100% profit;
Country Market and Sweet Shoppe had a 52% increase over last year.
Construction costs were 12% less than last year, made possible by using a company that set the tents up and took them down, saving not only $$ but labor from parishioners as well.
Janelle reported that numbers for the Sunday morning Waffle Breakfast were down from last year, probably due to the fact that it was raining after Mass last year so folks stayed inside and ate whereas this year it was warm and sunny so folks went on outside.
The Pie Social numbers were about the same. The Grandparents Booth was a HUGE hit. Kids Games changed to $5 for a bracelet that let you play all day, and it was very successful.
Rick reported that changes to construction made a great difference. The layout of the grounds was pulled in closer, it was a cleaner layout, well-lit and they were able to use most of the old signage that help with expenses.
Brett reported on Marketing. He discovered through investigation and St. Henry Archives that this was the 88th year of the Festival. Publicity included:
4 television billboards/websites
10 radio stations and their websites 4 electronic billboards 7 physical signs around the city Chamber kiosk
Bright yellow flags purchased for placing on 7th Street.
The Sunday Polka Mass was well-attended. Father thought all three Masses had an increase in attendance. Brett’s objectives for the weekend was more interactive entertainment. There were Spanish Dancers that pulled people in, hula hoops and a strolling Elvis as well as Toby Kid again this year. There was always something going on in the “Big Top”.
Comments from council – The lawn signs were a great idea, they were seen all over the city. And BIG kudos to Jim Sidla for all the work he did on the signage for the Festival.
How do we recruit new Chairs? How can we convince current team to stay on? The team plans to meet with Father to discuss issues faced and what the next team should look like. A motion was made to acknowledge and recognize the work of this enthusiastic hard-working team. So noted.
One suggestion was that younger families be given financial credit toward Faith Formation for all volunteer hours given to the Festival. Parents who teach Faith Formation do get a financial discount.
Lanette invited Council Members to the Recap Meeting being held on the 9th of October. She also reported that they have made a complete timeline for future teams to used to help them understand how the preparation for this largest fundraiser for Saint Henry needs to work. The team also created a thumb drive with all the paperwork i.e. tickets, signs, forms, orders, etc. These items will be a GREAT reference. Motion made by Dick Frie, seconded by Carl Brakob to Acknowledge and compliment for performing an excellent task as co-chairpersons – Brent and Lanette Aitchicon and Rick and Janell Hazuka – of the Parish Festival. Also, for providing recommendations and suggestions for the incoming future chairpersons. Passed unanimously by the parish Council.
- Open Forum – One member asked about installing an electronic marquee outside to help publicize events. GROW listed such a sign on its initiatives, slated for 2021 because of the cost. Estimated to be about $25,000. There are more priorities ahead of this project, the roof and the parking lot. There is always hope someone will donate funds specified for such a sign.
- Liaison Reports:
Communication, Parish Life, And Stewardship: No report. Other than the report from the Festival.
Faith Formation and Evangelization: Bill Renner joined the last board meeting, commenting on the “awesome board”. The largest issue discussed was lack of catechists for classes. Bill asked input on ideas on how to recruit men to teach. One member commented on making personal phone calls or one on one talks with men to encourage participation.
Sacraments and Worship: Renee attended the Liturgy Planning meeting. There are challenges to Masses over Christmas weekend and it was decided Masses would be 5 PM on Saturday, the 23rd, 9AM, 5PM and 10 PM on the 24th and 9 AM on Christmas Day.
Charity, Pastoral Care and Justice: Linda reported that Mission Outreach had been busy with SHARE (feeding up to 375 families), Great River Family Promise hosted August 13-20 and served 2 families. We will have families again Thanksgiving week. Forty Days for Life begins on September 27 at 6PM until November 5 at 3PM. It is expected that our parish will “adopt” a baby to pray for. She also announced that Befriends and the Homebound Ministry are being combined under Deacon Mike Medley.
Hispanic Ministry & Collaboration: Carl attempted to reach the leader and discovered he had an outdated contact list. Alejandra Rivas Chavez is no longer the leader, it is now Monica Martin. Carl asked is there one specific leader and Father Tony said they operate as a leadership group with chairs for each ministry – some are Hospitality, Liturgy, Music, Faith Formation, RCIA. Father referred Carl to Dan with questions.
Maintenance Board (Building and Grounds. Dick met with Ken and Jerry when they did the outside “walk around.” Several items on the punch list have already been completedand there is conversation on how best to approach painting and striping the parking lot. Ken is talking with Dan about the possibility of having it done commercially. The striping of the yellow curbing is fully intended to be completed yet this fall of 2017. Les asked for a volunteer to the Cemetery Board that meets once a quarter and Tim Pauly asked to be that Parish Council to the Board.
- Old Business–
- Tabernacle/Stained glass in Chapel comments – Some comments were “miss seeing the garden and animals”, “like feeling safer at late night”, “glad only one window will be covered.” Father said that the window will be framed in wood.
- A Parish Vision – Long discussion with Father about “What is Jesus Calling Saint Henrys to do?” “What does it mean to be faithful?”We need to begin to reach out to those who feel disconnected. Father heard council members talk about personal outreach, outreach at Mass, not only to adults but to the children who are the future of our parish. Father plans to provide some trends to the council in the future, on Mass Counts, Faith Formation numbers, etc. Some suggestions were “say hello to your neighbor in the pew”, “introduce yourself”, “sit with a stranger at coffee and donuts”, “serve coffee and donuts in the Gathering Space sometimes”, “grateful for ushers greeting people, what about a golf cart to deliver folks from their vehicles.” Tim said there was discussion at Building and Grounds to move the handicapped parking closer to the building. And especially, “remain faithful to the Gospel.”
- New Business:
- Stewardship Renewal will be October 29-30th.
- Father Tony Updates:
- Holy Water Stoups – Father plans to have two small stoups installed on the brick wall in the sanctuary leading out of church to help alleviate congestion at the Holy Water font.
- NHP – Group of 10 will be coming to St. Henry on Oct. 14-15. They will perform with our musicians at Masses and following the 5PM Mass on the 14th there will be a simple meal and presentation for the parish.
8. Next meeting will be October 17 at 7:15 PM.
9. Closing prayer by Paul Dehmerat 9:30PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Holmes, Secretary