Dr. George Walker

August 11, 2006

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To: FIU Community

From: Ronald Berkman, Executive Vice President & Provost

Date: May 29, 2008

Re: New Dean Named for Robert Stempel School of Public Health

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Fernando M. Trevino has been appointedDean of FIU’s Robert Stempel School of Public Health effective June 1,2008. I want to express my appreciation to Interim Dean Michele Ciccazzo who has served so ably in that role since December 2006.

Dr. Trevino was Professor and Founding Dean of the School of Public Healthat the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth from1999 to 2007. During that period, he also served as Director of the TexasInstitute for Hispanic Health in the School of Public Health and as Directorof the school's Institute for Public Health Research. From 1996-2000, Dr.Trevino was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Public Health andPreventative Medicine in the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, part ofUniversity of North Texas Health Sciences Center. Dr. Trevino most recentlyserved as Chancellor of Southern Illinois University.

As Professor and Dean of the School of Health Professions at Southwest TexasState University from 1991-1993, Dr. Trevino was the chief academic officerof the nation's largest school of health professions with 2,000 studentsmajoring in one of eleven different health occupations.

From 1993-1996, Dr. Trevino served as Executive Director of the AmericanPublic Health Association in Washington, D.C., and as Executive Editor ofthe American Journal of Public Health. One of the founders of the nationalMedicine and Public Health Initiative, he served as Co-Chair of theinitiative from 1994-1996. He was also Co-Chair of the National Congress on

Medicine and Public Health held in March, 1996. He is a Past President ofthe World Federation of Public Health Associations based in Geneva,Switzerland.

He holds a Ph.D. in Preventive Medicine and Community Health from theUniversity of Texas Medical Branch, a M.P. H. degree in Health ServicesAdministration from the University of Texas School of Public Health, and aB.S. degree in Psychology from the University of Houston.

Dr. Trevino is an extraordinary leader with unique experience andaccomplishments in public health and medicine and the vision to lead theStempel School into the future. Please, join me in wishing Dr. Trevino andthe College mutual success.

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