Nez Perce County Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

Mitigation Initiatives

Initiatives were developed by the Nez Perce County 20/20 Mitigation Team to identify and recommend projects and programs that, when implemented, would eliminate, minimize, or otherwise mitigate the vulnerability of the people, property, environmental resources and economic vitality of the community to the impacts of future disasters. The consolidation of these initiatives into a single plan serves to both support each organization’s efforts to implement their mitigation projects, and to facilitate communication between organizations. This reduces the likelihood of conflicting initiatives.

Initiatives common to all hazards are listed first. The remaining initiatives are organized as follows:

  • Broad organization by hazard type (floods, wildland fires, landslides, earthquakes)
  • Further cataloging by the impact of the hazard.
  • Project Description
  • Proposed timelines (duration)
  • Lead agency
  • Partner agencies

The proposed timeline for each initiative is:

Short-term:three months or less

Medium-term:one year or less

Long-term:five years or less

On-going:indefinite projects (such as public education)

The timelines are the mitigation team’s desired implementation schedule for the current and priority initiatives now incorporated into the plan. It is important to recognize that these are not mandated actions, but are goals to strive for under the constraints of time, budgets and future unknown conditions. Proposed timelines are in bold after each project description.

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects


Hazard: All Hazards

Impact: Power


#1 Obtain multi-phase generator for assured operation of the critical infrastructure during

disaster response

Duration: medium

Lead agency: All public safety agencies

Partners:All public safety agencies


Status: NEW project

#2 Inventory supply of generators

Duration: medium

Lead agency: Emergency Management

Partners:All public safety agencies

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred

Hazard: All Hazards

Impact: Communications


#1Explore placing an amateur radio station at SJRMC

Duration: medium

Lead agency: Emergency Management

Partner:Emergency Communications Team (EMCOMM)


Status: Complete. Radio obtained; needs programming for frequencies.

#2Inventory cell phones and satellite phones: owned and available

Duration: long

Lead agency: Emergency Management

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

Partners:All public safety agencies

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred

#3Ascertain radio “dead spots”

Duration: long

Lead agency: Emergency Management

Partners:All public safety agencies, StateComm


Status: Completed (in communication studies to write communications plan)

#4Establish written protocol for radio communication between counties, within counties and interagency

Duration: Medium

Lead agency: Sheriff

Partners:StateComm, all public safety agencies


Status: deferred (identified as a tasking for the Interoperable Communications Working Group)

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects


Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Homes lost


#1 Review existing flood plain ordinances

Duration: medium

Lead agency:CountyPlanner

Partners:Lewiston CommunityDevelopment, CountyProsecutor,

City Attorney

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred

#2 Develop incentives to build out of flood plain

Duration: medium

Lead agency: CountyPlanner,

Partners:Mitigation Steering Committee

Builders Association

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred/partial complete (cost-saving measures are emphasized to owners/builders in the building permit process)

#3 Select and pre-position a way to fill sandbags (cone fillers, etc)

Duration: short

Lead agency: Emergency Management

Partners:ITD, Dept ofCorrections


Status: deferred

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Private property damage


NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

#1 Upgrade Lewiston stormwater system

Duration: long

Lead agency: City of Lewiston

Partners:Emergency Management, EPA, DEQ

Cost:up to $1 million per project

Status: deferred

#2 Review information available from government agencies and provide programs to actively conduct public outreach

Duration: on-going

Lead agencies: All mitigation team members

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete (disaster education and forest fuels reduction (firewise)

deferred (education will be on-going)

#3 Educate property owners about flood insurance for storm events

Duration: on-going

Lead agency: CountyPlanner

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings and information provided

during building permit application process

Status: complete (public education)

deferred (education will be on-going)

#4 Revise “Flood Damage Reduction Ordinance” to require anchoring and/or elevation of exterior utilities for new construction

Duration: short

Lead agencies: All mitigation team members

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete (ordinance revised)

#5 Revise “Flood Damage Reduction Ordinance” to require anchoring of future manufactured homes located in Zone B

Duration: short

Lead agencies: All mitigation team members

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

Status: deleted (NezPerceCounty does not regulate Zone B)

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: City/County road and bridge damage


#1 Develop a culvert/bridge inventory on GIS system

Duration: medium

Lead agency: County Road Dept

Partners:Lewiston Public Works,County IS Dept, NRCS,

incorporated towns


Status: deferred (some equipment obtained)

#2 Track past damage to monitor for recurrent damage - a GIS layer for previous flood damage

Duration: medium

Lead agencies: Emergency Management, County Road Dept,

Partners:Lewiston Public Works, IS Dept, incorporated towns, Nez

Perce Tribe


Status: complete

#3 Replace five culverts on gun club road with larger culverts

Duration: medium

Lead agency: County Road Dept

Cost:$25,000 ($5,000 each)

Status: deleted (project is on private property)

#4 Lift bridge over Bear Creek at Peck, ID

Duration: long

Lead agency: County Road Dept


Status: deferred

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

#5 Widen road on Cook’s grade in known slide area

Duration: long

Lead agency: County Road Dept


Status: deferred

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Public structure damage


#1 Upgrade Lewiston stormwater system

Duration: long

Lead agency: City of Lewiston

Partners:Emergency Management, EPA, DEQ

Cost:up to $1 million per project

Status: deferred

#2 Adopt a county-wide program of annual ditch/culvert maintenance

Duration: on-going

Lead agencies: Road Dept, Lewiston Public Works,

Partners:Incorporated towns, Emergency Management

Cost:$5,000 ($1,000/year for five years)

Status: complete (County maintenance is on an annual schedule; Lewiston maintenance is on a 5-year rotation)

deferred (maintenance will be on-going)

#3 Education of private property owners

Duration: on-going

Lead agencies: All mitigation team members

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete (Community outreach is conducted at least annually as part of the permit process)

deferred (education/outreach will be on-going)

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

#4 Identify and share information on roadside erosion control

Duration: on-going

Lead agencies: Road Dept, Lewiston Public Works, NRCS,

Partners:Incorporated towns, Nez Perce Tribe

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete (USDA/NRCS outreach during streambed channel stabilization projects; contact with mayors during potential flood events)

deferred (erosion will be on-going)

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Inconveniences


#1Encourage and provide technical assistance and information onpersonal/family disaster preparedness

Duration: medium

Lead agency: Emergency Management

Partners:Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Isolation, impassable roads


#1 Encourage the sponsorship of CERT teams by a variety of public/private


Duration: medium

Lead agency: Emergency Management

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete (over 250 students have completed CERT training in the county)

#2 Establish Community Communication Centers for power-out conditions

Duration: medium

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

Lead agency: Emergency Management

Partners:Emergency Communications Team (EMCOMM)

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete(50-watt radios + antenna installed in city halls of outlying


#3 Public education on personal/family disaster preparedness, including

food, water, 72-hour kit

Duration: on-going

Lead agencies: Emergency Management,American Red Cross,

Partners:Nez Perce Tribe

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete (multiple seminars, workshops and presentations)

deferred (education/outreach will be on-going)

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Economic cost


#1 Coordination with State/Federal agencies to monitor other assistance programs

Duration: on-going

Lead agencies: All mitigation team members

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete (all public safety organizations have monitored programs)

deferred (coordination with state/federal agencies will be on-going)

#2 Waiver of building permit fees to rehabilitate flood-damages structures

Duration: as needed

Lead agencies: CountyCommissioners, City Manager

Partners:Prosecutor, CountyPlanner, Lewiston Community

Development, City Attorney

Cost:$200/incident, as needed

Status: complete (uniformly applied to all flood-damaged structures)

deferred(will apply to future floods)

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Delayed emergency response


#1 Develop website for disaster recovery…an electronic clearing house accessible by local/state/federal/non-profit agencies with a disaster response/recovery function

Duration: medium

Lead agency: Emergency Management

Partners:County IS Dept, Red Cross


Status: deleted (this function is accomp0lished by the state’s WebEOC software)

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Water purity


#1 Identify current “flood proof” status of municipal water treatment plants

Duration: long

Lead agency: CountyPlanner, Lewiston Public Works

Partners:North-Central Health District


Status: deferred

#2 Identify domestic wells that may be susceptible to flooding

Duration: medium

Lead agency: DEQ

Partners:CountyPlanner, North-Central Health District,

Nez Perce Tribe

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred

#3 Research Best Management Practices for spring development and maintenance. Adopt and disseminate to landowners

Duration: short

Lead agencies: CountyPlanner, Extension Service, NRCS,

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

Partners:IDWR, Nez Perce Tribe

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred

#4 Identify Dug wells used for human consumption. Develop brochure on french drains

Duration: short

Lead agency: Public Health – Idaho North Central District

Partners:DEQ, NRCS, IDWR, CountyGIS


Status: deferred

#5 Explore water testing programs post-flood

Duration: long

Lead agencies: Public Health – Idaho North Central District, DEQ

Partner:Lewiston Public Works

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: HAZMATs


#1 Identify potential sources of HAZMAT container loss/failure

Duration: long

Lead agencies: Regional HAZMAT team, Lewiston Fire Dept, Emergency Management

Partners:Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security


Status: deferred

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Sewage


#1Identify current “flood proof” status of municipal wastewater treatment plants

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

Duration: long

Lead agency: DEQ

Partners:Lewiston Public Works, incorporated towns


Status: deferred

#2 Revise “Flood Damage Reduction Ordinance” to require location of drainfields

outside of high flood potential areas for new construction

Duration: short

Lead agency: CountyPlanner; Health District

Cost:N/A: part of periodic review of county regulations

Status: deleted (and rewritten)

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Joint dispatch center in flood plain


#1Recommend the 911 center be located out of flood plain. Reviewalternate (possibly mobile) backup center(s)

Duration: medium

Lead Agencies: Lewiston Fire Dept, Lewiston Police Dept, Sheriff, Emergency Management

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete (Sheriff’s dispatch out of flood plain)

(Lewiston Police Dept alternate dispatch out of flood plain)

deferred(Lewiston Police primary dispatch center is in flood plain)

Hazard: Flooding

Impact: Isolate livestock and animal disposal


#1Review land use planning measures and technical assistance fromNRCS and Cooperative Extension Service (e.g., critter pads):

Duration: on-going

Lead agency: NRCS

Partners:Extension Service, S & WCD

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

Status: complete (CAFO ordinance adopted in 2006)

deferred(emerging regulations and planning measures)

#2 Form watershed working group to identify relevant parameters

Duration: on-going

Lead agency: NRCS, DEQ

Partners:Extension Service, S & WCD

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete (Watershed Advisory Groups have been formed for several


deferred(future issues identified by the Watershed Advisory Groups)

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects


Hazard: Wildland Fire

Impact: Jurisdiction and responsibilities


#1 Develop fire districts in the rural interface area of Nez Perce County


Lead agency: Nez Perce County Fire Dept and CountyCommissioners

Partners:Sheriff, CountyAuditor

Cost:$10,000 (special election costs)

Status: deferred (One new district formed – Wheatland – in 2007)

#2 Expand existing fire districts

Duration: on-going

Lead agency:Fire District Commissioners

Partners:Interested citizens, adjoining/participating towns

Cost:$10,000 (special election costs)

Status: deferred (expansion of BigCanyon, and Wheatland fire districts is in progress)

#3 Explore existing and potential mutual aid opportunities

Duration: on-going

Lead agency: Fire agencies in North Central Idaho

Partners:Fire agencies in North Central Idaho

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred (discussions occurring, but documents need signing)

#4 Review existing local, state and federal roles and responsibilities

Duration: on-going

Lead agency: All fire agencies in Nez Perce County

Partners:All fire agencies in Nez Perce County

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete

deferred(future changes in local, state and federal roles and responsibilities)

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

Hazard: Wildland Fire

Impact: Fire Service Capabilities


#1Coordinate county-wide training opportunities to accommodate both wildland and structural fires to increase safety of firefighters

Duration: long

Lead agencies: Affected fire districts

Partners:All publicfire agencies in Nez Perce County

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred

#2Provide personal protective equipment, required by NFPA and National Wildland Coordination Group, to firefighting individuals

Duration: on-going

Lead agency: Each fire department or fire district

Partners:All public fire agencies in Nez Perce County


Status: complete (with purchases under State Homeland Security Grants)

deferred(future needs with new districts, personnel, and replacement


#3Update firefighting equipment and associated tools to meet standards set by NFPA and National Wildland Coordination Group, to firefighting individuals

Duration: on-going

Lead agency: Each publicfire department or fire district

Partners:All public fire agencies in Nez Perce County


Status: deferred

#4 Provide adequate facilities for all fire fighting equipment and personnel

Duration: on-going

Lead agency: Each public fire department or fire district

Partners:Idaho Department of Lands


Status: deferred

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

#5 Allow public fire districts to have direct access to federal surplus equipment

Duration: on-going

Lead agencies: All public fire agencies in Nez Perce County

Partners:All public fire agencies in Nez Perce County, Idaho

Department of Lands, BLM

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings – policy decision

Status: deferred

Hazard: Wildland Fire

Impact: Fire Situation – treatment of fire-prone landscapes


#1 Identify fuels reduction projects in the wildland interface areas

Duration: short-medium

Lead agency: Clearwater RC & D

Partners:Citizens; all public safety agencies

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: complete (completed with the county fire mitigation plan)

#2 Create defensible space around structures in the wildland interface areas

Duration: on-going

Lead agency: Clearwater RC & D

Partners:Citizens; all public safety agencies

Cost:to be determined by each project

Status: deferred (project at Soldiers Meadows in progress)

#3 Identify existing water sources and needs

Duration: on-going

Lead agency: Idaho Department of Lands and fire commissioners

Partners:Idaho Department of Water Resources

Cost:N/A: part of scheduled meetings

Status: deferred

#4 Develop access and escape road maps

Duration: on-going

NezPerceCounty Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Appendix I to Section 8, Organizational Mitigation Projects

Lead agencies: Clearwater RC & D and Nez Perce County


Partners:CountyPlanner, Emergency Management, All public fire agencies in Nez Perce County, County Road Department, Idaho Transportation Department


Status: deferred (CountyGIS has mapped all roads. Need to be segregated by affected area)