Parent Questionnaire


Part 1. Background

1.1Your relationship to child enrolled in school: Mother_____Father_____Other_____

1.2What is your and your spouse's ethnic background?

You Your spouseYou Your spouse


______Caucasian/Anglo______American Indian/Alaskan Native


1.3What is the highest level of education that you and your spouse have completed?

You Your spouseYou Your spouse

______Elementary______Community College/Vocational School

______Junior High/Middle School______4-year College/University Degree

______High School or equivalent______Professional Degree/Graduate School

1.4What language(s) do you and your spouse speak? You:______Your Spouse:______

1.5Please check below your own and your spouse's ability to communicate in Spanish.

You Your spouse

______No ability; cannot understand or speak the language at all.

______Can understand somewhat but cannot speak the language.

______Can understand and speak the language somewhat.

______Can understand and speak the language very well.

______Native speaker, or native-like ability in the language.

1.6What are the three most important reasons for enrolling your child in the program you selected? (Put a 1 next to the MOST IMPORTANT, a 2 next to the SECOND MOST IMPORTANT, a 3 next to the THIRD MOST IMPORTANT)

_____ it is our neighborhood school

_____ it is a high quality academic program

_____ my child will be able to communicate with family, friends, or other Spanish speaking people

_____ my child will have an academic or career advantage

_____ my child will have a stronger identity as a bilingual-bicultural/multicultural individual

Part 2. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements. (CIRCLE ONE ANSWER FOR EACH STATEMENT.)


DisagreeDisagree SureAgree Agree

2.1I am satisfied that the school is giving my child

access to the subject matter that s/he needs.12345

2.2Hispanic students, parents, staff and community members are made to

feel like a valuable part of our school culture.12345

2.3The faculty and staff have been successful in promoting

diversity and understanding among the school community.12345

2.4The faculty and staff are successful in balancing the needs and

concerns of both English and Spanish speaking communities.12345

2.5I am supportive of the program my child is receiving at this school.12345

2.6I feel that my family is valued by the school. 12345

2.7I enjoy the ethnic and linguistic diversity in our school and community. 12345

2.8I would recommend this school to other parents.12345

2.9Studying Spanish would be important for my child because it would

allow him/her to be more comfortable with other Spanish speakers.12345

2.10Studying Spanish is important for my child because it will

enable him/her to better understand and appreciate Hispanic culture.12345

2.11Studying Spanish is important for my child's future career.12345

2.12Studying Spanish is important for my child because it will make him/her


Parent Questionnaire


Part 1. Background

1.1Your relationship to child enrolled in kindergarten: Mother_____Father_____Other_____

1.2What is your and your spouse's ethnic background?

You Your spouse





______American Indian/Alaskan Native

1.3What is the highest level of education that you and your spouse have completed?

You Your spouseYou Your spouse

______Elementary______Community College/Vocational School

______Junior High/Middle School______4-year College/University Degree

______High School or equivalent______Professional Degree/Graduate School

Part 2.Language and Culture

2.1What language(s) do you and your spouse speak?You:______Your Spouse:______

2.2What language did you first learn as a child before entering school? You:______Your Spouse:______

2.3Please list the language(s) most often used in the home by the:

Mother to child______

Father to child______

Parents to each other______

2.4Please check below your own and your spouse's ability to communicate in Spanish.

You Your spouse

______No ability; cannot understand or speak the language at all.

______Can understand somewhat but cannot speak the language.

______Can understand and speak the language somewhat.

______Can understand and speak the language very well.

______Native speaker, or native-like ability in the language.

2.5Have you ever studied Spanish? _____ Yes _____ No ----If yes, for how long?______

Are you currently studying Spanish? _____ Yes _____ No

2.6What is your most important reason for studying Spanish? (Check only one.)

_____ I learned/studied Spanish to fulfill coursework requirements in school or college, or for career advancement.

_____ I want to be able to communicate with family, friends, or other Spanish speakers in Spanish.

_____ I want to be able to help my child with his/her schoolwork.

2.7If you have studied Spanish, where did you learn or where are you learning Spanish?

_____ in a foreign language program (in junior high/high school/college)

_____ in a Spanish class for parents at my child's school

_____ in an immersion situation (in an immersion program, living in a Spanish speaking community or country)

2.8Have you ever spent time in a Spanish-speaking country?_____ Yes _____ No

If yes, what was the major reason?

_____ education or work

_____ family, vacation/leisure

2.9If you have studied Spanish, what is the most important benefit that you think you have received from your ability to speak Spanish? (Check only one.)

_____ I have more or better career opportunities.

_____ I am able to communicate with family, friends, or other Spanish speakers in Spanish.

2.10What are the three most important reasons for enrolling your child in the immersion program? (Put a 1 next to the MOST IMPORTANT, a 2 next to the SECOND MOST IMPORTANT, a 3 next to the THIRD MOST IMPORTANT)

_____ it is our neighborhood school

_____ it is a high quality academic program

_____ my child will be able to communicate with family, friends, or other Spanish speaking people

_____ my child will have an academic or career advantage

_____ my child will have a stronger identity as a bilingual-bicultural/multicultural individual

2.11Please check below if your child has frequent (at least weekly) access to individuals who speak Spanish to your child:

_____ Grandparent/Other family members

_____ Babysitter/child care

_____ Close family friends

Part 3. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Bilingual Immersion Program. (CIRCLE ONE ANSWER FOR EACH STATEMENT.)


DisagreeDisagree SureAgree Agree

3.1I am satisfied that the Two-Way Immersion Program is giving

my child access to the subject matter that s/he needs12345

3.2I believe that combining native English speakers and

native Spanish speakers in the classroom is the best way

for my child to learn Spanish.12345

3.3Hispanic students, parents, staff and community members are made to

feel like a valuable part of our school culture.12345

3.4I really encourage my child to speak Spanish outside of school12345

3.5I am confident that my child will be able to communicate very well

in both Spanish and English after completing the program.12345

3.6The faculty and staff have been successful in promoting

diversity and understanding among the school community.12345

3.7The faculty and staff are successful in balancing the needs and

concerns of both English and Spanish speaking communities.12345

3.8The administration in our school district office is not supportive

of the needs and concerns of the school community.12345

3.9I would recommend this program to other parents.12345

3.10Studying Spanish is important for my child because it will

allow him/her to be more comfortable with other Spanish speakers.12345

3.11Studying Spanish is important for my child because it will

allow him/her to meet and converse with more and varied people.12345

3.12Studying Spanish is important for my child because it will

enable him/her to better understand and appreciate Hispanic culture.12345

3.13Studying Spanish is important for my child because s/he will be able to

participate more freely in the activities of other cultural groups. 12345

3.14Studying Spanish is important for my child because s/he will need it for

his/her future career.12345

3.15Studying Spanish is important for my child because it will make him/her

a more knowledgeable person12345

3.16Studying Spanish is important for my child because it will make him/her


3.17Studying Spanish is important for my child because other people will

respect him/her more if s/he has knowledge of a second language.12345

Part 4. Please indicate how often you participate in the following activities.

Almost1-2 times1-2 times1-2 timesUsually

Never per yearper monthper weekDaily

4.1I/My spouse read to my child in Spanish 12345

4.2I/My spouse check out library books or buy books in Spanish 12345

4.3Spanish speaking children come to our house to play with my child12345

4.4My child goes to the homes of other Spanish speaking children 12345

4.5We (my child) watch Spanish television programs 12345

4.6We (my child) listen to Spanish radio programs 12345

4.7We attend Hispanic cultural events 12345



Parent Questionnaire -- Grades 5-6

CHILD'S NAME ______Grade Level: ______

Part 1. Background

1.1Your relationship to child enrolled in school: Mother_____Father_____Other_____

1.2What is your and your spouse's ethnic background?

You Your spouseYou Your spouse


______Caucasian/Anglo______American Indian/Alaskan Native


1.3What is the highest level of education that you and your spouse have completed?

You Your spouseYou Your spouse

______Elementary______Community College/Vocational School

______Junior High/Middle School______4-year College/University Degree

______High School or equivalent______Professional Degree/Graduate School

1.4What language(s) do you and your spouse speak? You:______Your Spouse:______

1.5Please check below your own and your spouse's ability to communicate in Spanish.

You Your spouse

______No ability; cannot understand or speak the language at all.

______Can understand somewhat but cannot speak the language.

______Can understand and speak the language somewhat.

______Can understand and speak the language very well.

______Native speaker, or native-like ability in the language.

Part 2. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements. (CIRCLE ONE ANSWER FOR EACH STATEMENT.)


DisagreeDisagree SureAgree Agree

2.1In my family, we assume that my child will go to college.12345

2.2I understand how to help prepare my child for college.12345

2.3We are a little confused about how to help our child think about and

prepare for college.12345

2.4We are not sure how to make sure our child gets the right classes in

middle school to get him/her on the right track to college.12345

2.5I would like more information about how to help my child get ready for college.12345

2.6I do not think that my child needs or wants to attend college. 12345

2.7I am aware of the different colleges/universities in our area. 12345