February 2002
Volume 2, Issue 2
Inside this Issue
  1. Calgary Chapter Annual General
  1. PF Calgary Website

  1. Membership Matters

  1. Never Too Late

  1. Partners in Habitat Development Update

  1. Annual Banquet

  1. News from Other Chapters

  1. Watershed Groups Update

  1. Habitat Report

  1. Sportsman’s Show

Contact Us
Pheasants Forever,
Calgary Chapter
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1731, Station M
Calgary, AB T2P 2L7
Business Address
#304, 255 - 17th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2S 2T8
Phone (403) 802-3777
Fax (403) 228-7996

Events at a Glance
March 22, 2002 – PF Medicine Hat Banquet
April 17, 2002 – 9th Annual Banquet & Auction. For more information or to book by phone call 802-3777


PF Calgary’s AGM was held on February 12, 2002 at 5:00 PM at the 400 Club. Members in attendance received the President’s report, financial report, PHD fundraising campaign report, chapter habitat projects report, Eastern Irrigation District PHD projects report and banquet committee report. All reports are available to members at the office. Three new directors were elected to the chapter board: Bob Gruszecki, Tim Swinton and Tom Young. Directors returning from last year for another term include Gerry Kaumeyer, Ward McLean, Gordon Billings, Dave Erickson, David Bissett, Bob Merkley, Tim Ebbels, Bob Heathcott, Don Douglas and Dan Birse.


The redesigned PF Calgary Chapter Website is up and running at Visit us for the latest information on chapter activities, habitat projects and the PHD program. You can link to PF in the USA to learn about our parent organization and to buy PF merchandise online. You can join the chapter and you can also order banquet tickets online.


If you have any questions about the status of your membership, please give us a call at the office (802-3777).

Never Too Late

I spent four days at the Calgary Sportman’s Show recently and truly enjoyed visiting with many of our members, representatives of other outdoor-oriented organizations and dozens of new faces who dropped by our booth to chat. I was disturbed, however, at the number of bird hunters who confessed that they had given up on pheasants because the number of wild birds was so low. Many seemed to feel that it was just too late to do anything meaningful about the situation. What I told them, and what I hope they will believe (as I do), is that it is not too late. The PHD Program, which will be operative in all of Alberta’s Irrigation Districts within the next five years, will make a positive difference. It has already done so in the Eastern Irrigation District since it was initiated four years ago. If you help, you can make a difference.

Gregg Norman


The first meeting of the newly established Partners in Habitat Development Advisory Board will be held in Brooks on February 27, 2002. The initial board will consist of representatives of Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited and participating Irrigation Districts.


PF Calgary was represented at the “Local Watersheds In Action” conference in Strathmore on February 7, 2002. Over 220 landowners, conservation organizations and watershed group members, local and provincial government representatives and other watershed stakeholders attended this extremely well organized and informative day-long event. PF Calgary is proud to be associated with and supporting a number of these watershed groups in the Calgary area and is looking for more opportunities to partner with other like-minded groups in southern Alberta.

News from Other Chapters


Medicine Hat Chapter President, Merv Kopperud, advises that their annual Banquet and Auction will be held on Friday, March 22, 2002. Call Merv for tickets (403 529-3846). You may also want to give us a call at the office, as some of the directors will undoubtedly be attending and there may be some carpooling opportunities.


The Lethbridge Chapter of Pheasants Forever is now up and running. Mark Virginillo is the first President of the new chapter, with a total of eight dedicated individuals on the chapter board of directors. Plans are already well underway for their inaugural fundraising banquet which will be held on September 20, 2002. Be sure to mark that date on your calendar.


The PHD program in the Eastern Irrigation District enjoyed another successful year. Over 46,000 trees and shrubs were planted, 2900 meters of fencing was purchased and installed to protect new and established habitat, 5 winter food plots were established and 5 delivery services were installed on irrigation pipelines to service both existing and future habitat project sites. The total expenditures by the partners, including in-kind donations, for the year reached $180,000.


Your chapter was also present at the Calgary Sportsman’s Show, February 15-18, 2002 at the Roundup Centre. We shared booth space with the Sarcee Fish & Game Association where we set up our display, made brochures and membership forms available and showed our new PHD promotional video to dozens of interested visitors.