Registered Charity No. 1037841
Parents/carers of children wishing to become Cub Scouts should complete this form. This information will be held only by Leaders and may be made available to the Executive Committee.
FULL NAME OF CHILD ………………………………………………………………………………..
DATE OF BIRTH ……………………………………………… AGE …………………………………
ADDRESS ………………………………………………………………………..……………………...
*TELEPHONE NO…………………………………. *MOBILE PHONE …………………………….
*E-MAIL ADDRESS: …………………………………………………………………......
SCHOOL …………………………………...... RELIGION ……………………………………..
ANY SPECIAL NEEDS? (Allergies, medication, dietary needs etc.)
* This information is essential should the need arise to contact you in an emergency situation or should we need to get information to you as a matter of urgency (i.e. to email details of Pack closure or change of meeting venue on day of meeting. We will also use email as a regular means of communicating with you to save on costs of copying and trees!).
I give permission for the Leaders of the 34th Norwich Scout Group to take photographs of my child ………………………………….. (name of child) for use within the Group/District.
I also give permission for my child to take part in adventurous and exciting activities organised by the Pack, Group or District.
Signed ……………………………………………………………… (Parent/Guardian)
Name (Block Capitals) …………………………………………………………………
Cub Scouting is a voluntary organisation and therefore we rely on parents etc. to help us provide an interesting and varied programme. If you have any hobbies, expertise or a profession which you would be able to put to good use on a meeting night or can arrange a visit or specific activity outside, please let me know. If any of the above information changes it is essential that the Cub Leader is informed in writing immediately. If you can offer your services for any of the following please tick as appropriate:
Regular Helper[ ]Story Telling[ ]
Handicraft[ ] Hut/Grounds Maintenance[ ]
Acting/Dancing[ ] Transport to Activities[ ]
Please complete and return this form to Robert Whalen, 4 Ellcar Rise, Eaton, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 6HR
34th Norwich Scout Group
(Registered Charity No. 1037841)
Dear Parents/Carers
As you will know, most employers and organisations are required to collect ethnicity and disability data as part of their recruitment processes. The Scout Association is also required to collect this data in respect of both adults and young people in Scouting.
I am sure you will understand that it is important that Scouting reflects the communities in which it operates, and provides effective activities and opportunities for all sectors of society. Whilst Scouting nationally and locally has made considerable strides in achieving this, in order to demonstrate our success we need to continue to improve the collection of accurate date.
Taking this into account, please find attached a new form issued by the Scout Association Headquarters which is intended to help the National Body collect anonymous data around ethnicity and disability. The categories on this form match those used by the UK National Census and this in turn will mean that we can get a much more accurate picture of how closely Scouting truly reflects the communities locally that it serves.
We would, therefore, be grateful if you would fully complete the form and return it to your Section Leader.
All data will be transferredanonymously to a Scout Association Summary Sheet and the form that you have completed will be securely destroyed.
Group Scout Leader
On behalf of the Scout Association
The Scout Association Census information collection form
To be completed by young person/parent
Beaver ScoutCub Scout
Explorer Scout
Network Member
A / English/Welsh/Scottinsh/Norther Irish/BritishB / Irish
C / Gypsy or Irish Traveller
D / Any other White background (please specify)
Mixed/multiple ethnic groups
E / White and Black CaribbeanF / White and Black African
G / White and Asian
H / Any other mixed/multiple ethinic background (please specify)
Asian/Asian British
I / IndianJ / Pakistani
K / Bangladeshi
L / Chinese
M / Any other Asian background (please specify)
Black/African/ Caribean/Black British
N / AfricanO / Caribbean
P / Any other Black/African/Caribbean background (please specify)
Other ethnic group
Q / ArabR / Other (please specify)
If the answer is YES, please specify:
DyslexiaAutistic spectrum
Bind/v partially sighted
Deaf/Hard of hearing
Wheelchair user/mobility difficulties
Personal Care Support
Mental health difficulties
Multiple disabilities
Unseen disability e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, etc
A disability not covered above (please state)
Please complete and return to your Section Leader.