Ebey's Landing Plants

Whidbey Island, Washington

Scientific Names Common Names Status Rpt By

Apiaceae Carrot Family

Anthriscus caucalis Bieb. burr chervil, "chervil" I 3

= Anthriscus scandicina (Weber ex Wiggers)


Conioselinum gmelinii (Cham. & Schlecht.) Steud. Pacific hemlock-parsley ... 1

= Conioselinum pacificum (S. Wats.) Coult. &


Conium maculatum L. poison hemlock I, C 1

Daucus carota L. wild carrot I, B 1

Daucus pusillus Michx. American carrot, rattlesnake weed ... 1

Lomatium nudicaule (Pursh) Coult. & Rose Indian celery, barestem … 1

biscuitroot, "barestem lomatium"

Lomatium utriculatum (Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray) spring-gold, desert-parsley ... 1

Coult. & Rose

Sanicula bipinnatifida Dougl. ex Hook. purple sanicle ... 1

Sanicula crassicaulis Poepp. ex DC. Pacific or "yellow"sanicle … 1

Asteraceae Daisy Family

Achillea millefolium L. common yarrow ... 1

Ambrosia chamissonis (Less.) Greene silver burrweed, silver bursage, 1

Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. pearly everlasting … 1

Anthemis [cotula L.]? dog fennel, "stinking chamomile" I 3

Arctium minus Bernh. common or lesser burrdock I 1

Artemisia campestris L. field sagewort, northern wormwood ... 1

Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Canada thistle I, C 1

Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. bull thistle I, C 1

Eriophyllum lanatum (Pursh) Forbes Oregon sunshine, woolly sunflower ... 1

Grindelia integrifolia DC. coastal or Puget Sound gumweed … 1

Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners var. villosa hairy goldenaster ... 1

= Chrysopsis villosa (Pursh) Nutt. ex DC.

Hypochaeris glabra L. smooth cat's ear I 1

Hypochaeris radicata L. hairy cat's ear I, B 1

Lactuca serriola L. prickly lettuce I 1

Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. oxeye daisy I, B 1

Matricaria discoidea DC. pineapple weed, disc mayweed … 1

= Matricaria matricarioides auct. non (Less.)


Pseudognaphalium stramineum (Kunth) W.A. cotton-batting plant/cudweed … 1


= Gnaphalium chilense Spreng.

Senecio jacobaea L. tansy ragwort I, B 1

Solidago canadensis L. Canada goldenrod ... 1

Sonchus arvensis L. field sowthistle I 1

Sonchus asper (L.) Hill spiny/prickly sowthistle I 1

Sonchus oleraceus L. common sowthistle I 1

Tanacetum vulgare L. common tansy I, C 1

Taraxacum officinale G.H. Weber ex Wiggers common dandelion I 1

Tragopogon dubius Scop. yellow salsify I 1

Tragopogon porrifolius L. salsify I 1

Berberidaceae Barberry Family

Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. tall Oregon grape … 1

Boraginaceae Borage Family

Amsinckia menziesii (Lehm.) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. fireweed fiddleneck ... 1

var. intermedia (Fisch & C.A. Mey.) Ganders

= Amsinckia intermedia Fisch. & C.A. Mey.

Amsinckia menziesii (Lehm.) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. rigid fiddleneck ... 1

var. menziesii

= Amsinckia retrorsa Suksdorf

Amsinckia spectabilis Fisch. & C.A. Mey. woolly breeches ... 1

Myosotis discolor Pers. yellow and blue forget-me-not I 1

Brassicaceae Mustard Family

Brassica rapa L. var. rapa field mustard I 3

= Brassica campestris L.

Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hook. American searocket ... 1

Cakile maritima Scop. European searocket I 1

Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. shepherd's purse I 1

Draba verna L. spring whitlow-grass I 1

Hesperis matronalis L. Dames violet, dames rocket I 1

Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. common/prairie pepperweed ... 1

Lepidium virginicum L. tall pepperweed/ pepper-grass ... 1

Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. hedgemustard I 1

Cactaceae Cactus Family

Opuntia fragilis (Nutt.) Haw. brittle prickly-pear cactus ... 1

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family

Lonicera hispidula (Lindl.) Dougl. ex Torr. & Gray hairy or pink honeysuckle … 1

Sambucus racemosa L. red elderberry … 1

Symphoricarpos albus (L.) Blake snowberry ... 1

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family

Cerastium arvense L. field chickweed … 1

Honckenya peploides (L.) Ehrh. sea purslane … 1

Silene latifolia Poir. ssp. alba (P. Mill.) Greuter & white campion, white cockle I, C 1


= Lychnis alba P. Mill.

Silene scouleri Hook. Scouler's campion ... 1

Spergularia salina J.& K. Presl salt sandspurry … 1

= Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb.†

Stellaria media (L.) Vill. common chickweed I 3

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family

Atriplex patula L. spear saltbush, orache, spearscale ... 1

Chenopodium album L. lambsquarters I 1

Salicornia virginica L. Virginia glasswort … 1

Clusiaceae St. John's Wort Family

Hypericum perforatum L. common St. John's wort, Klamath I, C 1


Cuscutaceae Dodder Family

Cuscuta salina Engelm. saltmarsh dodder … 1

Cyperaceae Sedge Family

Carex inops Bailey long-stolon sedge ... 1

Carex macrocephala Willd. ex Spreng. large/big-headed sedge ... 3

Carex macrochaeta C.A. Mey. large-awn sedge ... 2

Ericaceae Heath Family

Gaultheria shallon Pursh salal … 1

Fabaceae Pea Family

Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link Scotch or Scot's broom, I, B 1

Lathyrus japonicus Willd. beach pea … 1

Lupinus arboreus Sims tree or yellow bush lupine ... 1

Lupinus bicolor Lindl. two-colored or miniature lupine … 1

Lupinus littoralis Dougl. seashore lupine ... 1

Medicago sativa L. alfalfa I 1

Trifolium dubium Sibthorp least hop clover I 1

Trifolium pratense L. red clover I 1

Trifolium willdenowii Spreng. tomcat clover ... 1

= Trifolium tridentatum Lindl.

Ulex europaeus L.. gorse I, B 1

Vicia cracca L. bird vetch I 1

Vicia sativa L. common vetch I 1

Vicia villosa Roth hairy vetch I 1

Geraniaceae Geranium Family

Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Hér. ex Ait. stork's bill, filaree I 1

Geranium molle L. dovefoot geranium I 1

Grossulariaceae Currant Family

Ribes divaricatum Dougl. wild or spreading gooseberry … 1

Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir. black, swamp gooseberry … 1

Juncaceae Rush Family

Luzula multiflora (Ehrh.) Lej. common/"many flowered" woodrush ... 3

Juncaginaceae Arrow-grass Family

Triglochin maritimum L. seaside arrowgrass … 1

Lamiaceae Mint Family

Agastache urticifolia (Benth.) Kuntze nettle-leaved horse mint ... 1

Clinopodium douglasii (Benth.) Kuntze Yerba Buena … 1

= Satureja douglasii (Benth.) Briq.†

Lamium purpureum L. red or purple dead-nettle I 3

Lycopus uniflorus Michx. northern bugleweed … 1

Marrubium vulgare L. horehound I 1

Stachys chamissonis Benth. var. cooleyae (Heller) coastal hedge-nettle, "hedge nettle" … 1

G. Mulligan & D. Munro

= Stachys cooleyae Heller

Liliaceae Lily Family

Allium acuminatum Hook. Hooker's onion ... 1

Brodiaea coronaria (Salisb.) Engl. harvest brodiaea, harvest lily … 1

Camassia quamash (Pursh) Greene common camas … 1

Fritillaria affinis (Schultes) Sealy var. affinis checker or chocolate lily, "mission ... 1

= Fritillaria lanceolata Pursh bells"

Maianthemum dilatatum (Wood) A. Nels. & J.F. false lily-of-the-valley … 1


Triteleia hyacinthina (Lindl.) Greene hyacinth or white brodiaea, "fools … 2

= Brodiaea hyacinthina (Lindl.) Baker var. onion"

lactea Baker

Zigadenus venenosus S. Wats. meadow death-camas … 3

Malvaceae Mallow Family

Sidalcea hirtipes C.L. Hitchc. hairy-stemmed checker mallow ... 1

Nyctaginaceae Four-o'clock Family

Abronia latifolia Eschsch. coastal sand verbena ... 1

Pinaceae Pine Family

Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco Douglas fir … 1

Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg. western hemlock … 1

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family

Plantago lanceolata L. English or "narrowleaf" plantain, I 1

Plantago maritima L. seaside plantain, goose tongue, … 1

Plumbaginaceae Plumbago, Leadwort Family

Armeria maritima (P. Mill.) Willd. sea thrift, seapink … 1

Poaceae Grass Family

Agrostis capillaris L. colonial brome, colonial bentgrass I 1

= Agrostis tenuis Sibthorp

Agrostis gigantea Roth redtop I 1

Dactylis glomerata L. orchard grass I 1

Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene saltgrass, "inland saltgrass" … 1

Festuca idahoensis Elmer Idaho fescue, blue bunchgrass … 1

Festuca rubra L. red fescue ... 1

Holcus lanatus L. common velvet grass I 1

Leymus mollis (Trin.) Pilger ssp. mollis American dunegrass ... 1

Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S.J. Darbyshire tall or reed fescue I 1

= Festuca arundinacea Schreb.†

Poa bulbosa L. bulbous bluegrass I 1

Poa macrantha Vasey seashore bluegrass ... 1

Polygonaceae Buckwheat Family

Polygonum paronychia Cham. & Schlecht. beach knotweed ... 1

Rumex acetosella L. sheep sorrel I 1

Rumex crispus L. curly dock I 1

Rumex salicifolius Weinm. willow dock … 1

Portulacaceae Purslane Family

Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz & Pavón) DC. fringed redmaids, "red maids" ... 3

Claytonia perfoliata Donn ex Willd. ssp. perfoliata miner's lettuce, perfoliate miner's ... 1

= Montia perfoliata (Donn ex Willd.) T.J. Howell lettuce

Primulaceae Primrose Family

Trientalis borealis Raf. ssp. latifolia (Hook.) Hultén broad-leaved or western starflower … 1

= Trientalis latifolia Hook.†

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family

Ranunculus occidentalis Nutt. western buttercup ... 3

Rosaceae Rose Family

Aphanes arvensis L. western lady's mantle I 1

= Alchemilla occidentalis Nutt.

Argentina egedii (Wormsk.) Rydb. ssp. egedii Pacific silverweed ... 1

= Potentilla pacifica T.J. Howell

Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. oceanspray … 1

Rosa nutkana K. Presl Nootka rose ... 1

Rosa rugosa Thunb. sea tomato I 1

Rubiaceae Madder Family

Galium aparine L. woodland bedstraw, cleavers … 1

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family

Lithophragma parviflorum (Hook.) Nutt. ex Torr. & small-flowered woodland/prairie star ... 1


Scrophulariaceae Figwort Family

Triphysaria pusilla (Benth.) Chuang & Heckard dwarf owl's-clover … 1

= Orthocarpus pusillus Benth.

Veronica hederifolia L. ivy speedwell I 1

Urticaceae Nettle Family

Urtica dioica L. stinging nettle I 1

Violaceae Violet Family

Viola adunca Sm. early blue violet ... 1

Ferns and Allies

Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken Fern Family

Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn bracken ... 1

Equisetaceae Horsetail Family

Equisetum L. horsetail ... 1

Equisetum variegatum Schleich. ex F. Weber & variagated or northern scouringrush ... 1

D.M.H. Mohr var. variegatum

Report Dates:

First reported April, 1992. Last updated June 3, 2002.

Reported By:

1.  This list was first compiled from reports from a field trip of the Central Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS) led by Clayton Antieau in April, 1992, and from a Salal Chapter trip led by Art Kermoade in July, 1992. It has been expanded as a result of many subsequent field trips by members of the WNPS, in particular individuals from the Salal and Koma Kulshan Chapters. Known contributors to version 1 include Antieau, C., Duemmel, J., Dursh, A., Hoff, M., Kermoade, A., Legg, P., Mitchell, H. and Youngman, P. (if you contributed names to the original list(s) and want your name added, please let us know). Many additions are based on notes provided by Harold Mitchell, Salal Chapter.

2.  Duemmel, J., June 26, 2001. Summary of field trip notes.

3.  Duemmel, J., Hitchman, M. and Mitchell, H. June 3, 2002.

About Ebey’s Landing:

Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve is part of our national park system. Created by Congress in 1978, it is intended to “preserve and protect a rural community which provides an unbroken historic record from...19th century exploration and settlement in Puget Sound to the present time." To learn more about the 17,400-acre Reserve, visit the national parks website at http://www.nps.gov/ebla/home.htm.


Unless otherwise noted, scientific names are from the PLANTS database, Version 3.0 (USDA, 1999). Common names are those used regionally, followed by the reported common names in quotes, if different. Introduced plants are identified in Weinmann, 1999 and in the PLANTS database. Weed status is from the 1999-2000 Washington State Noxious Weed List. The following symbols and acronyms are used in this report:

= Alternate or reported scientific names, if different from those in the PLANTS database.

† Alternate scientific names also used in the Jepson Manual (Hickman, 1993).

? Tentative or incomplete identification.

A, B, C Washington State noxious weed status (see reference below).

I Introduced species.


Hickman, James C. (Editor). 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press.

From the CalFlora Database (http://www.calflora.org/calflora/).

USDA, NRCS 1999. The PLANTS database (http://plants.usda.gov/plants). National Plant Data Center, Baton

Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.

Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board. 1999. Washington State Noxious Weed List.

Weinmann, Fred. 1999. King County Vascular Plants (available from the Washington Native Plant Society).

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