06614 Request for Qualifications and Quotation
Toll Free Calling and Support Services
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Request for Qualifications and Quotation06614
Toll Free Calling and Support Services
The Washington State Department of Enterprise Services, Master Contracts and Consulting Unit (DES), issues this Request for Qualifications and Quotation (RFQQ) under the authority of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 39.26.DES reserves the right to modify dates and times. Any changes will be sent electronically as amendments to all users of Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) who download this RFQQ.
Posted to WEBS...... February 4, 2015
Question-and-answer period...February 18, 2015 through March 1, 2015
Pre-Bid Conference Data, Time, and LocationFebruary 17, 2015
...... 9:00 am – 11:00 am
...... 1500 Jefferson St SE
...... Olympia, WA 98504 Room 2332
Final Amendment posted to WEBs (if necessary)March 5, 2015
Bids are due...... March 10, 2015, 2 p.m.
Anticipated award date...... April 1, 2015
Procurement coordinator.....Neva Peckham
(360) 407-9411
Deliver bids to...... Washington State Department of Enterprise Services
Contracts & Legal Services
1500 Jefferson St SE
Olympia, WA 98501
Attention:Tech Brokerage Office
IMPORTANT: Bids must be delivered in a sealed package and should have the following information on the outside:
- Bid Response to RFQQ 06614 for Toll Free Calling Services and Support
- Bid due date and time
- Name and address of Bidder’s company
1.1Purpose of the RFQQ
1.3Contract term
1.4Estimated usage
2.1Announcement and special information
2.2Complaint, debrief and protest (general information)
2.3Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS)
2.5Bidder communication responsibilities
2.6Bidder responsiveness
2.8Additional Equipment and/or Services
2.9Management fee
2.10Non-endorsement and publicity
2.11Dealer authorization
2.12Economic and environmental goals
2.13Vendor qualifications
2.13.1Qualified Purchasers Verification
2.13.2Required Registrations
2.13.3Network Routing
2.13.4Responsible Organization
2.13.5Single Point of Contact
2.13.6Minimum level of Experience
2.14Vendor status as a Washington business
2.15E-Rate Program (Mandatory)
2.16Use of Third Party Vendors
2.17Prior contract performance
2.18Debarment and suspension (if applicable)
3.1Pre-bid meeting
3.2Bid submittals responsiveness checklist
3.4Confidentiality, proprietary material and trade secrets
3.5Due date and time
3.6Bid opening
4.1General provisions
4.2Best and Final Offer
4.4Determination of responsiveness
4.5Determination of responsibility
4.6Price evaluation
4.7Technical specifications evaluation
4.8Selection of Apparent Successful Bidder
4.9Announcement of Apparent Successful Bidder
4.11Bid information availability after award
5.1Incorporated documents and order of precedence
5.3Authority to bind
5.5Contract usage report
5.6Additional Reporting Requirements
5.8Price adjustments
5.9Miscellaneous expenses
6Technical and service requirements
6.1Existing Telecommunications Environment (Appendix E)(Mandatory)
6.1.2Long Distance Network
6.1.3Voice Messaging
6.1.4Cellular service
6.2Toll Free Number Service Requirements (Appendix E)(Mandatory)
6.2.1Voice Transmission
6.2.2Grade of Service
6.2.3Call Setup Time
6.2.4Continuous Operation
6.2.5Diverse Routing
6.2.6Coverage Outside Washington
6.2.7SS7 Network Support Local Exchange Carriers
6.2.8Predetermined Percentage Routing
6.2.9Geographical Routing
6.2.10Time of Day Routing
6.2.11Day of Week Routing
6.2.12Network Congestion Routing
6.2.13Originating Phone Number Routing
6.2.14Carrier Automated Routing
6.2.15Emergency Routing
6.2.16Service Interruption Routing
6.2.17ISDN & SIP Support
6.2.18ANI Support
6.2.19Local Calling Area Blocking
6.2.20Originating Number Blocking
6.2.21Co-location of CPE
6.2.22Disaster Recovery Plan
6.2.23DNIS Support
6.2.24Service Locations
6.2.25Dedicated Service Minimum Usage
6.2.26Automatic Forwarding
6.2.27TNT & TBCT Support
6.2.28Automatic Call Termination
6.2.29Fax Support
6.2.30Service Information Website
6.2.31Service Support Website
6.3Toll Free Service Availability/Reliability (Appendix E) (Mandatory)
6.3.1Service Availability
6.3.2Service Performance
6.3.3Out of Service Definition
6.3.4Extended Out of Service Conditions
6.3.5Toll Free Number Outage
6.4Service Installation (Appendix E)(Mandatory)
6.5Purchaser Support (Appendix E)(Mandatory)
6.5.1Help Desk Function
6.5.2Vendor Support Functions
6.5.4Account Representatives
6.5.5Purchaser Service Number
6.5.8Detail Call Records
6.5.9Protection of Purchaser’s Confidential Information
6.5.10Maximum and Minimum Billing Increment
6.5.11Transition Planning
6.6Date Warranty (Appendix E)(Mandatory)
6.7State Price List (Mandatory)
6.8State Price List Format (Mandatory)
6.9Training Rates (Optional)
6.10Documentation Rates (Optional)
6.11Consultation Rates (Optional)
6.12Interactive Voice Response (IVR) (Optional)
6.13Prices for Evaluation (Mandatory)
6.14Presentation of All Price Components (Mandatory)
6.15Universal Service Fund Charges (Mandatory)
6.16Other Pricing Factors (Mandatory)
6.17900 Services and Policy (Optional)
7.1Evaluation Model
7.2Final Total Points
7.3Pricing Evaluation Models
Appendix A: Master Contract Terms and Conditions
Appendix B: Bidder Profile
Appendix C: Price Proposal
Appendix D: Non-Price Proposal
Appendix E: Mandatory Technical and Service Specifications
Appendix F: Sample Statewide Price List
Appendix G: Complaint, Debrief and Protest Procedures
Appendix H: Supplier Diversity
Appendix J: Definitions
Appendix K: Exceptions
06614 Request for Qualifications and Quotation
Toll Free Calling and Support Services
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1.1Purpose of the RFQQ
The purpose of this RFQQ is toestablish a Master Contract for Toll-Free Calling and Support Services.
To accommodate Customer flexibility needs, the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) may award to multiple Vendors who provide the best value.
This contract will be available for use by all Washington state agencies and authorized parties to the Master Contracts Usage Agreement (MCUA), including institutions of higher education, cities and counties, other political subdivisions or special districts, and nonprofit corporations.
The use of the resulting contractsis optional forall usersauthorized by theDES under the MCUA:
1.3Contract term
The initial term of the contractis three (3) yearsfrom award of the contract. Contract award will be effective upon DES countersignature.Options to extend for additional term(s) or portions thereof will not exceed nine (9) years unless circumstances require a special extension. Total contract term will not exceed nine (9) years.Extensions will be exercised at the sole discretion of DES bywritten mutual agreement.DES reserves the right to extend with all or some of the contractors.
1.4Estimated usage
Purchases over the initial three-year term of the contract could approximate $24 millionfrom (user agency/all users).Purchase potential from other purchasersis unknown.
DES does not represent or guarantee any minimum purchase.
2.1Announcement and specialinformation
The RFQQ, its appendices, attachments, amendments and any approved portions of the Bidders response will comprise the entire RFQQand will become the resulting contract between DES and the awarded contractor(s) when it is countersigned by DES.
NOTE:The Master Contract Terms and Conditions, which is Appendix Ato this RFQQ, contains general provisions and terms for solicitations issued by DES. Should a term within the Master Contract Terms and Conditions conflict with a term elsewhere in thisRFQQ, the RFQQ will prevail.
2.2Complaint, debrief and protest (general information)
NOTE: See also Appendix D,Complaint, Debriefand Protest Procedures, located in the Appendices section below.
Complaint: This solicitation offers a complaint period forBidders wishing to voice objections to this solicitation.The complaint period ends five business days before the bid due date.The complaint period is an opportunity for theBidder to voice objections, raise concerns or suggest changes. Failure by theBidder to raise a complaint at this stage may waive its right for later consideration. DES will consider all complaints but is not required to uphold a complaint, in part or full.IfBidder complaints result in changes to the RFQQ, written amendments will be issued and posted on WEBS.
Complaints must be sent to the Procurement Coordinator located on the face page of this document.
Debrief: Debrief meetings are an opportunity for theBidder and the Procurement Coordinator to meet and discuss theBidder’s bid.A debrief is a required prerequisite for aBidder wishing to lodge a protest.Following the evaluation of the bids, DES will issue an announcement of the Apparent SuccessfulBidder (ASB). That announcement may be made by any means, but DES will likely use email to theBidder’s email address provided in theBidder’s bid.Bidders will have three business days to request a debrief meeting.Once a debrief meeting is requested, DES will offer the requestingBidder one meeting opportunity and notify theBidder of themeeting place, date and time.Please note, because the debrief process must occur before making an award, DES will likely schedule the debrief meeting shortly following the announcement of the ASB and theBidder’s request for a debrief meeting. DES will not allow the debrief process to delay the award or be used as a delaying tactic. Therefore,Bidders should plan for contingencies and alternate representatives andBidders unwilling or unable to attend the debrief meeting will lose the opportunity to protest.
Protest:Bidders wishing to protest must do so in conformity with Appendix A,Complaint,Debrief and Protest Procedures.
2.3Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS)
Bidders are solely responsible for:
- Properly registering with Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) at maintaining an accurate Vendor profile in WEBS.
- Downloading the RFQQ packet consisting of the RFQQ, all appendices, and incorporated documents related to the RFQQ for which you are interested in bidding.
- Downloading all current and subsequent amendments to the RFQQ to ensure receipt of all RFQQ documents.
Notification of amendments to the RFQQ will only be provided to those vendors who have registered with WEBS and have downloaded the RFQQ from WEBS.Failure to do so may result in aBidder having incomplete, inaccurate, or otherwise inadequate information and bid.
Prior to the biddue date and time, DES reserves the right to change portions of this RFQQ.Any changewill be issued in writing by DES as an amendment and incorporated into the RFQQ.If there is any conflict between amendments, or between an amendment and the RFQQ, the document issued last in time will be controlling. OnlyBidders who have properly registered and downloaded the original RFQQdirectly via WEBS will receive notification of amendments and other correspondence pertinent to the procurement.
2.5Biddercommunication responsibilities
During the RFQQprocess, allBidder communications about this RFQQ must be directed to the Procurement Coordinator. Unauthorized contact regarding this RFQQ with other state employees involved with the RFQQ may result in disqualification. All oral and written communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding.Bidders should rely only on written amendments issued by the Procurement Coordinator.
Bidders are encouraged to make any inquiry as early in the process as possible to allow DES time to consider and respond; however, no response is required from the Procurement Coordinator.
If aBidder does not notify DES of an issue, exception, addition, or omission, DES may consider the matter waived by theBidder for protest purposes.
IfBidder inquiries result in changes to the RFQQ, written amendments will be issued and posted on WEBS.
2.6Bidder responsiveness
Bidders are to respond to each question/requirement contained in this RFQQ. Failure to comply with any applicable item may result in a bid being deemed non-responsive and disqualified.
DES reserves the right to determine the actual level ofBidders’ compliance with the requirements specified in this RFQQ and to waive informalities in a bid.An informality is an immaterial variation from the exact requirements of the competitive RFQQ, having no effect or merely a minor or negligible effect on quality, quantity, or delivery of the supplies or performance of the services being procured, and the correction or waiver of which would not affect the relative standing of, or be otherwise prejudicial toBidders.
Bid prices must include all price components needed for the delivery of the goods and/or services as described in this RFQQ.Failure to identify all prices in a manner consistent with the instructions in this RFQQ is sufficient grounds for disqualification.
NOTE: Pricing provided on thePrice Worksheet is to be rounded to the nearest whole cent.For evaluation purposes only, any pricing submitted in portions of whole centswill be rounded into whole centsutilizing the MS Excel “round” function as shown inthe extendedprice calculation.
2.8Additional Equipment and/or Services
Additional Equipment and/or Services that are appropriate to the scope of this RFQQ, as determined by the State, may be added to the resulting Master Contract by mutual agreement through a written amendment.
2.9Management fee
All master contracts executed as a result of this RFQQ will be subject to a management fee, paid by the contractor to DES. The management fee is further described in Appendix A, MasterContract Terms and Conditions, Section 3.8 (Management fee) and Section 3.9 (Contract usage report).
The management fee will be 0.74 percent of contract sales/purchase price for work orders. The purchase price is defined as total invoice price less sales tax. No taxes will be assessed against the management fee.
2.10Non-endorsement and publicity
In selecting aBidder to supply Toll-Free Calling and Support Services specified herein to contract purchasers, neither DES nor the purchasers are endorsing theBidder’s Toll Free Calling and Support Services, nor suggesting they are the best or only solution that would satisfytheir needs.
2.11Dealer authorization
TheBidder, if other than the manufacturer, must provide upon request a current, dated and signed authorization from the manufacturer that theBidder is an authorized distributor, dealer or service representative and is authorized to sell the manufacturer's products.Failure to provide manufacturer’s authorization upon request may result in bid rejection.
2.12Economic and environmental goals
In support of the state’s economic and environmental goals, although not an award factor (unless otherwise specified herein),Bidders are encouraged to consider the following in responding to this RFQQ:
- Support for a diverse supplier pool, including small, veteran-owned, minority-owned and women-owned business enterprises. DES has establishedfor this RFQQvoluntary numerical goals of:
3 percent women-owned businesses (WBE);
3 percent minority-owned businesses(MBE);
3 percent small businesses (SB);
3 percent veteran-owned businesses (VB).
- Achievement of these goals is encouraged whether directly or through subcontractors.Bidders may contact the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprisesfor information on certified firmsor to become certified. Also see Appendix I Procurement Reform Small Business Fact Sheet.
- Use of environmentally preferable goods and services to include post-consumer waste and recycled content.
- Products made or grown in Washington.
2.13Vendor qualifications
2.13.1Qualified Purchasers Verification
Vendors must state in their response that they have read, understand, and will fully comply with each of the following requirements. The Toll Free Number Services will be provided to Qualified Purchasers within the state of Washington who have a executed Master Contracts Usage Agreement (MCUA).
2.13.2Required Registrations
The Vendor meets all TOLL FREE CALLING AND SUPPORT SERVICES requirements.Vendor has obtained any necessary registrations with federal, state and local regulatory authorities, including the Federal Communications Commission and the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission necessary to provide Toll Free Number Services.
2.13.3Network Routing
Vendor is able to perform as the responsible organization for Toll Free Number Service. This will include implementation of network routing among single or multiple Toll Free Number Service providers.
2.13.4Responsible Organization
Vendor guarantees that their firm will remain the Responsible Organization (RESP ORG) throughout the term of the contract. Specifically, they will be the entity that is responsible for managing and administering the Toll Free Number Purchaser’s record information in the nationwide SMS/Toll Free database.
Vendor agrees to transfer Responsible Organization (RESP ORG) authority upon notification by Purchaser of intent to transfer service.
2.13.5Single Point of Contact
Vendor will be the single focal point for all issues related to service, billing and problem resolution. Vendor will also be able to have direct network management control over the Toll Free call transactions for Purchasers served by this Contract.
2.13.6Minimum level of Experience
Vendor must have at least three (3) years of experience providing the Service proposed in Vendor’s response to customers of similar size to the State.
2.14Vendor status as a Washington business
The “Apparently Successful Vendor” must agree to register with the Washington State Department of Revenue. The Vendor must additionally agree to collect and report all applicable state taxes.
2.15E-Rate Program (Mandatory)
Vendors must commit to participate in the Federal Communication Commission’s E-rate discount program established under authority of the Federal Telecommunications Commission Act of 1996. Participation in and implementation of this program will be provided without the addition of any service or administration fee by the Vendor. Please declare that you understand and accept this requirement.
2.16Use of Third Party Vendors
The Vendor must state if third party Vendors are/are not being used. If the Vendor is using third party Vendors, they must be listed in the Appendix B Bidder Profile.
2.17Prior contract performance
If the Vendor has had a contract terminated for default during the past five years, all such incidents must be described. Termination for default is defined as notice to stop performance due to the Vendor’s non-performance or poor performance and the issue was either: (a) not litigated; or (b) litigated and such litigation determined the Vendor to be in default.
Submit full details of all terminations for default experienced by the Vendor in the past five years including the other party’s name, address and telephone number. Present the Vendor’s position on the matter. DES will evaluate the facts and may, at its sole discretion, reject the Vendor’s quote if the facts discovered indicate that completion of a contract resulting from this TOLL FREE CALLING AND SUPPORT SERVICES may be jeopardized by selection of the Vendor.
If no such terminations for default have been experienced by the Vendor in the past five years, so declare.
2.18Debarment and suspension (if applicable)
The contractor certifies, that neither it nor its “principals” (as defined in 49 CFR. 29.105 (p) is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency. Furthermore, Bidder certifies that neither it nor its “principals” (as defined in 49 CFR.29.105 (p) is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any state governmental entity.
3.1Pre-bid meeting
DES will host a pre-bid meeting to address RFQQ requirements at the time and location indicated on the cover page. While attendance is not mandatory,Bidders are encouraged to attend and participate. The purpose of the pre-bid meeting is to clarify the RFQQ as needed and raise any issues or concerns, especially those of the vendor community. If interpretations, specifications, or other changes to the RFQQ are required as a result of the meeting, the Procurement Coordinator will post an amendment to WEBS.